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王荣  鲁峥嵘蒋奖 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1176-1180
为考察工作场所排斥(包括上司排斥与同事排斥)与员工角色内行为和角色外行为(组织公民行为)之间的关系,以及归属感在上述关系中的中介作用,本研究采用问卷调查法,分两次对全职工作一年以上的员工进行施测,前后共获得247份有效匹配数据,经统计分析后发现:(1)上司排斥与同事排斥均显著地负向预测员工角色内外行为,即工作场所排斥水平越高,角色内行为和角色外行为的表现越差。(2)归属感在上司排斥、同事排斥与员工角色内行为之间发挥了完全中介作用,即工作场所排斥会破坏员工的归属感,最终降低角色内行为。(3)归属感在上司排斥和角色外行为的关系中发挥了完全中介作用,但在同事排斥与角色外行为的关系中仅存在部分中介作用,说明工作场所排斥在一定程度上会破坏员工的归属感,最终影响其角色外行为表现。  相似文献   
This paper considers the proposal, associated with the CriticalLegal Studies movement (CLS) that the language of rights shouldbe replaced with the language of needs. It argues that thelanguage of needs is no less contestable, and has an even lesssecure relation to the idea of social duty than the idea ofrights. The paper rejects the notion that rights are usuallynegative claims on others – claims to their forbearance –and argues that rights can be understood perfectly well as adiscourse in which affirmative claims are articulated. Moreover,rights are naturally associated with the idea of a moral system– a well-thought-through set of demands, in which potentialconflicts have been addressed and resolved. The concept ofneed does not have such systemic implications.  相似文献   
Objective  Numerous studies have observed a relationship between social support (SS) and post coronary event survival. Laboratory research suggests one mechanism regulating this relationship may be exaggerated cardiovascular reactivity (CVR). What has not been as well explored is (1) whether the SS-CVR relationship holds up for a heart diseased sample, and (2) whether this relationship is evidenced only in supportive environments or can be found as a function of generalized perception of being socially supported. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of perceived SS and a locally supportive presence to CVR to a speech-induced stressor in post coronary event patients. Method  Forty-one Phase II cardiac rehabilitation patients participated in a research protocol that consisted of BP and HR measurement during two identical affective stress interviews where local support was systematically varied by presence or absence of a friendly small pet dog. Perception of SS was assessed by completion of psychosocial questionnaire packet that included measures of SS, anger expression and pet attachment. Results  Repeated measures ANCOVAs revealed that patients who believed they had greater SS available to them during difficult times exhibited significantly less CVR for MAP (p<.007) and DBP (p<.024). No significant main effects for local support (pet presence) and no interactions between local and perceived support were found. Conclusions  These findings are of interest as they: (a) demonstrate an association between reduced CVR and higher (amounts of) SS in a clinical sample; (b) demonstrate this effect in a sample medicated to dampen CV levels and surges; (c) suggest that perceived amount of SS provides an ameliorative influence on CVR independent of situational support; (d) suggest that for certain conditions pet-models of support may be ineffective at establishing an local support presence.  相似文献   
Decisions vary. They may vary in both content and complexity. People also vary. An important way that people vary is how much they think. Some prior research investigating thinking and decision making largely conflicts with most traditional decision theories. For example, if considering an array of products to choose from, thinking more about the alternative's attributes should lead to a better decision. However, some research indicates that thinking more may also lead to focusing on irrelevant aspects of the decision and a less optimal outcome. We propose that this conflict in the literature exists because of a failure to consider the interaction between the individual and the decision task. To test this, we used separate methodologies that enhance or attenuate a person's thinking. In Study 1, we selected people who were especially high or low in need for cognition and had them complete a robust decision-making inventory, which included both complex and simple tasks. In Study 2, we manipulated participant's level of glucose, which acts as the brain's fuel to enhance or attenuate thinking ability. Both studies provide insight for understanding our central tenant that more thought leads to better decisions in complex tasks but does not influence simple decisions. These findings show how the individual's thinking can interact with the constructive elements of the task to shape decision choice.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate pedestrians’ informational needs towards self-driving vehicles (SDVs). Previous research has shown that external human-machine interfaces (eHMIs) compensate for pedestrian-driver communication when SDVs are integrated into traffic. However, detailed insights on which information the eHMI shall provide lack so far. In a mixed design study, N = 59 participants encountered a simulated driverless vehicle in different traffic scenarios (a. unsignalized intersection vs. b. parking lot; between-subject factor). We investigated the effect of no eHMI (baseline) vs. eHMIs displaying the automated driving system (ADS) status, and informing subsequently about its perception of the pedestrian and/or its intent for the next maneuver ((1) no eHMI, (2) status eHMI, (3) status + perception eHMI, (4) status + intent eHMI, (5) status + perception + intent eHMI; within-subject factor). A mixed-methods design was used to explore participants’ subjective feelings, traffic behavior, and underlying attitudes. The findings reveal that any eHMI contributes to a more positive feeling towards SDVs compared to the baseline condition without eHMI, consistent among traffic scenarios: participants felt significantly safer, reflected greater trust and user experience ratings, and perceived the SDV as more intelligent and transparent. The status indicator mainly drives these beneficial effects on subjective measures. Participants reported that the status information explains the absence of a driver steering the vehicle. Compared to the status eHMI, the status + perception eHMI reflects no further benefit regarding subjective feelings and even has a negative impact on traffic flow. Moreover, participants regarded the additional information on the vehicle’s perception as an obvious gimmick. On the contrary, the status + intent eHMI increases user experience, perceived intelligence, and transparency for pedestrians more than the mere status eHMI. Participants reported that additionally informing about the vehicle’s intent adds a further sense of safety. The present study failed to show any improvements in traffic flow but found evidence for individual crossing and clearing strategies among pedestrians. This work can inform the future design of eHMIs.  相似文献   
采用问卷调查法,以4372名中学生为研究对象,考察核心自我评价和心理需求网络满足在亲子间科技干扰与青少年智能手机成瘾之间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)亲子间科技干扰可显著正向预测青少年智能手机成瘾;(2)在控制了性别、年龄之后,科技干扰可分别通过核心自我评价和心理需求网络满足间接地影响青少年智能手机成瘾。  相似文献   
The systematic use of Web search tools to browse and evaluate recommendations is widespread. Such tools may be crucial for users to truly benefit from the enormous selection of options available online. However, a recent study demonstrated that a greater number of search options triggered excessive searching and led to inferior decisions (i.e., the more‐means‐worse effect; Wu & Chiou, 2009 ). Given that individuals who are motivated to make accurate choices (the accuracy incentive) tend to engage in broader and more exhaustive searches, Experiment 1 examined how the accuracy incentive influenced the search process. The findings indicated that the accuracy incentive led to excessive searching and poorer choices. Moreover, the search ratio, an indicator of excessive searching, mediated the negative effect of the accuracy incentive on choice quality. Experiment 2 investigated the role of the need for cognition (NFC) in the more‐means‐worse effect. High‐NFC participants demonstrated an increased tendency toward excessive searching and exhibited poorer selectivity than did low‐NFC participants. The current research indicated that the accuracy incentive of online searchers may serve as a determinant of excessive searching and that online searchers characterized by high NFC may be more vulnerable to the negative effects of excessive searching. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether couple‐related memories and their organization in memory networks could act as cognitive resources to protect against the negative impact of insecure attachment on couple adjustment. In two studies (n1 = 153, n2 = 567), participants in a romantic relationship described a significant couple‐related memory and provided networked memories associated with their couple‐related memory, to assess its organization in the memory system, and rated each memory for its level of need satisfaction. Findings across the two studies revealed significant moderations of need satisfaction in couple‐related memory networks, such that a higher level of satisfaction need within couple‐related memory networks was associated with a reduced negative association of attachment anxiety and avoidance with couple adjustment. When examined separately, it was shown that need‐satisfying networked memories, but not main couple‐related memories, moderated the negative association of insecure attachment with couple adjustment.  相似文献   
Colexification refers to the phenomenon of multiple meanings sharing one word in a language. Cross-linguistic lexification patterns have been shown to be largely predictable, as similar concepts are often colexified. We test a recent claim that, beyond this general tendency, communicative needs play an important role in shaping colexification patterns. We approach this question by means of a series of human experiments, using an artificial language communication game paradigm. Our results across four experiments match the previous cross-linguistic findings: all other things being equal, speakers do prefer to colexify similar concepts. However, we also find evidence supporting the communicative need hypothesis: when faced with a frequent need to distinguish similar pairs of meanings, speakadjust their colexification preferences to maintain communicative efficiency and avoid colexifying those similar meanings which need to be distinguished in communication. This research provides further evidence to support the argument that languages are shaped by the needs and preferences of their speakers.  相似文献   
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