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论明代的度僧   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
明代建立了完密的度僧制度:禁止妇女出家,限定家庭出身以及本人身分,限定出家年龄,考试通经,限定全国僧人总数,度牒免费发放。明初多循制度僧;中期经常违制度僧,并大量鬻牒;后期主要鬻牒。明代度僧抑制了佛教势力,有利于生产发展、社会稳定及明王朝统治的巩固;有所限制的鬻牒,部分解决了军饷、赈济;大量度僧鬻牒,对生产发展、社会稳定起阻碍作用;私度盛行,买卖、伪造度牒成风,僧官借机营私舞弊;度僧对北京治安、物价也有很大影响。对佛教来说,明代度僧造就了庞大僧团,维系着佛教表面繁盛;促进了诸宗融合,促成了赴应僧队伍专业化和壮大,推动了佛教的世俗化进程;导致佛学进一步衰微。  相似文献   
宋元时期的佛经译勘与梵字的传习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讲述梵文字母及其拼合法的《悉昙章》随佛教而传入中土,并随着佛教在中土的传播而发展成一门研求梵字音义的学科门类,它的发展、嬗变始终与佛教的兴衰相呼应。宋元时期,缘于密教经典的翻译及元王朝对各系密教的尊崇,密秘佛教获得新的发展各种密法仪轨广泛流行。受其影响,梵字的传布与研习也出现了新的局面与特点。  相似文献   
陈坚 《周易研究》2003,(5):55-65
佛教自汉代传入中国后便不断地中国化,至宋明以后,中国化的佛教便完全成熟。作为成熟的中国化佛教的一个重要标志,便是佛教僧人将中国本土经典“佛经化”,以佛教的道理来诠释中国本土经典,形成了中国佛教思想史上的一个新运动,作为这一新运动的一个典型实例,晚明时期的高僧真可将《易经》“佛经化”,用佛理来诠释《易经》。通过这种诠释,真可不但从总的方面论述了《易经》中所蕴含的佛理,更是深入到《易经》六十四卦的具体卦例中去探索佛理,向人们昭示了《易经》的卦爻逻辑在表达佛理方面所具的特有功能,并使人们得以借助易理来通晓佛理。  相似文献   
Buddhism has not only produced an influence upon the ancient world culture but is also playing an important role in world affairs today. This article analyzes several important problems in the world today: world peace, disarmament, economic justice, human rights, environmental protection, and universal cooperation in world problem solving. The writer holds that, to solve these problems, we should study Buddhist theory and get some helpful ideas from it. Translated from Beida Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 5, Special Issue, April 2004  相似文献   
日本的净土信仰是随着汉译经典的传入而流传到日本的,在日本的古代和中世广为流行,十二世纪后期由法然上人创立了净土宗,从而使日本佛教走向平民,并完成了日本本土化的过程。净土思想的兴起以及法然净土宗的诞生,究其缘由无疑是来自于末法思想在当时时代的流行。法然提出了专修念佛的思想,并将《无量寿经》、《观无量寿经》、《阿弥陀经》视为净土宗所依据的根本经典,他所撰写的《选择本愿念佛集》是该宗派的思想理论的集大成之著作。  相似文献   
Jung and Freud had very different ideas about the nature of analysis. This paper begins by exploring how Jung's gnostic approach, with its goal of individuation, is deeply informed by Buddhist and Taoist principles. His pluralistic, relational model regards truth as subjective and co‐constructed with the patient. In contrast, Freud's secular methodology has objective truth as its goal. His classical psychoanalysis is a form of reality testing where the analyst claims to know the painful, singular, objective reality which the patient tries to evade. The theory of aesthetic development (see Piaget 1951, Baldwin 1975, Parsons 1980, Housen 1992, Harris Williams 2010) proposes that artistic appreciation is linked to human development. The paper looks at how the apperception of beauty, related to both truth and meaning, acts as an indicator and facilitator of individuation in the clinical encounter. This is illustrated by a clinical case study. Through empirical research, support is given to the argument (Bollas 1978, Meltzer 1988) that our early experience of the feminine/maternal plays a central role in developing an aesthetic capacity. The experience of the sublime in analysis is examined and portrayed as a means by which aesthetic development may be reignited and narcissistic isolation shattered.  相似文献   
Beginning with an eastern concept of human beings rooted in the Buddhist and Yogic traditions, this paper describes a theoretical assimilation of western models and therapies into the eastern paradigm. It traces the beginning of the east–west psychotherapy dialogue in the United States, citing early examples of Buddhist and yogic practices in the west. Ken Wilber's spectrum of consciousness model is presented and its unifying value for psychotherapy is explored. An integrative model of wholistic therapy, developed by a group of eastern and western practitioners, is then described. The paper concludes with an exploration of the issues and implications for psychotherapy integration raised by this model.  相似文献   
宋代以降,融会佛教诸宗已成佛教界主流,继而又与"三教合一"思潮相互激荡.明代的智旭,他既"究心于台部",又倡导融会诸宗、儒佛会通,他的<周易禅解>一书即是这种思想的产物.书中智旭把天台的无情有性与周易之铺天匝地、天台的止观并重与周易之乾坤刚柔、天台的四悉檀与周易的训蒙之道加以会通,并以周易的<井>卦解天台六即果位,以周易之<大有>卦解天台之"十界互俱"说.  相似文献   
印度的婆罗门教、佛教与中国的儒家、道家   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度的婆罗门教和中国的儒家学说都有着维护社会秩序、延续既有文明、创造符号体系的建构功能 ;与此相对立 ,印度的佛家和中国的道家学说则以反向解构的姿态分别对婆罗门教和儒家学说在民族文化的建构过程中所导致的异化现象进行了深刻的批判。这种建构与解构的关系体现了追求文明与反抗异化、积极进取与消极无为、崇尚秩序与回归自然之间的辩证关系。作为这种逻辑关系的历史性发展 ,印度宗教文化从婆罗门教到佛教再到印度教的发展过程 ,与中国世俗文化中儒家和道家之间的彼此更迭 ,都形成着“否定之否定”式的阶段性变革。  相似文献   
388 Japanese religious groups—143 Shinto, 157 Buddhist, 58 Christian and 30 others—were asked to answer questions regarding several forms of euthanasia and extraordinary treatment during the dying process. Passive euthanasia and indirect euthanasia were accepted by around 70% of the respondents. Active euthanasia was favored by less than 20% of them. Christians were less supportive of euthanasia than practitioners of other religions. Shinto and Buddhist corporations advocated being natural, when medical treatment became futile at the terminal stage. Religionists' views may deepen the discussion of end-of-life issues.  相似文献   
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