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When the police have no suspect, they may ask an eyewitness to construct a facial composite of that suspect from memory. Faces are primarily processed holistically, and recently developed computerized holistic facial composite systems (e.g., EFIT-V) have been designed to match these processes. The reported research compared children aged 6–11 years with adults on their ability to construct a recognizable EFIT-V composite. Adult constructor's EFIT-Vs received significantly higher composite-suspect likeness ratings from assessors than children's, although there were some notable exceptions. In comparison to adults, the child constructors also overestimated the composite-suspect likeness of their own EFIT-Vs. In a second phase, there were no differences between adult controls and constructors in correct identification rates from video lineups. However, correct suspect identification rates by child constructors were lower than those of child controls, suggesting that a child's memory for the suspect can be adversely influenced by composite construction. Nevertheless, all child constructors coped with the demands of the EFIT-V system, and the implications for research, theory, and the criminal justice system practice are discussed.  相似文献   
笑容是人类最普遍、最频繁的表情。人类进化出伪装笑容的能力,也拥有部分识别伪装的能力。在表情的表达与识别上,动态信息起着重要的作用。一方面,笑容表达的动态特征可能为区分真伪笑容提供重要的信息,所以我们拟借助近年发展的计算机视觉的特征提取技术,系统地量化分析真伪笑容的动态特征(时长、方向、速度、流畅性、运动对称性、不同部位同步性、头动模式等),考察笑容在不同伪装方式及不同情境下的区别与一致性,深入理解人类笑容表达的特点。另一方面,通过探索有效动态特征与正确识别率的关系,检验知觉-注意假说,了解真伪笑容的识别特点及研究识别机制。通过比较动态真伪笑容的表达特点与识别特点,进一步理解人类表情信号编码与解码之间的关系。  相似文献   
面孔吸引力是对个体容貌的审美评价。根据进化心理学的观点,面孔吸引力是配偶价值的线索。这一假设是进化心理学视角下的面孔吸引力研究的前提所在。本文就涉及这一核心假设的研究进行梳理,重点关注影响面孔吸引力的形态特征与配偶价值的关系。这些形态特征包括面孔的性别二态性特征,面孔的波动性不对称特征以及面孔的肥胖特征。  相似文献   
综述了近年来关于精神分裂症对情绪面部表情加工损伤的研究,讨论了这种损伤的性质,以及对这种损伤性质的解释,比如它属于一般性还是特异性的损伤,与临床症状以及认知特征之间的关系等。比较分析表明,精神分裂症情绪面部表情知觉损伤,可能兼有面部信息加工障碍和情绪信息知觉困难的特性。另外,介绍了国外关于针对精神分裂症面部表情再认和识别的康复训练研究以及近年来利用事件相关电位(ERPs)和功能磁共振成像(fMRI)等认知神经科学技术进行的神经生理机制研究  相似文献   
Several systems for measuring pain behaviour have been developed for clinical settings. The present study reports on a real-time system for coding five categories of pain behaviour for low-back pain patients: guarding, touching, sounds, words, and facial expression. Unique features of the system are the use of refined measures of facial expression and integration of the measurements with a standardized physical examination. 176 sub-acute and chronic low-back pain patients underwent a physical examination while their pain behaviour was coded. Concurrent measures of subjective pain, medically-incongruent signs, and independent global ratings of pain behaviour were taken. Analyses indicated that the pain behaviours, particularly guarding and facial expression, varied systematically with the alternative measures, supporting the concurrent validity of the behaviour observation system. While pain behaviours, especially use of words and facial expressions, were significantly associated with the examiners' independent ratings, the strength of the associations suggested that, in the absence of direct training, examiners' performance was relatively poor. Implications for training of clinicians in detecting pain behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   
本研究采用随意学习的实验范式,探讨了结句中是否包含比喻性成语以及被试的工作记忆容量大小对文章段落回忆成绩的影响.实验中所有被试被要求阅读6个说明体的文章段落,然后接受一个有提示的回忆测验.研究发现(1)所有被试对结句中包含比喻性成语的段落回忆成绩比结句中没有比喻性成语的段落好.(2)结句中是否包含比喻性成语和被试工作记忆容量之间存在着交互作用.若结句中包含比喻性成语,段落的回忆成绩不受被试工作记忆容量的制约,反之则会.这些结果可能表明,比喻性成语的某些特点,如形象性或易记性,作为一种辅助手段促进了被试对文章内容的记忆、保持和回忆.  相似文献   
Facial pain is frequently associated with environmental stress and emotional distress. One hypothetical mechanism by which stress is translated into pain is through stress induced motor function (e.g., teeth clenching, grinding, nail biting). Existent data partially supports these stress-hyperactivity models although they have also come under theoretical and empirical attack. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between oral behaviors and pain in an analog sample of facial pain sufferers and student controls. Subjects engaged in a controlled clenching task and reported on subjective facial pain intensity and unpleasantness at 5 specified times over the subsequent 48 hours. A one-way ANCOVA indicated group differences in self reported oral habits (p < .05) with the facial pain group reporting great frequency of oral habits. Two repeated measures ANCOVAs (i.e., pain intensity and pain unpleasantness), controlling for baseline pain ratings, indicated a between groups effect with facial pain sufferers experiencing significantly greater pain over the 48 hours postexperiment (p < .05). This study supports a hyperactivity model of facial pain and provides clues about relevant factors in facial pain development.  相似文献   
情绪性工作的研究现状   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
情绪性工作是为表达组织所期待的情绪所做出的心理调节加工,是制约工作绩效高低和组织目标达成的重要因素。该文在介绍情绪性工作的涵义、特征的基础上,从规则的效度、表达的类型、调节的策略、理论的模型以及工作的后效等方面,介绍了当前情绪性工作的研究现状。  相似文献   
Studies using facial emotional expressions as stimuli partially support the assumption of biased processing of social signals in social phobia. This pilot study explored for the first time whether individuals with social phobia display a processing bias towards emotional prosody. Fifteen individuals with generalized social phobia and fifteen healthy controls (HC) matched for gender, age, and education completed a recognition test consisting of meaningless utterances spoken in a neutral, angry, sad, fearful, disgusted or happy tone of voice. Participants also evaluated the stimuli with regard to valence and arousal. While these ratings did not differ significantly between groups, analysis of the recognition test revealed enhanced identification of sad and fearful voices and decreased identification of happy voices in individuals with social phobia compared with HC. The two groups did not differ in their processing of neutral, disgust, and anger prosody.  相似文献   
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