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The residential school experience was devastating for many First Nation (Indian) people. The lingering effects of this era have been far reaching and remain painfully evident throughout Native communities. One of the more obvious areas directly affected has been parenting. This paper discusses current parenting difficulties of Native clients who were formerly in residential schools. A connection is made between the abuse experienced by these individuals and their parental struggles. Along with addressing various sociopolitical issues, a number of clinical interventions designed to promote the healing process of these victims and their families are provided and discussed.  相似文献   
本研究探讨了汉字阅读材料的不同组合对字词认知速度及准确性的影响。实验材料是一篇320个字的短文阅读材料,分成三种不同组合形式让被试从左往右发声念读.一种是顺意排列材料形式(即文章句子符合句法及词意),一种是逆意排列材料形式(即将文章的字词逆反排列);一种是随机排列材料形式(即将全文字词打乱随机排列)。实验结果表明:对顺意排列材料的念读效果最好,念读速度及准确性明显高于另外两种材料组合形式;中青年组被试的结果明显优于老年组及儿童组的结果.结果提示,对字词念读的认知加工过程明显受相邻字词关系的影响及字词句子化的影响.  相似文献   
This study compared prototype and rote instruction of English names for Chinese visual characters. In the prototype condition, participants were taught the meaning of the prototype that served as the distinctive feature of multicomponent characters. In the rote condition, participants traced the character and wrote its translation. Participants learned more rapidly and maintained more words in the prototype condition.  相似文献   
短时记忆提取是认知心理学研究中的重要课题之一。自Sternberg(1 966)提出短时记忆提取作的是序列的从头到尾的完全搜索以来 ,许多研究者对短时记忆提取进行了广泛的研究 ,提出了序列的自动停止的搜索、平行加工、直接存取 ,以及序列搜索和直接存取双重模型等许多不同看法 ,引起了激烈争论。本研究的目的是试图探索编码方式对汉字短时记忆提取的影响。实验运用Sternberg的“探测法” ,以随机排列的汉字作识记组和探测项刺激。实验结果表明 :编码方式对汉字短时记忆提取有很大影响 ,当用声音编码方式提取短时记忆汉字时 ,被试倾向于从头到尾的完全的搜索 ;当用形状编码时 ,被试倾向于作自动停止的搜索。  相似文献   
对听觉条件下中文字词劣效果的问题进行了实验考察,结果发现:在文章听点作业中,被试对高、低频目标字词语音的正误判断量存在着显著性差别,前者较后者成绩差,表现出字词劣效果的现象;在单字词的听点作业中,未发现被试对高、低频目标字词语音正误判断量方面的显著性差别;无论在文章还是单字词的听点作业中,被试对高、低频目标字词语音的正误判断量均比较低下,表明语音知觉的范畴性特征对字词语音的辩认准确性具有较大影响。  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to compare the effects of several prompting and reinforcement procedures on the participation of elderly citizens in a nutritious meal program. Experiment I employed a variation of the multiple-baseline design across three groups of approximately 60 households each. Elderly persons not previously participating in the program were introduced to the following conditions: (1) public service radio announcements for four weeks to advertise the meal program and the availability of free transportation, (2) a home visit that served as a personal invitation and a second prompt for participation, (3) a followup telephone call, and (4) an incentive menu for participation, which was sent through the mail. Results indicated that the home visits and incentives were both effective as recruitment procedures and superior to other conditions; however, incentives proved to be the most cost-effective intervention. Experiment II used a variation of the multi-element design to compare the effects of scheduled activities and incentives in maintaining higher levels of participation by those persons who had attended the meal program at least once in the past, but whose current rate of participation was low. Results showed that activities improved attendance levels somewhat and that incentives substantially increased the number of meal program participants. Data from these experiments thus indicate that relatively inexpensive procedures may be used effectively to increase the extent to which elderly persons make use of potentially beneficial community-based services.  相似文献   
本研究结合fNIRS技术,考察了美术训练学生和普通学生在中国画审美一致性上的差异。行为上,虽然两组被试在审美评分上没有显著差异,但在评分一致性上,美术训练学生相比普通学生在“好看”评分上更一致。脑活动上,美术训练学生右侧颞顶联合区的16通道和24通道的神经活动一致性显著高于普通学生,且美术训练学生的神经活动一致性与“好看”评分呈负相关。本研究揭示了艺术专业知识对中国画审美的重要性,且神经活动一致性可作为中国画审美判断的一项潜在神经标记。  相似文献   
电子地图汉字大小辨认阈限和合理字间距   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究由三个实验组成,探讨电子地图中汉字呈现的辨认闽限和合理字间距(信息载负量)问题。实验一采用恒定刺激法测定电子地图中汉字的辨认闽限,结果显示,汉字复杂度和背景的复杂度都影响地图汉字识别,且不存在交互作用;宋体汉字的平均辨认阈限为7.0771’。实验二运用调整法测得在电子地图中宋体汉字的舒适阈限(能识别每个笔画的汉字辨认阈限)为16.6951’。实验三以视觉搜索方法研究字间距(体现在电子地图中单位面积字数)与搜索效率的关系,结果显示,每个汉字平均耗费的搜索时间随着字数增加而减少,说明字数越多,搜索效率越高。  相似文献   
李杰  杨悦  赵婧 《心理学报》2021,53(8):821-836
通过分别以高频汉字(实验1)和图形非言语材料(实验2)为刺激的两个联合视觉注意任务, 并采用基于Budensen视觉注意理论的参数估计方法, 系统地探查小学三~六年级汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的视觉同时性加工技能缺陷的内在机制。以43名汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童和46名生理年龄匹配典型发展儿童为被试, 每类被试均被分为小学中年级组(三、四年级)和高年级组(五、六年级)。两个实验均发现不同年级组的阅读障碍儿童在知觉加工速度参数上显著小于控制组儿童。在空间注意分布权重参数上, 实验1的结果显示, 不同于控制组儿童向左侧化发展的注意分布模式, 两个年级组的阅读障碍儿童均表现为无偏的注意分布; 而实验2未发现显著组别差异。且这两种同时性加工子技能分别与不同水平的汉语阅读技能密切相关。结果表明, 汉语阅读障碍儿童在同时加工多个视觉刺激时存在持续的知觉加工速度缓慢的问题, 在同时加工言语类刺激时还表现出异常的空间注意分布模式。本研究有助于从基础认知层面揭示汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的缺陷机理, 为进一步设计相关的提高阅读效率的干预方案提供理论依据。  相似文献   
田一  王莉  许燕  焦丽颖 《心理学报》2021,53(9):1003-1017
为探究中国人社会善念的心理结构, 研究采用人格词汇法, 在开放调查收集的词汇中选取代表社会善念的心理词语, 确立了社会善念词库。通过两次探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析, 得到包含18个人格特质词的社会善念词汇评定量表和包含17项描述的社会善念自陈量表。研究表明, 中国人的社会善念是一种具有二阶四因素结构的人际特质, 二阶是指宜人特质和外倾特质, 四因素分别是善良尊重、谦和恭逊、包容理解和积极开放。  相似文献   
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