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Childhood obesity, which is due in part to lack of physical activity, is a serious concern that requires the attention of the behavioral community. Although excessive video game play has been noted in the literature as a contributor to childhood obesity, newer video gaming technology, called exergaming, has been designed to capitalize on the reinforcing effects of video games to increase physical activity in children. This study evaluated the effects of exergaming on physical activity among 4 inactive children in a physical education (PE) classroom. Results showed that exergaming produced substantially more minutes of physical activity and more minutes of opportunity to engage in physical activity than did the standard PE program. In addition, exergaming was socially acceptable to both the students and the PE teacher. Exergaming appears to hold promise as a method for increasing physical activity among inactive children and might be a possible intervention for childhood obesity.  相似文献   
Results from studies of observing responses have suggested that stimuli maintain observing owing to their special relationship to primary reinforcement (the conditioned-reinforcement hypothesis), and not because they predict the availability and nonavailability of reinforcement (the information hypothesis). The present article first reviews a study that challenges that conclusion and then reports a series of five brief experiments that provide further support for the conditioned-reinforcement view. In Experiments 1 through 3, participants preferred occasional good news (a stimulus correlated with reinforcement) or no news (a stimulus uncorrelated with reinforcement) to occasional bad news (a stimulus negatively correlated with reinforcement). In Experiment 4 bad news was preferred to no news when the absence of stimulus change following a response to the bad-news option was reliably associated with good news. When this association was weakened in Experiment 5 the results were intermediate. The results support the conclusion that information is reinforcing only when it is positive or useful. As required by the conditioned-reinforcement hypothesis, useless information does not maintain observing.  相似文献   
In the present study, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were applied to the study of language comprehension in the Italian language. The ERPs were recorded from 10 electrodes while the participants read (Experiment 1) or listened (Experiment 2) to sentences containing semantic or syntactic anomalies. Final words that were inconsistent with the sentence context elicited a negative wave at about 400 ms poststimulus that was more concentrated in the posterior sites of the scalp, whereas final words that were incongruous with the grammatical structure (subject-verb nonagreement) elicited a positive wave at about 600 ms poststimulus that was homogeneously distributed on the scalp. The authors found no differences based on the perceptual modality of the stimulus (visual or auditory), nor did they find different ERP correlates as a function of task relevance (explicit-implicit task induction). The available evidence indicated that the ERP response to semantic anomalies was at least partially distinct from the ERP response to syntactic anomalies, and that a syntactic parser is a plausible process included in sentence comprehension. The two semantic and syntactic effects appear as automatic processes of the decoding of the anomalies and also modality-independent processes. Cross-linguistic applications are considered in the general discussion.  相似文献   
Depressed persons have better memory for affectively negative than positive stimuli, a pattern generally not exhibited by non-depressed individuals. The mechanisms underlying this differential memory are not clear. In this study we examined memory for valenced and neutral stimuli in depressed and non-depressed individuals under conditions of relatively unconstrained encoding. We developed a novel task based on the game, Concentration, in which participants tried to match pairs of positive and negative words, and pairs of neutral words, hidden under squares in as few turns as possible. Whereas non-depressed participants selected and turned over positive squares more frequently than they did negative squares, depressed participants selected and turned over positive and negative squares equally often. Depressed participants also matched fewer positive word pairs within the first five minutes of the task than did non-depressed participants, and they exhibited poorer learning of positive words. Depressed and non-depressed participants did not differ in their matching of neutral words. These findings add to a growing literature indicating that depression is characterised by difficulties in the processing of positive stimuli.  相似文献   
Clinical research using grounded theory methodology was undertaken to discover the origin, structure and meaning of risk-taking, dangerous behaviour in childhood. Three different situations were identified in which risk-taking, dangerous behaviour occurred. These were named illusory-haven, no-haven and perilous-haven: 'haven' describing different object relationships which occurred both inter-psychically and intra-psychically, each of which was dangerous for the child. These configurations of relationships were found to be meaningfully linked to different situations in the Oedipal drama. The 'havens' were also found to be important in linking patterns of family relationships to gang formation. By using the havens in this broader context the insights gained from the Oedipus Complex are seen to be more widely applicable. Es wurde klinische Forschung , die sich auf theoretische Methodik beruft, benutzt, um den Ursprung, die Struktur und die Bedeutung von risikohaftem, gefährlichem Verhalten in der Kindheit zu entdecken. Es wurden drei verschiedene Situationen identifiziert, in denen risikohaftes, gefährliches Verhalten auftrat. Diese wurden illusorische Oase, keine Oase und gefähliche Oase genannt: 'Oase' beschreibt verschiedene Objektbeziehungen, die sowohl interpsychisch als auch intrapsychisch auftreten und jeweils gefährlich für das Kind sind. Diese Beziehungskonfigurationen konnten bedeutungsvoll mit verschiedenen Situationen des ödipalen Dramas verbunden werden. Die 'Oasen ' wurden auch als bedeutend dafür gesehen, Muster von Familienbeziehungen mit Gangformationen in Verbindung zu setzen. Indem man die Oasen in diesem weiteren Zusammenhang benutzt, werden die Einsichten, die aus dem ödipuskomplex gewonnen werden, als weitreichender anwendbar gesehen. Des recherches cliniques utilisant la méthodologie dite de la théorisation ancrée (analyse qualitative et catégorielle) ont été entreprises afin de déceler, chez l'enfant, l'origine, la structure et la signification de la prise de risques et du comportement dangereux. Trois situations différentes, dans lesquelles ce type de comportement se produit, ont été identifiées. Elles sont appelées «havre illusoire», «absence de havre» et «havre périlleux»; le mot «havre» est ici employé pour désigner les différentes relations objectales, inter-psychiques comme intra-psychiques, qui s'avèrent dangereuses pour l'enfant concerné. Ces configurations relationnelles sont liées de façon significative à certains avatars du drame ?dipien. L'idée du «havre» est une représentation qui permet de relier certaines configurations relationnelles familiales à la formation de «gangs» ou de bandes. La notion de «havre» utilisée dans ce contexte élargi permet de conclure que les insights acquis grâce au complexe d'?dipe sont d'application plus générale. Sono state fatte delle ricerche cliniche utilizzando una metodologia teorica fondata per scoprire l'origine, la struttura e il significato del comportamento di correre rischi e di quello pericoloso nell'infanzia. Si identificarono tre diverse situazioni in cui si presentava tale comportamento. Queste furono denominate rifugio-illusorio, non rifugio e rifugio pericoloso: 'il rifugio' descrive diverse relazioni d'oggetto sia a livello inter-psichico che intra-psichico, ciascuna delle quali e' stata pericolosa per il bambino. Risulto' che queste configurazioni di relazioni erano significativamente correlate a diverse situazioni nel dramma edipico. I 'rifugi' erano anche importanti nel correlare modelli di relazioni familiari alla formazione della gang. Usando i rifugi in questo contesto piu' ampio le insights ricavate dal complesso edipico possono essere piu' largamente applicabili.  相似文献   
Recently published studies on Complex Problem Solving (CPS) suggest that assessments of CPS using multiple complex systems are only moderately related to tests of classical cognitive abilities. Further, CPS assessments show incremental validity beyond tests of other cognitive abilities when predicting relevant outcomes. However, these empirical accounts have relied on single CPS assessment instruments. We do not know whether these findings will generalize to the construct level across different CPS assessment instruments. To answer this question, we tested a sample of N = 339 German university students who completed three CPS assessment instruments based on multiple complex systems (MicroDYN, the Genetics Lab, and MicroFIN) and the matrices subtest of the Intelligence Structure Test as measure of reasoning. Students further reported their school grades. Analyses including latent multitrait–multimethod models provided support for the conceptualization of CPS as a complex cognitive ability. Results indicated that different CPS assessment instruments showed sufficient convergent validity (with a consistency mostly between .50 and .60). In addition, we found evidence for the divergent validity of CPS from reasoning (reasoning predicted two CPS facets, knowledge and control, βKNOW = .49 and βCON = .53, respectively). In the prediction of academic achievement, CPS explained variance in natural science grades after we controlled for reasoning (βCPS = .22), whereas social science grades were not predicted. Our findings suggest that the validity of CPS generalizes across different measurement instruments.  相似文献   
Studies examining own-age recognition biases report inconsistent results and often utilize paradigms that present faces individually and in isolation. We investigated young and older adults' attention towards young and older faces during learning and whether differential attention influences recognition. Participants viewed complex scenes while their eye movements were recorded; each scene contained two young and two older faces. Half of the participants formed scene impressions and half prepared for a memory test. Participants then completed an old/new face recognition task. Both age groups looked longer at young than older faces; however, only young adults showed an own-age recognition advantage. Participants in the memory condition looked longer at faces but did not show enhanced recognition relative to the impressions condition. Overall, attention during learning did not influence recognition. Our results provide evidence for a young adult face bias in attentional allocation but suggest that longer looking does not necessarily indicate deeper encoding.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that retrieving target words in operation span (OSpan) involves attention-demanding processes. Participants completed the standard OSpan task and a modified version in which all equations preceded all target words. Recall took place under either full attention or easy versus hard divided-attention conditions. Recall suffered under divided attention with the recall decrement being greater for the hard secondary task. Moreover, secondary-task performance was disrupted more by the standard OSpan task than by the modified version with the hard secondary task showing the larger decrement. Finally, the time taken to start recalling the first word was considerably longer for the standard version than for the modified version. These results are consistent with the proposal that successful OSpan task performance in part involves the attention-demanding retrieval of targets from long-term memory.  相似文献   
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