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证候存在的逻辑回答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为存在的就是客观的,包含了自然客观、思维客观和理性客观;把疾病现象和疾病本质划等号,在症状层面规范证候标准,抛弃中医辨证思维,就等于否定中医。物质不能等于客观,不能取代存在。证候属于理性客观,发生于中医学,是中医“阴阳神气”观念临床实在化(还原)的必然。  相似文献   
王福银 《管子学刊》2007,(2):39-40,62
祭孔乐舞是迄今为止中国仅存的雅乐舞,而《韶乐》又是中国历代王朝所尊崇的雅乐体系的重要组成部分之一。这两者在我国雅乐发展历史中同样担当着举足轻重的作用。根据艺术发展的规律,任何艺术的新生作品都必须或必然是建立在继承文化传统的基础之上,祭孔乐舞的诞生虽然远离《韶乐》流传盛行的西周,但是,《韶乐》的内容和形式却深深影响着中国历代雅乐的制作和发展。作为中国雅乐分支的孔庙乐舞,对《韶乐》的传承也必定有历史的必然和血脉的联系。因此毋庸置疑,现存的祭孔乐舞成为当下我们寻找古《韶乐》历史面貌的主要甚至是唯一的实物资料。而通过研究发现,两者之间不仅有关而且渊源久矣。  相似文献   
By Pilgrim W.K. LO 《Dialog》2009,48(2):168-178
Abstract :  There is no doubt in the Christian tradition that humans are created in the image of God, which establishes the fundamental difference between humans and animals. However, problems concerning differences between humans have become more serious in theological discussions today with regard to human dignity. While theologians of the West argue for recognition of and respect for human dignity for every individual human being through legislation in the political system, one must not overlook the fact that in China, the emphasis of Confucian anthropology on the cultivation of moral personality is of vital importance for the practice and domination of politicians.  相似文献   
关于未成年人思想道德建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未成年人的思想道德状况如何,直接关系到中华民族的整体素质,关系到国家前途和民族命运。努力提高未成年人的思想道德素质,是我们党的优良传统,是党和国家事业后继有人的重要保证。  相似文献   
The Common Beliefs Survey-III (CBS-III), a factored measure of general irrational beliefs, has satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. The Situational Self-Statement and Affective State Inventory (SSSASI), also with acceptable basic psychometric properties, assesses specific thoughts and feelings in response to vignettes describing frustrating events. Both inventories are potentially useful in assessing dimensions important to REBT, but information on test-retest reliability is needed. The CBS-III and the SSSASI were administered to 101 undergraduate students on two occasions, two or three weeks apart. Satisfactory test-retest reliability coefficients were obtained on all subscales of both inventories, but in the case of the SSSASI reliabilities were generally stronger when the same form of the test was used on both occasions (Form 1 presented the thoughts before the feelings, whereas Form 2 presented the feelings before the thoughts). Further exploration showed that responding to the thoughts before the feelings significantly attenuated scores on the feelings, but responding to the feelings before the thoughts had no effect on scores on the thoughts. This unexpected finding also held true in a previously unexamined data set obtained with a different sample of students several years earlier. Taking careful stock of one's emotional reactions before embarking on cognitive modification interventions seems essential to REBT, and it follows that asking questionnaire respondents to rate their affective states before they rate their self-statements could be desirable conceptually. These results provide empirical support for that strategy.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the relationship between having experienced a work accident and developing depressive symptoms six months later, considering the subjective severity of accidents, the use of both positive and negative religious coping strategies, and brooding as predictors variables. Fifty seven women and 187 men were evaluated during the month following their accident (T1) and six months later (T2). The results show that after controlling for initial depressive symptoms, all predictors showed a statistically significant relationship with depression at six months, including the interaction between brooding and subjective severity of accident. Forty nine percent of resilient participants exhibited low symptoms at T1 and T2, 22% of recovered individuals showed high symptoms at T1 and low symptoms afterwards, 20% of depressive individuals had high symptoms at T1 and T2, and 8% exhibited high symptoms only at T2. High severity, brooding and religious coping at T1 differentiated those who exhibited stable symptoms from those who were resilient. Resilience was specifically predicted with a negative coefficient by the interaction of brooding with subjective severity of accident. We conclude that brooding is a variable that moderates the relationship between subjective severity of accident and the development and maintenance of depressive symptoms. Subjective severity of accident, brooding and negative religious coping are risk factors, while positive religious coping is not a sufficient protection factor.  相似文献   
在中国历史上,关于国家安全问题的战略性思考起源于先秦时期,许多重要的指导思想和原则,如以民为本、和而不同、慎战、亲仁善邻等思想已在那时得到了明晰。这些宝贵的思想具有久远而深厚的文化基础。他们不仅为历朝历代安内攘外,维系中国作为世界上唯一不曾中断几千年文明进程的国家发挥了重要的历史作用。而且对于我们今天研究安全问题、制定国家安全战略提供了可资借鉴的价值。  相似文献   
在哲学中,"天道"是天地万物运行的总体过程、性质和规律.关于天道运行的机制,易学自然哲学的说法是"神妙万物".神是阴阳运行的微妙、神秘、不知其然而见其功的作用,也是变化的动力;天道运行所表现出来的节奏、节律、秩序以及由这种节律所决定的应该采取的行动则是时和时序.儒家自然哲学的时与现代牛顿时间观不同.儒家的天道观是有机的、内在的,人和自然可以相互影响的.其自然规律,是生态性质的,是一种稳定性,而不是超出人为控制的必然性;可以因人的不当行为而遭到破坏.儒家自然哲学对于天道的这种认识在历史上产生了敬畏自然的生态态度,对于当今人类社会具有重要的启发意义.  相似文献   
In Study 1, individuals with primary insomnia (n=32) and good sleepers (n=38), recruited from a university population, completed a semi-structured interview. The interview assessed monitoring for sleep-related threat, negative thoughts and safety behaviours, at night and during the day. Compared to good sleepers, individuals with insomnia reported more frequent monitoring at night and during the day, more negative thoughts associated with monitoring at night and during the day, and the use of more safety behaviours associated with monitoring at night. A path analysis showed that the total monitoring frequency was significantly positively related to the score for total negative thoughts, which in turn, was significantly positively related to the total number of safety behaviours used. Study 2 aimed to test the generalisability of these findings in a clinical sample of individuals with primary insomnia (n=23). The results indicated that the clinical sample also engaged in monitoring for sleep-related threat, experienced negative thoughts and used safety behaviours. Further, more severe insomnia was associated with more negative thoughts and the use of more safety behaviours associated with monitoring at night. Together, these results are consistent with the proposal that monitoring for sleep-related threat functions to maintain insomnia by triggering negative thoughts and the use of safety behaviours. Future research is required to verify the proposed causal status of monitoring, using prospective designs and experimental manipulations.  相似文献   
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