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很多人都同意:《论语》是在汉代成为经的。但是,最近有论者把《论语》成为经的时间定于宋代甚至元代。这种新鲜的看法事实上反映了他们贬低孔子地位的“非圣”心态。汉代七经之说早已确切无疑地显示《论语》是经。《汉书》的有关记载和汉代教育中《论语》的特殊地位等,也为《论语》在那时属经提供了证据。  相似文献   
本文认为 ,语言意识作为语言发展的重要动力 ,在中国古代经历了一个发育过程。在原始人那里 ,语言是自然之物 ,谈不上对它的自觉意识。语言意识的萌生 ,体现为人们意识到语言对世界的纪录、定位作用 ,然后进一步感觉到语言作为人的创造物的复杂、深邃、矛盾 ,乃至去思考它能否承担人所赋予的任务。先秦思想家对语言的这种深入思考 ,在儒道两家的基本态度上鲜明而又各具特色地表现出来。与此同时 ,书面语的广泛使用 ,也刺激着语言意识的发育 ,引发出对语言的操作意识和操作心态。  相似文献   
康有为揭橥孔子和经学的旗帜 ,并借用西学对其进行改铸 ,从而把孔子塑造成君主立宪政体的缔造者 ,把经典改造成君主立宪政体理论的载体。康有为之所以能这样做 ,与经学与时俱进的特征、自身学贯中西的知识储备以及现实社会的需要有很大关系。康氏所为 ,开援西入儒之先河 ,拓展了儒家的外王学与内圣学 ,促进了思想的解放 ,对构建当代新文化也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
在经济全球化、科技一体化、互联网普及化的情境下 ,世界的政治、经济、文明、宗教、制度等仍然持续多元化、多极化的趋势。是全球化的多元化 ,或多元化的全球化。人作为“会自我创造的和合存在” ,是创造世界文明的原动力和原载体。儒家文明孕育了中华民族精神的成长 ,担当着建构民族主体精神的重任 ,绵延着民族生命的智慧。儒家文明一言以蔽之 ,是以治平为本 ,以仁为核 ,以和为贵。从文明冲突到文明对话 ,是价值观念、思维方式、观照视角的转换。文明对话可依照和合学的“融突论” ,而不是二元对立的非此即彼论 ,它以承认、接纳“他者”的存在为前提。儒家文明在化解世界文明冲突中 ,以其“己所不欲 ,勿施于人”的和生、和处、和立、和达、和爱原理 ,发挥着重要的、独特的、整体的作用  相似文献   
“Beauty” is a very important concept in Pre-Qin Confucian aesthetics. Pre-Qin Confucian aesthetics generally had two viewpoints when defining beauty: Negatively, by stressing that “beauty” in the aesthetic sense was not “good”; and positively, by stressing two factors: one, that beauty was related to “feeling” which was not an animal instinct, the other was that “beauty” was a special texture with a particular meaning. “Beauty” in Pre-Qin Confucian aesthetics may be defined as “texture (or form)” capable of communicating feeling or triggering a reaction of feeling. __________ Translated from Shanghai shifan daxue xuebao 上海师范大学学报 (Journal of Shanghai Normal University), 2007, (7): 80–85  相似文献   
This essay examines the ways that the terms “self” and “no‐self” can illuminate the views of classical Chinese thinkers, particularly Confucians such as Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, and the Daoist thinker Zhuangzi. In particular, the use of the term “no‐self ” to describe Zhuangzi's position is defended. The concepts of self and no‐self are analyzed in relation to other terms within the thinkers' “concept clusters”—specifically temporality, nature, and social roles—and suggestions are given for constructing typologies that sort out the range of meanings of self and no‐self based on the characteristics of the relations among terms within the concept clusters. The essay focuses on the way that the Confucians and Zhuangzi use concepts of self and no‐self, respectively, as soteriological strategies that aim at making connections with larger systems or wholes, and it concludes that different connections are emphasized by the Confucians and Zhuangzi precisely because the various connections are made possible and sustained by different conceptions of self, temporality, nature, and social roles.  相似文献   
本文从中国社会和谐发展来探究基督宗教与儒家精神的意义及作用,对之展开比较研究。基于"和谐"这一核心观念,文章一方面将对作为中国"和而不同"这一社会共在及相互交往之基础的儒家精神修养及其"仁爱"观念进行分析,另一方面则对基督宗教所追求的精神超越及其信仰传统中神人关系的"彩虹"之约所展示的"和谐"蕴涵加以阐述。本文认为,"和谐"观念作为中国基本社会交往的理论、及其所指导的历史实践,在一定程度上有着内在的宗教境界及情趣,因此,不应该将儒家精神与宗教精神截然区别开来;并进而指出,儒家"仁"、"礼"观念体系中均有"宗教性"的因素,其"仁爱"之说亦与基督宗教"上帝是爱"的观念有许多相似之处,因而二者可以比较、对话。本文为此阐述了儒家精神修养与基督宗教精神超越的不同,从界说新儒家的"心性之学"来解析其"内在超越"的追求及意义,由此说明了其"现实关照"与"终极关切"的不同意趣,并对"现实性"向"终极性"的升华、以及"圣爱"与"人爱"之互动、"超然"与"内在"之呼应在当代儒家精神复兴与革新中的作用和意义进行了论证。基于这些分析,本文指出,人类所追求的"和谐世界"的确需要"从心开始";而要真正实现"世界和谐",则也应朝向人性修养所想达到的"超越自我"之升华境界。  相似文献   
The research examines possible differences in the mutual reinforcement (i.e. multiplicative) effect between intrinsic and instrumental motivation on academic performance across different cultures. Eight representative countries and economies from two large-scale databases—the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012—were used, respectively. Results showed that among the Confucian economies, instrumental motivation was more helpful in improving the mathematics performance of students with low intrinsic motivation than for those with high intrinsic motivation. This was shown by the multiplicative effect between intrinsic and instrumental motivation. Despite the difference, students in both Confucian and Western cultures with high intrinsic motivation had better mathematics performance than students with low intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   
中国佛教徒曾经长期以"高尚其迹"相标榜,坚持出家不拜俗的印度传统.一些固守儒家传统的人士攻击佛教"无父无君",损害了封建纲常名教.从东晋至唐朝,朝廷举行了多次关于沙门拜俗的争论,其中以东晋成康、元兴、唐高宗龙朔二年的争论最为激烈.中国佛教僧人在元代彻底地改变了出家人不拜俗的戒条,接受了儒家忠孝至上的政治伦理原则.中国佛教与王权的关系体现了中国佛教以出世的精神服务于现实政治的伦理关怀,体现了中国传统政治的民主精神和对外来宗教文化的宽容态度,体现了儒家的忠孝伦理在中国传统社会的主导价值,体现了佛教"契机契理"的圆融精神.  相似文献   
This essay reviews Confucian ethics with regard to impartiality and Confucian notion of brotherhood. It focuses on the comments by Song Neo- Confucians, Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, about a famous case involving brotherhood. In this case Diwu Lun of the Han dynasty treated his diseased son and his diseased nephew in different ways. The author argues that Confucianism, starting from a naturalist standpoint, affirms the partiality in the relations between brothers, and judges deliberate impartiality negatively. On this point, one cannot simply view Confucianism as analogous to the Kantian ethics which promises impartiality or the virtue ethics which opposes impartiality.  相似文献   
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