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Studies examining visual abilities in individuals with early auditory deprivation have reached mixed conclusions, with some finding congenital auditory deprivation and/or lifelong use of a visuospatial language improves specific visual skills and others failing to find substantial differences. A more consistent finding is enhanced peripheral vision and an increased ability to efficiently distribute attention to the visual periphery following auditory deprivation. However, the extent to which this applies to visual skills in general or to certain conspicuous stimuli, such as faces, in particular is unknown. We examined the perceptual resolution of peripheral vision in the deaf, testing various facial attributes typically associated with high-resolution scrutiny of foveal information processing. We compared performance in face-identification tasks to performance using non-face control stimuli. Although we found no enhanced perceptual representations in face identification, gender categorization, or eye gaze direction recognition tasks, fearful expressions showed greater resilience than happy or neutral ones to increasing eccentricities. In the absence of an alerting sound, the visual system of auditory deprived individuals may develop greater sensitivity to specific conspicuous stimuli as a compensatory mechanism. The results also suggest neural reorganization in the deaf in their opposite advantage of the right visual field in face identification tasks.  相似文献   
Due to the high rates of traffic accidents in young drivers, psychology studies identify road anger as an important factor associated to risk driving behaviors, in order to know which psychological variables can predict road anger, the literature suggest impulsivity as an individual condition related to anger. The objective of this research is to obtain an explanatory model of risk driving as a result of the relationship of impulsivity, road anger expression and the control of impulsivity and anger. A sample of 407 subjects, both sexes drivers were surveyed, obtaining a structural equation model with acceptable adjustment values. The model showed that control of impulsivity and anger predict impulsivity (β = −0.25) and physical expression of anger (β = −0.50), Impulsivity also showed predictive capacity towards the physical expression of anger (β = 0.29), and the physical expression of anger towards risk driving behaviors (β = 0.89). Due to the findings it is suggested the implementation of social programs that promote the development of anger regulatory skills and impulse control, as part of the preventive actions of road accidents.  相似文献   
时距知觉指对数百毫秒到数个小时时长的知觉, 是日常生活中许多活动的基础。时距知觉受到相当多因素的影响, 如唤醒、注意、动机等。疼痛是一种多维度的心理及生理现象, 包含有感觉分辨、情绪动机、认知评价三个成分。近期研究证明时距知觉会在疼痛背景下发生改变。疼痛背景下时距知觉的相关研究主要涉及三个方面:(1)健康被试对疼痛面孔的时距知觉; (2)实验室诱发疼痛对健康被试时距知觉的影响; (3)临床疼痛患者的时距知觉变化。探索疼痛背景下时距知觉的变化, 可以为理解疼痛的发生发展机制以及时间知觉的机制提供一个新视角。  相似文献   
恐惧情绪由于其具有威胁性而优先得到有效的加工。其中空间频率作为处理面孔信息的基础成分, 通过不同的神经通路影响恐惧面孔表情的加工。双通路观点认为在皮层下通路上, 低空间频率的恐惧面孔表情存在优先传递性, 高空间频率则主要通过皮层通路对恐惧面孔表情进行精细化加工; 而多通路则能够更加灵活地处理空间频率对情绪加工的影响。未来研究应明确脑区及其子区域在多条通路上的作用, 从而进一步验证视觉信息是如何影响情绪加工的。  相似文献   
基于框架效应和共情–助人行为假说,以82名大学生为被试,通过实验探讨了网络募捐中求助者的面部表情对捐助意愿的影响,并考察了目标框架的调节作用以及共情的中介作用。结果表明:目标框架调节了求助者的面部表情对捐助者的共情和捐助意愿的影响。在积极框架下,消极面部表情对捐助者的共情和捐助意愿的积极影响显著高于积极面部表情;而在消极框架下,两种面部表情对捐助者的共情和捐助意愿的影响均无显著差异。研究还发现了有中介的调节作用模型,共情在求助者的面部表情对捐助意愿的影响中发挥中介作用,而目标框架是有中介的调节变量。  相似文献   
网络慈善众筹是从在线社区获得财力捐助的行为。本研究通过3个实验,考察在线社交平台上受益者面部表情与捐赠者–受益者关系对慈善众筹捐赠行为的影响。结果发现,快乐的面部表情对捐赠金额和分享意愿的影响总体上比悲伤更大;捐赠者–受益者共有的熟人关系比陌生人关系对捐赠金额与分享意愿的影响更大;面部表情与捐赠者–受益者关系对慈善众筹的捐赠金额存在交互作用,但对分享意愿没有显著性影响。结果表明,在线社交平台的慈善众筹捐赠行为更偏好有快乐面部表情的受益者,并且更多地受到间接的、社会交换预期微弱的熟人共有关系的影响。  相似文献   
面孔宽长比(fWHR)是指面孔宽度与长度(或高度)之间的比值。它是一种反映男性青春期睾酮分泌水平高低的面部结构,并被视为男性气质的评价指标。多项研究表明,fWHR与攻击、支配、冒险、欺骗、追求个体成就等男性气质行为相关。本文对该领域研究成果进行了详细述评,并指出未来研究可在性别差异、影响机制、跨文化研究等方面加以探讨。  相似文献   
近年来,面孔研究已渗透进领导力研究领域,并掀起了一股领导者面孔特征的研究热潮。目前,可操作化的领导者面孔特征主要包括:面孔年龄、面孔宽高比和面孔特质,这些面孔特征不仅会影响下属的态度和行为,还能提供客观的组织绩效信息。认知心理学的内隐领导理论、原型匹配理论和进化心理学的优良基因理论、本能释放理论是上述机制的重要依据。未来研究可探讨华人领导者的娃娃脸效应及权变因素。  相似文献   
The goal of the present study was to examine intracultural variations in Turkish children's emotion expression in relation to socioeconomic status (SES) characteristics, alone and in combination with child gender and their interaction partners. Children's expectations about outcomes from expressing and their reasons for hiding their felt emotion in situations that involved unfairness, disappointment, public failure and a mishap were also delineated. A total of 123 school‐aged Turkish children responded to hypothetical vignettes. Boys and girls from middle‐high SES families were equally likely to endorse shame expression. However, lower SES boys were more likely to endorse hiding shame than lower SES girls. Middle‐high SES children showed a tendency for expressing anger and sadness more than lower SES children. Turkish children primarily expected interpersonal support from emotion expression. Upon anger, disappointment and sadness expression, Turkish children expected instrumental support more from their parents than their peers. The intracultural differences are discussed in light of sociodemographic changes accompanied by cultural value shifts that differentially impact socialization goals and practices of families with different SES. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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