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Inglehart‐Welzel's ‘Traditional‐Rational’ Index has been widely accepted as a way to summarize changes in values between agricultural and industrial societies. An empirical re‐examination of the Index using the most recent World Values Survey data, however, suggests that it fails to represent the value profiles of mainland Chinese. I introduce a five‐item measurement called ‘Confucian Index of interpersonal relations’. It aims to capture some salient values in Chinese culture and show that, in China, Confucian values that govern interpersonal relations within one's immediate social environment are not in conflict with support for democratic government and social liberal values, such as tolerance and trust. The opposite is very much true in the rich West, where those who endorse ‘Confucian’ values are less tolerant of social diversity and where Inglehart's Index does make a lot of sense.  相似文献   
This essay examines the textual evidence and arguments for two rival ways of interpreting Xunzi's accounts of the origins and normative bases of ritual and the Way: a human‐centered line of interpretation which maintains that the moral order constituted by the Confucian Way and its ritual tradition was the artificial creation of a group of ancient sages, and a Heaven‐centered line of interpretation which maintains, in contrast, that those same sages based the Confucian Way and its ritual tradition on a cosmic moral order that they discovered already existing in the world. It argues that the weight of textual evidence best supports a version of the former view, and shows that three representative versions of the latter view do not withstand critical scrutiny.  相似文献   
《太平经》为东汉末年所产生的一部道教经典著作,主要体现了早期道教“天人合一”的思想。现仅就其中所蕴含的易医思想,从四个方面,即天人合一的生命观、诚静的养生观、中和的生育观、生命超越之境进行深入探讨,更多地体现了汉代象数易学在道教医学中的具体运用,从而表达了其天人合一的终极生命大道理想。《太平经》的著作者希冀采用汉代象数易学所构建的天人宇宙生成图式来完善自己的太平理想之道,虽不免掺杂早期道教封建迷信色彩,然而其“太平者,以道行”的生命价值理想依旧值得我们后人借鉴与学习。  相似文献   
回归人文是当代医学的迫切课题。克服当代医学人性冷漠的缺陷,从根本上说,必须实现生物医学模式到生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,变革现行的医疗思想,同时为医学与人文的结合提供对话与交流的平台,提高医师的人文素养与人文执业能力。  相似文献   

Past research has provided abundant evidence that playing violent video games increases aggressive tendencies. In contrast, evidence on possible positive effects of video game exposure on prosocial tendencies has been relatively sparse. The present research tested and found support for the hypothesis that exposure to prosocial video games increases the accessibility of prosocial thoughts. These results provide support to the predictive validity of the General Learning Model (Buckley & Anderson, 2006 Buckley, K. E. and Anderson, C. A. 2006. “A theoretical model of the effects and consequences of playing video games”. In Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences, Edited by: Vorderer, P. and Bryant, J. 363378. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  [Google Scholar]) for the effects of exposure to prosocial media on social tendencies. Thus, depending on the content of the video game, playing video games can harm but may also benefit social relations.  相似文献   
郭靖习武的过程蕴涵着许多教育学和心理学的深刻道理。本文从郭靖习武的四个阶段来管窥我国传统文化下浓厚的教育心理学思想,由此得出了在学习中的一个理论:多元智力理论,两个误区:学生先天缺陷观和重德轻才观,三点建议:激发学生兴趣、摒弃“齐步走”的做法和学以致用。  相似文献   
本研究基于有限自制力理论考察闯入性思维对网络成瘾的影响及自我控制的中介作用和认知重评的调节作用。以371名大学生为被试,采用闯入性思维量表、自我控制量表、认知重评量表和网络成瘾量表进行测试,结果发现:(1)闯入性思维和自我控制呈显著负相关,与网络成瘾呈显著正相关;自我控制与网络成瘾呈显著负相关。(2)闯入性思维通过自我控制的中介作用对网络成瘾产生影响。(3)“闯入性思维—自我控制—网络成瘾”这一中介效应的前半段受到认知重评的影响;与低认知重评的个体相比,闯入性思维对高认知重评个体自我控制的影响更小。表达抑制不能调节闯入性思维对自我控制的影响。本研究的结果表明,闯入性思维会通过降低自我控制来增加网络成瘾的风险,而且认知重评会削弱闯入性思维对自我控制的影响。  相似文献   
Child maltreatment is considered a significant risk factor for young adult self-injury; however, the mechanisms that underlie this relationship are not yet understood. To elucidate this association, the mediating role of intimate partner violence victimization in the relationship between child maltreatment and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors was investigated. The sample consisted of 406 young adults (346 females; Mage = 19.87 years; SD = 1.72) involved in a couple relationship. Results of bootstrapping procedures demonstrated that intimate partner violence victimization mediated the relationship between child maltreatment and self-injurious behaviors but did not mediate the association between child maltreatment and self-injurious thoughts. Results suggest that young adults with a history of child maltreatment may be more likely to be exposed to IPV victimization, which, in turn, is associated with the use of self-injurious behaviors, but not the use of self-injurious thoughts. Findings highlight the utility of examining models that incorporate distal and proximal factors contributing to self-injury, and provide direction toward better understanding the relationship experiences of self-injuring young adults.  相似文献   
王凤仪"性理疗病"学说为一百多年前宝贵的民间医学治疗理论,其与传统的儒家哲学思想、经典中医理论相吻合,又切合当今医学界对健康模式的认识。从该学说的理论基础、治则治法、预后调理及与儒家思想、中医思想的相关性上简述其学说内涵。  相似文献   
张载是宋代理学的奠基者,也是四大学派之一--关学的开创者.他的成就得到理学家们的肯定,如程颢、程颐将他与孟子、韩愈相比;朱熹于<伊洛渊源录>中,将其与周敦颐、邵雍、二程并列;<近思录>也选录许多张载言论,以为门生弟子进学之助.而后代统治阶层的重视,也可看出他的影响宋理宗封他为郿伯,从祀孔庙.元代赵复立周敦颐祠,以张载与程、朱配食.<宋史道学传>为他立传,颂扬他的德业.他的著作在明、清二代是开科取士的必读书目,并于清初编入御纂<性理大全>和<性理精义>中,可见张载在理学发展上的贡献与地位.  相似文献   
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