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Bayesian estimation of a multilevel IRT model using gibbs sampling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article, a two-level regression model is imposed on the ability parameters in an item response theory (IRT) model. The advantage of using latent rather than observed scores as dependent variables of a multilevel model is that it offers the possibility of separating the influence of item difficulty and ability level and modeling response variation and measurement error. Another advantage is that, contrary to observed scores, latent scores are test-independent, which offers the possibility of using results from different tests in one analysis where the parameters of the IRT model and the multilevel model can be concurrently estimated. The two-parameter normal ogive model is used for the IRT measurement model. It will be shown that the parameters of the two-parameter normal ogive model and the multilevel model can be estimated in a Bayesian framework using Gibbs sampling. Examples using simulated and real data are given.  相似文献   
When reviewing past and current research on the role of emotion in couples therapy, there appeared to be a lack of articulation concerning how emotional expressions and relational dynamics are affected by emotional trauma that has not been accessed. The authors demonstrate how emotionally and experientially oriented therapy with couples can be enhanced by accessing stored trauma through the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This approach is called Eye Movement Relationship Enhancement (EMRE) therapy and includes key clinical areas such as accessing and tolerating previously disowned emotion, reprocessing emotional experiences, and amplifying couple intimacy. These key areas are discussed and illustrated with case examples.  相似文献   
Although scholars have established that voters have unstable preferences (e.g., Converse, 1964; Zaller, 1992) and that they are not accurate when recalling past preferences (e.g., Markus, 1986; Niemi, Katz, & Newman, 1980; Smith, 1984), existing research has not systematically explored whether voters can accurately predict the changing nature of their own opinions. The question of whether whether people recognize the instability of their political preferences was explored in a random sample of Pennsylvania registered voters who were surveyed in August and October 1996, during the presidential election campaign. The first survey elicited respondents' positions on two political issues (welfare reform and the environment) and on the two major candidates, and also asked them to estimate the likelihood that each of these positions would change during the next 2 months. The second survey elicited positions at that time and also asked voters to recall their prior positions. Measured both by expectations and recall, respondents tended to underestimate the degree to which their own positions would change or had changed over time. This research has implications for the use of public opinion polling and more broadly for the practice of democratic politics.  相似文献   
乐观偏差是一个普遍存在的现象。采用Greenwald的内隐联想测验测验(IAT)方法和Inquisit专业软件,以60名大学生为被试对乐观偏差进行了考察。结果发现:乐观偏差存在内隐效应;乐观偏差的内隐效应在性别上没有差异。  相似文献   
内隐数学-性别刻板印象的SEB研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
马芳  梁宁建 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1116-1118,1115
本研究采用SEB实验设计,考察大学生的内隐数学-性别刻板印象。结果发现,SEB方法能显著地检测到大学生普遍存在“男性比女性更擅长数学”这样的内隐数学-性别刻板印象;SEB所测量到的内隐数学-性别刻板印象没有性别差异,所测得的内隐数学-性别刻板印象也没有专业差异。  相似文献   
本研究基于项目反应理论,提出了一种检验力高且犯Ⅰ类错误率小的检测DIF的新方法:LP法(Likelihood Procedure),且以2PLM下对题目进行DIF检验为例介绍此法。本文通过与MH方法、Lord卡方检验法和Raju面积测量法三种常用的检验DIF的方法比较研究LP法的有效性,同时探讨样本容量、测验长度、目标组和参照组能力分布的差异、DIF值大小等相关因素对LP法有效性可能产生的影响。通过模拟研究,得到以下结论:(1)LP法比MH法及Lord卡方法更灵敏且更稳健;(2) LP法比Raju面积测量法更合理;(3)LP法的检验力随着被试样本容量或DIF值的增大而增大;(4)当参照组与目标组的能力无差异时,LP法在各种条件下的检验力比参照组与目标组的能力有差异时的检验力高;(5)LP法对一致性DIF和非一致性DIF都有良好的检验力,且LP法对一致性DIF的检验力比对非一致性DIF的检验力高。LP法可以简便的扩展并运用到多维度、多级评分项目上。  相似文献   
学者们对日常消费情境下企业社会责任的研究较多,但对发生产品危机事件这种非日常消费情境下的企业社会责任问题探讨较少.论文对国外产品危机事件中企业社会责任的研究成果进行了梳理.对企业社会责任与产品危机事件、企业社会责任与归因、企业社会责任与品牌评价、企业社会责任与企业危机反应等进行了综述,指出了研究的不足并对研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   
身份识别的脑功能成像研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
身份识别在日常生活中具有重要作用。身份识别可以单独通过面孔或语音来完成,也可以通过面孔和语音共同完成。文章首先从面孔和语音两个方面分别对身份识别的脑功能成像研究进行介绍,包括对身份整体性的识别和对种族、年龄、性别、熟悉性等身份亚成分的识别,然后对面孔和语音在身份识别中的关系进行介绍,最后进行了总结和展望  相似文献   
People generally tend to discount future outcomes in favor of smaller but immediate gains (i.e., delay discounting). This study examines the hypothesis that culture and social status moderate this tendency, as well as the alternative hypothesis that social status and culture influence delay discounting independently of each other. American and Japanese adults were asked to choose receiving hypothetical monetary rewards either immediately or receiving rewards of different amounts with a delay of 1 year. The results replicated previous findings and supported the alternative hypothesis. Delay discounting was lower when subjective socioeconomic status (i.e., an individual’s perception of her or his social rank) was higher. Also, the Japanese were less likely to discount future rewards than the Americans. However, there was no interaction between social status and culture in influencing the rates of delay discounting.  相似文献   
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