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以363名初中阶段流动儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察学业自我妨碍在流动儿童个体和群体歧视知觉与学业倦怠关系中的中介作用,以及认同整合的调节作用。结果如下:(1)个体和群体歧视知觉正向预测流动儿童学业倦怠;(2)学业自我妨碍在流动儿童个体和群体歧视知觉与学业倦怠关系中起中介作用;(3)认同整合会调节个体歧视知觉、学业自我妨碍对学业倦怠的影响。  相似文献   
Memory for affective events plays an important role in determining people’s behavior and well-being. Its determinants are far from being completely understood. We investigated how recognition memory for affective pictures depends on pictures’ motivational significance (valence and arousal), complexity (figure-ground compositions vs. scenes), and social content (pictures with people vs. without people) and on observers’ age and gender. Younger, middle-aged, and older adults viewed 84 pictures depicting real-life situations. After a break, the participants viewed 72 pictures, half of which had been viewed previously and half of which were novel, and were asked to endorse whether each picture was novel or had been presented previously. Hits, false alarms, and overall performance (discrimination accuracy) were our dependent variables. The main findings were that, across participants, recognition memory was better for unpleasant than pleasant pictures and for pictures depicting people than pictures without people. Low-arousal pictures were more accurately recognized than high-arousal pictures, and this effect was significantly larger among middle-aged and older adults than younger adults. Recognition memory worsened across adulthood, and this decline was steeper among men than women. Middle-aged and older women outperformed their male counterparts. This study suggests that how well we are able to successfully discriminate previously seen pictorial stimuli from novel stimuli depends on several pictures’ properties related to their motivational significance and content, and on observer’s age and gender.  相似文献   
Despite the lack of invariance problem (the many-to-many mapping between acoustics and percepts), human listeners experience phonetic constancy and typically perceive what a speaker intends. Most models of human speech recognition (HSR) have side-stepped this problem, working with abstract, idealized inputs and deferring the challenge of working with real speech. In contrast, carefully engineered deep learning networks allow robust, real-world automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, the complexities of deep learning architectures and training regimens make it difficult to use them to provide direct insights into mechanisms that may support HSR. In this brief article, we report preliminary results from a two-layer network that borrows one element from ASR, long short-term memory nodes, which provide dynamic memory for a range of temporal spans. This allows the model to learn to map real speech from multiple talkers to semantic targets with high accuracy, with human-like timecourse of lexical access and phonological competition. Internal representations emerge that resemble phonetically organized responses in human superior temporal gyrus, suggesting that the model develops a distributed phonological code despite no explicit training on phonetic or phonemic targets. The ability to work with real speech is a major advance for cognitive models of HSR.  相似文献   
基于同形语素抑制效应, 本研究探讨了汉语复合词视觉识别中的形音义激活进程。结果发现:(1) 同形异音、同形同音、相同条件相对于控制条件都产生了语素启动效应; (2) 在P2、晚期N400成分上, 同形同音条件与控制条件更为接近, 但与同形异音及相同条件差别显著; (3) 在早期N400成分上, 同形同音条件与相同条件更为接近, 但与同形异音条件差别显著。研究表明, 汉语复合词的视觉识别的早期阶段可能为基于词位的形态-正字法加工, 字形匹配与音位信息是首要影响因素, 但语义是否介入仍未可知; 而晚期阶段则可能为基于词条的形态-语义加工, 主要涉及语义竞争与选择。本研究结果支持了McClelland等学者提出的“平行分布加工模型”。  相似文献   
隐藏情绪识别对公共安全防范与预警具有重要的意义。微表情是揭示隐藏情绪的一条重要通道。但目前隐藏情绪研究较少且微表情因其细微幅度与快速出现等特性难以识别, 其研究尚未在实际中广泛应用。因为, 隐藏情绪的认知与表达机理亟需系统的研究,采集实际场景中的微表情数据, 并以脑电信号辅助微表情的精确标注是提高微表情标注效率的有效途径。深入研究微表情识别方法, 并辅以人脸颜色、注视估计和非接触生理信号等多通道数据, 以检测与识别隐藏情绪。社会公共安全是隐藏情绪分析和识别的典型场景。面向精神疾病患者两害行为(即危害自身或他人的危险行为)风险评估和服刑人员会见场景隐藏情绪检测, 可以有效地对相应系统和方法进行验证和修正。  相似文献   
An understanding of the roles and representations of women in classical Chinese philosophy is here derived from central texts such as the Analects, the Lienü Zhuan, and the I Ching. We argue that the roles of women during the classical period of Chinese philosophy tended to be as part of the “inner,” working domestically as a housewife and mother. This will be shown from three passages from the Analects. Women were represented as submissive and passive, as with the qualities ascribed to yin energy, and therefore as rightfully subordinate to men. However, despite representations of women in philosophy being thus at this time, there were exceptions, specific women who could take a male “outer” political role. The story of Jing Jiang from the Lienü Zhuan suggests that although women being involved in “outer” affairs were looked down on, there were still women who would be and who would occasionally get praised for doing so. This shows that it was realized, explicitly or otherwise, that women were capable of taking those roles, but also that they were not allowed to take such roles at that time.  相似文献   
This paper aims to establish a dialogue between contemporary research on the problem of other minds and classical Chinese philosophical theories. It first explores the idea, inspired by the recent discovery of the mirror neuron mechanism, that a direct exchange of experience may occur between the observer and the observed. Next, it analyzes the ways in which the ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi and Confucian thinkers reflected on the problem of other minds, which are quite similar to the idea inspired by the latest research on mirror neurons. In these thinkers’ views, knowledge of other minds is the result of mental activity and what it provides is, to a large extent, something related not to epistemology but rather to a situational understanding of other minds from the perspective of value theory. The author points out that this solution takes two aspects, humans’ innate nature and human experience, into consideration simultaneously. In terms of humans’ innate nature, the body of a human being is a body that represents the unity of man and nature, and it has something in common with the natural world, which lays a foundation for the perception of other minds. In terms of human experience, human beings have such actual needs as emotions, pursuits, and desires, and their behaviors need to conform to certain norms. It is in a body of this kind that the mind of human beings can be formed and enjoy the potential to develop. Effective interpersonal communication can thus be achieved.  相似文献   
采用眼动技术,通过两个实验考察了藏语母语者在不同语境中阅读汉语句子时,字形、语音信息在词汇识别中分别发挥的作用以及词频效应。结果发现:(1)在高限制性句子语境中,字形和语音共同作用;(2)在低限制性句子语境中,语音作用显著;(3)词频效应出现在高限制性语境的晚期,以及低限制性语境的中期和晚期。该结果表明,在藏语母语者阅读汉语的过程中,句子语境影响词汇识别过程中字形、语音的作用及作用的时间进程,藏语母语者汉语词汇识别符合双通道理论。  相似文献   
关系从句是人类语言领域句法结构较为复杂的句式,汉语3~5岁儿童是否具有加工关系从句的认知能力,以及该能力是否受句法结构和语义因素的影响,成为该领域当前研究的热点。本研究选取120名3~6岁学龄前儿童,以汉语主、宾关系从句为研究材料,通过操纵从句中核心名词的生命性格局对上述问题进行了考察。结果显示:(1)汉语领域内,3~4岁儿童基本上具备了理解句式较为简单的关系从句的能力;(2)5~6岁左右的儿童基本上具备了利用语义因素辅助关系从句加工的能力。总之,汉语学龄前儿童具备了加工关系从句的认知能力,且高年级儿童可以利用语义因素辅助从句加工。  相似文献   
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