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研究旨在考察汉语学龄前儿童正字法意识的发展情况。在某中等城市一所幼儿园随机选择4岁、5岁、6岁三个年龄段的儿童各31、37、34名。实验一使用汉字、韩文和日文(平假名)作为实验材料探查学龄前儿童的汉字特异性意识;实验二使用上下结构、左右结构的真字、假字和非字考察学龄前儿童的部件位置意识。实验结果显示:(1)三组儿童都能区分日文和汉字,5岁左右儿童这种能力达到成熟。4岁儿童不能区分汉字和韩文,直到6岁,辨别汉字和韩文的能力也没有发展成熟。(2)三组儿童都能意识到假字符合正字法规则,但拒绝非字的能力在学前期尚未发展成熟,儿童在学前期不具备部件位置意识;6岁儿童更容易拒绝上下部件位置颠倒的非字。  相似文献   
孟乐  叶灿  王佳佳  张积家 《心理学报》2022,54(11):1366-1380
中华民族共同体作为一种高层级的共同内群体, 性质复杂、构成多元。将中华民族共同体和共同内群体认同模型相结合, 是研究中华民族共同体认同的有效途径。本研究以国内不同民族及其成员表征中华民族共同内群体, 以国外不同民族及其成员表征共同外群体, 通过3个实验考察内藏班高中生对国内外民族的容器隐喻、群际态度和助人倾向。实验1采用空间Stroop范式, 发现国内民族人名呈现在圈内的反应时显著短于呈现在圈外时, 国外民族人名呈现在圈外时的反应时显著短于呈现在圈内时, 说明内藏班高中生已经建构了中华民族共同内群体认知, 将国内民族成员置于容器内, 将国外民族成员置于容器外; 实验2通过启动Stroop范式发现, 当启动词是国内民族名称时, 对积极词的词性判断反应时显著短于对消极词; 当启动词是国外民族名称时, 对消极词的词性判断反应时显著短于对积极词, 说明内藏班高中生对国内民族存在着共同内群体偏爱, 对国外民族存在着共同外群体偏见; 实验3采用金钱和时间助人任务, 发现内藏班高中生捐赠给国内民族成员的金钱和时间均显著多于国外民族成员, 说明内藏班高中生对国内民族成员具有更强的助人意愿。整个研究表明, 具有丰富的跨民族交往、跨文化生活经验的内藏班高中生在共同内群体认知、共同内群体偏爱和对共同内群体成员的帮助倾向上, 均展现出对中华民族共同体的认同。  相似文献   
Philosophy can be divided into two systems, i.e. the vertical and the horizontal. Characterized with the creation of spirit and the logical evolution of concepts, the vertical system expresses historical reflections on the achievements of human culture. Meanwhile, the horizontal system focuses on the analysis of cognitive activities to explore the nature of subject and object, the elements of knowledge, and the basis of its certainty. Chinese philosophers, such as Hu Shih, Fung Yulan, Zhang Dainian, Mou Zongsan and Zhang Shiying, have previously explored the various definitions of philosophy. Their explorations manifest the internationalization of Chinese philosophy during different eras. This paper defines philosophy as human beings’ awareness of their environment and systematical reflections on their activities and ensuing consequences. As part of world philosophy, Chinese philosophy encapsulates the essence of Chinese culture, as the thinking method of Chinese people, and as a set of thought systems possessing a unique style.  相似文献   
为探讨副中央凹字的加工负荷在预视加工中的作用,选择高、低首字字频的低频双字词作为副中央凹目标词,同时采用边界范式操纵目标词首字的预视类型(包括目标预视和假字预视)。使用眼动仪记录读者的阅读过程。结果在目标词首字与整词上均发现了显著的预视效应,目标预视下的注视时间显著短于假字预视下的注视时间;在目标词的凝视时间和总注视时间上,字频主效应显著,首字低频条件下的注视时间显著长于首字高频条件;但没有发现两因素的交互作用。结果表明副中央凹低频双字词首字字频并不影响预视效应的大小。  相似文献   
Research using alphabetic languages shows that, compared to young adults, older adults employ a risky reading strategy in which they are more likely to guess word identities and skip words to compensate for their slower processing of text. However, little is known about how ageing affects reading behaviour for naturally unspaced, logographic languages like Chinese. Accordingly, to assess the generality of age-related changes in reading strategy across different writing systems we undertook an eye movement investigation of adult age differences in Chinese reading. Participants read sentences containing a target word (a single Chinese character) that had a high or low frequency of usage and was constructed from either few or many character strokes, and so either visually simple or complex. Frequency and complexity produced similar patterns of influence for both age groups on skipping rates and fixation times for target words. Both groups therefore demonstrated sensitivity to these manipulations. But compared to the young adults, the older adults made more and longer fixations and more forward and backward eye movements overall. They also fixated the target words for longer, especially when these were visually complex. Crucially, the older adults skipped words less and made shorter progressive saccades. Therefore, in contrast with findings for alphabetic languages, older Chinese readers appear to use a careful reading strategy according to which they move their eyes cautiously along lines of text and skip words infrequently. We propose they use this more careful reading strategy to compensate for increased difficulty processing word boundaries in Chinese.  相似文献   
汉字识别中部件组合的频率效应   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
韩布新 《心理学报》1996,29(3):232-237
用整字识别、整合识别等任务研究部件组合频率在汉字识别中的作用。发现部件组合频率可促进高频两部件合体字的识别(实验一);在先后呈现两组成部件时这种作用仍然存在(实验二);但在识别高频三部件左右型合体字时(实验三),位于左边的部件组合表现出易化作用(田型字);位于右边的部件组合表现出干扰作用(田型字)。部件组合有与部件类似的频率效应。  相似文献   
老年慢性病的治疗应该抓住老年慢性病的疾病特点,有的放矢可避免误诊失治。从认识论上来说,医疗工作者应秉持"老年无小病"的观点,对老年人健康的小问题要高度重视,切不可心存侥幸;从本质上来说,老年慢性病的反应模型是"耐受力变差",身体平衡易被破坏,小病慢病突变为大病急病。在"阴阳俱虚"的基础上,老年慢性病人的状态可有强(阳)与弱(阴)两种,并且"强"是"相对的强","弱"是"绝对的弱";在治疗上,应遵循和贯彻"维护身体平衡"的原则,唤醒身体自然力,以达治疗之目的。  相似文献   
中医的认知基础是现象,科学、西医学的认知基础是物理实在。中医“实在化”是以科学、西医学为标准将中医知识对标或还原为物质结构的研究方法,其违背了中医现象主义的认知基础,通过逻辑演算,该方法得出的现象与物理实在的关系与实际情况相悖,甚至会得出取消中医的结论,其次其有损中医整体论的认知优势。然而,文章也指出中医“实在化”虽不可取,但基于认知基础的不同选择,与中医相关的“实在性”研究并无问题。承接对中医“实在化”的评判,文章最后提出认识论、本体论是中医真理性论证的必由途径。  相似文献   
广东是近代西医学传入中国最早和最重要的地区之一,在近代中国西学东渐愈趋广泛和深入的社会大背景下,岭南中医较早便已开始将西医引入传统中医知识体系中。近代岭南中医家对比和汇通中西医学身体知识,构建新的身体观时,既借用了中国传统文化中经常使用的体与用、格物与穷理之辨等,来阐发中西医学身体观的差异及其各自优劣所在,又及时引入在当时看来颇为先进的西医解剖知识,加以结合和相互发明。近代医家中西汇通身体观的形成,直接影响了传统中医理论与临床辨治体系的嬗变,影响至今。  相似文献   
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