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Since active messaging to targeted extraterrestrial bodies is an ongoing practice, it is difficult to see how current scientific arguments have the ability to influence actions which have independent economic and institutional structures. The article analyzes what structures of argumentation might have an effect on on-going and future METI, as well as the type of theological reflection that would likely contribute to this discussion.  相似文献   
This paper presents an attempt to integrate theories of causal processes—of the kind developed by Wesley Salmon and Phil Dowe—into a theory of causal models using Bayesian networks. We suggest that arcs in causal models must correspond to possible causal processes. Moreover, we suggest that when processes are rendered physically impossible by what occurs on distinct paths, the original model must be restricted by removing the relevant arc. These two techniques suffice to explain cases of late pre?mption and other cases that have proved problematic for causal models.
Toby HandfieldEmail:
Brian Hill 《Studia Logica》2008,89(3):291-323
In the companion paper (Towards a “sophisticated” model of belief dynamics. Part I), a general framework for realistic modelling of instantaneous states of belief and of the operations involving them was presented and motivated. In this paper, the framework is applied to the case of belief revision. A model of belief revision shall be obtained which, firstly, recovers the Gärdenfors postulates in a well-specified, natural yet simple class of particular circumstances; secondly, can accommodate iterated revisions, recovering several proposed revision operators for iterated revision as special cases; and finally, offers an analysis of Rott’s recent counterexample to several Gärdenfors postulates [32], elucidating in what sense it fails to be one of the special cases to which these postulates apply.  相似文献   
First, Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s models of moral development are briefly sketched and some objections rose. Then the cognitive dimension of the development of moral and legal understanding in childhood and adolescence is described. This involves knowledge of moral rules, an understanding of the categorical ought, cognizance of the prima facie validity of moral rules and specific knowlegde systems guiding contextualized rule applications. Data show that all children quite early acquire an adequate basic understanding of moral rules and legal concepts. Several learning mechanisms are at work – sociocognitive development, processes of implicit rule reconstruction, acquisition of knowlegde systems. The following part focusses on moral motivation - its strength and the types of concerns motivating conformity. Moral motivation develops in a second, delayed, differential learning process which only on average shows a steady continuous increase. Individual trajectories often display losses attributable to sociocultural influences.  相似文献   
The capacity to attribute meaning to personal experiences may rest on a specialized cognitive system enabling this form of causal reasoning. Close examination of these attributional tendencies suggests that this system may be distinct from those underlying other forms of causal reasoning such as a “theory of mind” system in the behavioral domain, a folk physics system in the physical domain, and a folk biology system in the biological domain. A fourth, existential domain, an abstract ontological frame within which the subjective, narrative self is envisioned to be contained, may have driven the construction of an intuitive capacity in humans that encourages them to search for the underlying purpose or reason for having had certain life experiences. This system likely has specific, definable operational rules that are responsible for activating such explanatory searches. In addition, it appears anchored to a general intentionality system that promotes the attribution of teleological purpose and higher-order mental states to an abstract agency that is envisioned to cause events and personal experiences. Identifying the component parts of this specialized cognitive system through empirical investigations can help researchers to reconstruct both its evolutionary phylogeny and to track its developmental emergence.  相似文献   
Sensationalistic Phenomenalism and Economy of Thought. On Ernst Mach's Concept of Science. Ernst Mach, natural scientist and major precursor of the Vienna Circle, never wants to be a philosopher. Nevertheless his writings are full of valuable hints for a modern theory of human knowledge – with respect to economical, historical and evolutionary aspects. His kind of phenomenalism is sensationalistic, monistic and instrumentalistic. This article deals with some contributions of his approach to actual debates in the general philosophy of science. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Psychotherapie ist in den industrialisierten L?ndern ein fester Bestandteil der modernen Heilkunst geworden. In diesen Gesellschaften übernehmen die Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten wichtige soziale und kulturelle Aufgaben. Zun?chst wird deshalb der Kontext dargestellt, in dem das Wissen über Psychotherapie als Methode akkumuliert wurde. Eine Betrachtung der impliziten, jedoch widersprüchlichen, Perspektiven, die offenbar die Forscher über Psychotherapeuten zu haben scheinen, ist zun?chst notwendig, um die Art und Weise der Fragestellungen in den Studien zu beleuchten. Nach einer Reflexion der gesellschaftspolitischen Aufgaben der Psychotherapie geht es dann in diesem übersichtsartikel darum, die unterschiedlichen Studien über die Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten und ihren Einflu? auf die Behandlung des Patienten zusammenzufassen. Der rote Faden ergibt sich aus der Fragestellung, welches forschungsbasierte Wissen über Psychotherapeuten auf welche Weise klinisch genutzt werden kann.   相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Proze?-erlebnisorientierte Psychotherapie ist eine neohumanistische Behandlungsform, in der versucht wird, eine kreative Verbindung zwischen einer eher klientzentrierten, echten, wertsch?tzenden und empathischen Beziehung und einem eher aktiven, aufgabenorientierten und proze?-direktiven Stil der Gestalt-Psychotherapie herzustellen. Diese Therapieform ist wissenschaftlich fundiert (im Sinne von Grawe 1997). Ihre Krankheitslehre wurde durch Beitr?ge aus der modernen psychologischen Theorie erg?nzt. Die Behandlung umfa?t eine Reihe wesentlicher therapeutischer Aufgaben, die charakterisiert sind durch spezifische Hinweise oder Zeichen auf Klientenseite, L?sungsstufen, verschiedene Schritte, die ein Klient auf dem Weg zur L?sung der Aufgaben durchl?uft und therapeutische Interventionen, die den Klienten auf diesem Weg unterstützen. Dieser Beitrag gibt im ersten Teil einen überblick über die proze?-erlebnisorientierte Therapie einschlie?lich ihrer theoretischen Grundlagen, i.e. der Emotionstheorie, des dialektischen Konstruktivismus und der Proze?orientierung sowie über die Grundprinzipien des Behandlungsmodells.   相似文献   
The use of vocalizations and tactile gestures by seven juvenile chimpanzees was experimentally investigated. The subjects interacted with an experimenter who typically handed them food rewards. In some trials, however, the experimenter waited 20 s before doing so. In these trials the experimenter’s eyes were either open or closed, or the experimenter was either looking away from the subject or looking directly at him/her inquisitively with head movements. Although the chimpanzees produced at least one of the non-visual gestures mentioned (touching/tapping the experimenter or vocalizing) in 72% of all experimental trials, these actions and vocalizations were deployed without regard to the attentional state of their potential recipient, despite evidence that the subjects noticed the postures that defined the experimenter’s attentional state. The results are discussed in the context of the distinction between the evolution of an understanding of seeing/attention as an internal mental state versus an understanding of behavioral postures alone. Recieved: 12 February 1999 / Accepted after revision: 18 August 1999  相似文献   
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