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People often reason proportionally, perceiving fixed outcomes as larger or smaller depending upon the reference condition. Thus, for policies affecting individuals, presenting data as percentages rather than frequencies can alter perceived effects on high versus low base rate group members, even though identical numbers of individuals in each group are affected. Such numerical framing effects were explored through a case analysis of public debates over race-conscious selection policies and through experimental manipulations employing a race-conscious university admissions scenario. Undergraduates (N = 193) received data reporting the expected impact on black and white student enrollment resulting from a university shift to race-neutral admissions. Compared to those encountering percentages or proportions, participants receiving identical information expressed as frequencies revealed a predicted greater preference for race-neutral or “race blind” admissions. Structural equation analysis supported a model in which perceived impact and fairness mediated the relationship between format and endorsement of race-neutral admissions.  相似文献   
汉字义符在汉语动作动词意义认知中的作用   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
张积家  陈新葵 《心理学报》2005,37(4):434-441
通过4个实验,探讨汉字义符在汉语动作动词意义认知中的作用。实验1探讨汉字义符对认知动作动词的动作器官意义的影响。结果表明,当义符与动作器官一致时,会促进对动作动词的动作器官意义的认知;当义符与动作器官不一致时,会抑制对动作动词的动作器官意义的认知。实验2探讨汉字义符对认知动作动词的动作工具意义的影响。结果表明,当义符与动作工具一致时,会促进对动作动词的动作工具意义的认知;当义符与动作工具不一致或无关时,会抑制对动作动词的动作工具意义的认知。实验3探讨汉字义符的作用是否随词频而变化。结果表明,当义符与动作器官一致时,对高频词和低频词动作器官意义的认知不存在显著差异;不一致时,对高频词动作器官意义的认知比对低频词快。实验4探讨汉字义符与动作器官是否一致对具体性不同的动作动词的动作器官意义认知的影响。结果表明,当义符与动作器官一致时,对具体性高的词和具体性低的词的动作器官意义的认知不存在显著差异;不一致时,对具体性高的词的动作器官意义的认知比对具体性低的词快。整个研究表明,汉语动词的结构特点影响对动作动词的动作器官或动作工具意义的认知。  相似文献   
汉语短时识别中的偏好效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
魏连娣  李晓东 《心理科学》2005,28(3):594-597
使用2-AFC任务,对汉语短时识别中的偏好效应进行研究。结果表明:汉语识别中存在偏好效应;偏好效应受词频变化的影响,高频时有更大的偏好效应;本实验的偏好效应不受启动词加工水平的影响,说明它是在一种纯的内隐记忆条件下产生的。  相似文献   
大学生上网行为与人格特质相关性研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
通过对287名在校大学生的上网情况的调查和卡特尔人格测试,探讨大学生上网的频度和对互联网内容的偏好与人格特质的相关性。研究结果表明:(1)高频上网大学生与低频上网大学生在人格特质上有显著性差异。(2)对互联网内容的偏好与人格特质有显著相关。(3)稳定性对信息类和技术类内容偏好的预测作用最大,乐群性和忧虑性对休闲类内容偏好的预测作用最大,敢为性和幻想性对刺激类内容偏好的预测作用最大。  相似文献   
两个实验以合理型主题信息条件下的句子为对照材料.其它型主题信息条件下的句子为实验材料,考察合理型和非合理型主题信息条件下汉语歧义句意义建构的时间进程和特点。结果表明:(1)合理型主题信息可以顺利地建构一个稳定的基础心理表征;不合理型主题信息则没有这种效应;矛盾型主题信息则引导读者重构一个新的心理表征。(2)在合理型主题信息条件下,语境主要起到证实主题信息区和歧义区所建构的基础表征的作用;而在不合理型、矛盾型主题信息的条件下,语境的作用首先是验证所建构的基础心理表征和歧义句的意义频率,然后有效建构歧义句的意义。  相似文献   
The results of two experiments provide the first direct demonstration that subjects can process a word lexically despite concurrently being engaged in decoding a task cue telling them which of two tasks to perform. These results, taken together with others, point to qualitative differences between the mind‘s ability to engage in lexical versus sublexical processing during the time they are engaged with other tasks. The emerging picture is one in which some form of resource(s) plays little role during lexical processing whereas the need for some form of resource(s) during sublexical processing serves to bottleneck performance.  相似文献   
采用两个实验考察了获得年龄因素在汉语词汇识别中的作用。实验一采用经典的词汇判断任务考察了获得年龄和词频因素在词汇判断中的作用,结果发现获得年龄和词频两个因素均影响词汇识别。实验二采用阅读句子任务,通过实时记录的眼动追踪技术进一步考察了在有语境的情况下,获得年龄和词频因素在词汇加工中的作用。结果发现,在阅读句子任务中,词汇获得年龄和词频因素都在词汇加工中起作用,二者存在交互作用,晚获得词存在词频效应。两个实验的结果均支持了在汉语词汇识别中,存在获得年龄效应。  相似文献   
采用眼动追踪技术,考察重复阅读对母语为汉语的大学生阅读英语语篇的作用。研究采用2(目标词词频:高频、低频)×5(阅读遍数:1遍、2遍、3遍、4遍、5遍)的两因素被试内设计。结果发现:(1)随着阅读遍数的增加,读者的阅读理解正确率呈上升趋势,总阅读时间、注视次数、回视次数和平均注视时间显著降低,平均眼跳幅度显著增加;(2)阅读遍数与目标词词频的交互作用显著,表现为重复阅读对低频词识别的促进作用要显著大于对高频词识别的促进作用。研究表明重复阅读能够有效提高大学生对英语语篇的阅读效率。  相似文献   
通过词汇判断任务,探讨语素频率对中级印尼汉语学习者复合词识别的影响。研究结果发现,语素频率影响中级印尼汉语学习者复合词的识别。同时,语素频率对词汇识别的影响受到语素位置的调节。当语素为复合词的首语素时,语素频率高,词汇判断的正确率高;语素频率低,词汇判断的正确率低。当语素为复合词的尾语素时,语素频率对词汇判断正确率的影响受到首语素频率的限制。只有当首语素的频率高时,尾语素的频率才会影响词汇判断的正确率。当首语素的频率低时,尾语素的频率不影响词汇判断的正确率。研究结果支持中级印尼汉语学习者在复合词的表征中产生了语素表征,而且首语素的频率在复合词识别中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   
The mechanisms underlying the right hemisphere's dominance for spatial and attentional functions lacks a comprehensively explanation. For example, perceptual biases, as observed in line bisection and related tasks, might be caused by an attentional asymmetry or by perceptual processes such as a specialization of the left and right hemisphere for high and low spatial frequencies (SFs), respectively. Here we used the gratingscales task to measure perceptual bias in SF judgements, and we cued participants' attention either to high or low SFs. Participants showed a leftward bias when comparing the high SF components of the stimulus, and a rightward bias when comparing the low SF components-opposite to what would be expected from a hemispheric lateralization for SFs. Two control experiments used different strategies to manipulate the width of the attentional window. However, we observed no influence on perceptual bias, thus ruling out the possibility that the results in Experiment 1 were due to differences in attentional window size. These data support the idea of an attentional asymmetry underlying perceptual bias. Our results provide novel support for the role of attentional asymmetry in perceptual biases.  相似文献   
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