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孔子“为政以德”的政治伦理思想以“仁”为基础,以“利民”为价值导向,以实现社会“大同”为理想目标。为此,他要求治国者自身不断加强道德修养,坚持人道主义的伦理原则,选贤任能,反对战争,维护和平。坚持和发扬孔子的政治伦理思想,对于实现海峡两岸的和平统一具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
政教分离是美国的立国原则,但只是指宗教机构与政府机构的分离,决不是指宗教与社会和政治的分离。本文以鸦片战争期间美国传教士就鸦片贸易和不平等条约签订中所发挥的作用进行论述,以期阐释宗教对美国政治的影响。  相似文献   
在中俄战略协作伙伴关系的框架下,双方的确没有出现如中美或中国与欧盟之间那样的纷争和冲突,但也缺乏中美、中欧之间相互深刻影响对方的社会进程、经济发展和生活方式变革等积极成果。造成这种矛盾现象的因素固然复杂,但俄罗斯东正教作为远远超出宗教领域的巨大存在,影响着后苏联社会进程的每个方面,却不能被中俄战略协作伙伴关系所考虑,这在客观上必然影响俄中关系,应该是这种战略实施后果不很理想的重要原因。本文探讨两个问题:俄罗斯东正教之于后苏联的超常重要性,以及,中国对俄国的认知绕开东正教因素和无神论政策是不可能的。  相似文献   
The pedagogical imperative of values education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has exposed the potential of quality teaching to exercise a positive influence on student achievement. Extending beyond surface and factual learning, quality teaching has posited conceptions of ‘intellectual depth’, ‘communicative competence’ and ‘self‐reflection’ as being central to effective learning. Implicit in these conceptions are values dimensions reflected in notions of positive relationships, the centrality of student welfare, school coherence, ambience and organisation. The influences of these on student learning, welfare and progress have been observed across public, private and religious sectors, thus confirming earlier studies of similar phenomena in religious schools. Evidence from the Australian Government's Values Education Good Practice Schools Project indicates the benefit to all schools of reflecting on, re‐evaluating and rethinking the implications of values education for curricula, classroom management and school ethos in the interests of student wellbeing and progress. This indicates a pedagogical imperative for values education which extends beyond boundaries of personal or systemic interests and ideologies.  相似文献   
On February 22, 1987, the Congregation for the Doctrine of theFaith published the Donum Vitae Instruction. Twenty years later,on February 22, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI asked for an updateof this Instruction. According to the Donum Vitae Instructionof 1987, the principle of the holiness of life imposes respectfor human persons from the very beginning of human life. Inthese past 20 years, new medical techniques have raised freshethical issues that are to be addressed by the Roman CatholicChurch Magisterium. The Roman Catholic Church, in its updateof the Instruction planned for 2007, will have to explain howcivil law is to be regulated according to the fundamental normsof the moral law. The moral message of the new Donum Vitae (justas in the 1987 version) will be to affirm the substance of humanjustice: respect for human life, as expressed in the resolvenot to infringe on, or to protect such life. Even in a post-ChristianEurope, this theological message can be understood if it istrue that Europe is marked by the principle of the absoluteprotection of human life.  相似文献   
The tension between religion and sexuality is particularly pronounced for gay and lesbian people who are often “caught in the middle” between a constitutional sexual orientation and a religious body that rejects it. This paper demonstrates how gay men can be helped in trying to integrate these deeply human and intrinsic parts of themselves, using a developmental approach first articulated by Robert Kegan. It argues that such development is often reflected later in theological language: in this case, in these men's coming out narratives, which are often framed as stories of spiritual growth.  相似文献   
This study tested the hypothesis that the relation between extraversion and volunteering by older adults is fully mediated by social capital (participation in clubs and organizations, church attendance, and contact with friends). Data for this study come from 888 adults between the ages of 65–90 years old who participated in the Later Life Study of Social Exchanges (LLSSE). In support of our hypothesis, structural equation modeling revealed that extraversion exerted: (a) a significant total effect on volunteering (0.122), (b) significant indirect effects on volunteering via contact with friends (0.042), church attendance (0.034), and clubs and organizations (females only: 0.042), and (c) a non-significant direct effect on volunteering (0.010). These findings suggest that social capital provides a viable explanation for the association between extraversion and volunteering.  相似文献   
王明生 《现代哲学》2007,4(5):36-41
儒家大同思想在中国二千年的政治文化中影响深远。毛泽东深受中国传统文化影响。其中儒家大同思想的影响尤其巨大。这种影响渗透在其政治思维中,成为他日后设计中国社会模式的重要文化基因。毛泽东设计的具有儒家大同思想和空想社会主义色彩的社会模式,在中国的实践中由于严重脱离实际和生产力发展水平,耗费了大量的社会资本,使中国的现代化进程遭遇重大挫折。  相似文献   
The Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) sponsors the Crossing the Boundaries (CTB) workshop, a program that focuses on the maintenance of appropriate boundaries in clergy-congregant relationships as a means to prevent clergy sexual misconduct. Drawing primarily on an analysis of the synod-sanctioned workshop materials, an observation of the workshop, and interviews with 10 pastors who have attended the workshop, this paper explores differing conceptions of power and gender held by the synod officials and workshop participants.  相似文献   
Abstract :  This paper deals with the presence and possible 'meaning' of music in dreams. The author explores a possible meaning of music as the most fundamental human symbolic experience, which directly points to the emergence of the Self from the primal union mystique with the Great Mother. The relationships between acoustic and visual experiences are taken into account as two basic human forms of coming into existence, although wholly different from each other. The role of music in dreams seems to be that of the most direct representation of the emerging Self in its pure, pre-representational form. Therefore, when music appears in dreams, providing there is the activation of an emotional tone, all other elements—visual and verbal—should be considered as the expression of the sense to which the music is pointing. A clinical example is described in order to better express the author's opinions.  相似文献   
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