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This study examined the phenomenological characteristics of inner speech during silent reading (inner reading voices or IRVs), a type of inner speech that may be particularly amenable to empirical study. A survey was conducted in the general population to assess IRV frequency, location, number, identity, and controllability, and auditory qualities of IRVs. Of 570 survey respondents, 80.7% reported sometimes or always hearing an inner voice during silent reading, and the remaining 19.3% reported always understanding words being read without hearing an inner voice. Results indicated that IRVs are a routine experience for many, with 34.2% of respondents with IRVs hearing an IRV every time something was read, and 45% reporting an IRV often. Most respondents reported IRVs with specific auditory qualities such as gender, accent, pitch, loudness, and emotional tone. IRVs were reported in participants' own voices, as well as in the voices of other people. Some respondents reported being unable to control any aspect of their IRVs, while others could control one or several aspects. These results indicate that there is considerable individual variation in inner speech during silent reading.  相似文献   
The main aim of the current study was to test the cognitive content‐specificity hypothesis across internalizing and externalizing problems in Chinese adolescents. The participants consisted of 2,158 adolescents aged 11–19 years from three middle schools, and they completed a number of measures assessing a wide range of automatic thoughts and syndromes related to internalizing and externalizing problems. Multivariate regression analyses demonstrated that thoughts about social threats, personal failure and hostility were the strongest predictors of anxiety, depression, and externalizing problems, respectively. Age was a statistically significant, albeit modest, moderator of the relationship between automatic thoughts about social threat and anxiety. The current study provides support for the cognitive content‐specificity hypothesis in internalizing and externalizing problems in a Chinese sample.  相似文献   
儒家文化对当前中国心理健康服务实践的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康服务是以心理学的理论和方法为主导来维护与促进人们心理健康的活动。它与个人的心理因素和社会文化因素有必然联系, 中国心理健康服务植根于中国文化的土壤之中, 它本身就是文化的产物。而儒家文化作为中国社会的主流文化, 它在中国心理健康服务过程中具有表征、构建、指导、唤起功能; 对心理健康服务者和被服务者的人格、应对方式以及服务态度和行为产生直接和间接影响。中国心理健康服务模式与儒家文化传统的关系问题实际上涉及的是心理健康服务与文化的普遍性与特殊性问题。构建适合中国文化土壤的心理健康服务体系需要研究儒家文化传统对心理健康服务模式的观念、理论及实践操作层面的作用和影响。  相似文献   
通过明确医疗活动中病人隐私权的涵义,结合案例,分析新形势下医疗活动中医院、医务人员应如何保护病人的隐私,防止病人隐私权受到侵犯.  相似文献   
杨海文 《现代哲学》2006,(4):91-101
如果我们愿意在阅读中与《孟子》相逢,我们就应该立志去做一个大写的人。从道德理想主义层面看,《孟子》要求我们“证性善”,确立人之为人的性善之本;期盼我们“恶乡愿”,拒斥八面玲珑的伪善之方。从文化守成主义层面看,《孟子》呼唤我们“友古人”,经由对优秀文化传统的回想而求证本根之源;促使我们“辟邪说”,通过对异端邪说的批驳而澄清智慧之旅。有理想有文化的人,才会是一个大写的人。无论对于针砭欲望横流的当下世态,还是对于建构人皆尧舜的未来愿景,这种人格的理论意义和现实作用都是不可低估的。  相似文献   
The current paper describes the results of an experiment in which 200 students who varied in levels of trait perfectionism performed a laboratory task and then were assessed in terms of levels of state affect, state self-esteem, and state automatic thoughts. Independent variables included task difficulty (high versus moderate level of difficulty) and performance feedback independent of their actual level of performance (positive or negative). Analyses also examined objective levels of performance (i.e., the number of errors on the task) and initial confidence in performance. Analyses showed that the experience of state automatic thoughts involving perfectionism was associated with negative automatic thoughts, negative affective reactions, and lower state self-esteem. Analyses of changes in mood and self-esteem showed generally that participants high in socially prescribed perfectionism had increased levels of dysphoria and anxiety and lower levels of state self-esteem following the experience of negative performance feedback or after having a relatively poor performance. Analyses of the physiological measures found increased systolic blood pressure among self-oriented perfectionists who had poorer performance and among socially prescribed perfectionists who had received negative feedback about their performance. The results for heart-rate changes yielded a less clear pattern, though there was evidence that participants with high socially prescribed perfectionism had increased heart rate if they received negative feedback and were relatively low in confidence. Collectively, these findings illustrate that how perfectionists react in challenging situations varies as a function of actual performance, performance feedback, and feelings of personal efficacy.
Gordon L. FlettEmail:
为了更好地办好《医学与哲学》“临床决策论坛版”,使之更加贴近临床,为广大临床医生提供更加科学、合理的决策思路,2008年1月5日至14日,本刊常务副主编赵明杰、编辑王德顺调研和走访了七大城市(北京、太原、西安、武汉、长沙、济南、沈阳),与这些城市的17家大型医院的174名临床专家进行了座谈、交流和讨论。本次调研的行程如下:  相似文献   
肠易激综合征在我国的发病率逐年升高,2003年我国制定的IBS的共识意见已不适用,因此2007年我国肠易激综合征共识意见进行了重新修订,称为长沙共识意见。长沙共识意见借鉴了国际公认的罗马III标准,在IBS的诊断所需的时间,IBS的亚型分型等方面做了较大的修订。并强调了随诊在IBS诊断中的重要性。长沙共识意见同时指出罗马III标准是基于西方国家的研究资料制定的,并不完全适用于我国。我国在IBS的诊断中应结合国人的发病特点进行诊断。长沙共识意见在IBS的治疗方面就我国现状提出了治疗流程。  相似文献   
“乐”——中国人的主观幸福感与传统文化中的幸福观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾红  郭斯萍 《心理学报》2012,44(7):986-994
中国人的幸福感重视人际与集体的和谐, 重视精神的感受。这样的幸福感特点很大程度上受传统文化中幸福观的影响。儒、道、佛三大流派各有自己独特的幸福观:儒家既承认父母俱存、兄弟无故的现实感性之乐, 又强调追求仁义的理性之乐; 道家提倡超越现实的顺应自然之乐和祸福相依的幸福观; 佛家则讲求进入涅槃和普渡众生之乐。各家在追求理想人格、追求审美的过程中, 各自发展又互相融合, 形成对中国人幸福感影响深远的三大幸福观:(1)不以个人情感为重点而代之以人际关系和社会和谐的集体主义幸福观; (2)幸福感与道德感、审美感相连; (3)追求理性之乐。  相似文献   
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