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In the first decades of the 20th century, Freud was known and quoted in Latin America by an elite of enlightened minds. In the 1940s a convergence took place in Buenos Aires of European exiles with local pioneers, and thus the Argentine Psychoanalytical Association was founded in 1942. Since then psychoanalysis has grown steadily and has spread into hospitals and universities, infiuencing culture at large. The socioeconomic situation of that time permitted this phenomenon to develop, to the astonishment of observers. In this paper the authors study the strong infiuence of Kleinian thought during the first 30 years of this development. The original works of local thinkers constitute the intellectual capital that sustains the idea of an Argentine psychoanalytic school. During the 1970s, both society and psychoanalysis endured deep and complex changes. Lacan's teachings gained support and Klein's infiuence began to decline. At present the Buenos Aires Kleinians keep working, while their relationship with Lacanians and other schools is calmer. Respectful discussions became thus possible, oriented to strictly scientific differences.  相似文献   
本文从经济形态、政治制度、社会结构、思想观念、人格特征五个方面对中英两国文明进行观照,认为中英文明分别具有“早生晚熟”和“晚生早熟”的不同特征,而这又是与双方文明进程迥然、专制程度差异、社会结构有别以及对待传统态度不同分不开的。正是这些差别造成了中华文明从先行到落后,而英国文明虽后来反居上。因此,只有丢掉包袱。轻装上阵。中华民族才能浴火重生。  相似文献   
The practical difficulties of traditional evaluative treatment research with child-abusing families are discussed in the light of a controlled treatment trial conducted with an unselected sample of families in a service setting. Problems encountered included the heterogeneity of the sample, the high rate of non-cooperation, and the consequent sample attrition. Methodological issues of experimental design, data collection, sample attrition and outcome measures at follow-up are discussed, and guidelines suggested for more innovative research.  相似文献   
The perceptions of psychic and economic rewards available in different occupations, the perceptions of psychic and economic costs of preparing for these occupations, and the perceived availability of jobs for college majors in business, education, and psychology is examined. The findings indicate that these different majors have quite similar perceptions of these variables despite major differences in occupational choices. Further analysis examines the relationships of these variables to occupational choice for these three groups of college majors. Although the perceptions of rewards and costs have limited independent relations to measures of occupational choice, benefits-to-costs comparisons are highly related to occupational choice for all three groups of college majors.  相似文献   
This study investigates three aspects of the way high school seniors (166 males, 187 females) construe occupational alternatives: intensity (how strongly are career considerations related), conflict (how much conflict is involved in these relations), and evaluative accord (to what extent are one's stated preferences in agreement with the positivity with which occupations are rated on considerations). Using a variant of G. Kelly's (New York: Norton, 1955) grid methodology, students rated 10 career alternatives on 10 career considerations. The results indicate that the three variables are significantly interrelated.  相似文献   
The component scales from which Bem's index of psychological androgyny is derived are better thought of as measures of dominance and nurturance, rather than “masculinity” and “femininity.” When the Bem scales were administered to 202 male and female college students, along with eight scales that form an interpersonal circumplex, it was once again found that stereotyped, near-stereotyped, and androgynous classifications on the Bem index generalized to sex-role stereotype classifications on other dimensions of interpersonal behavior, as well. Moreover, the Bem index was found to be based on the best available combination of orthogonal interpersonal scales for measuring sex-role stereotypy. In this recent sample of college students, the hypothesis that Bem's index of androgyny reflects the more general construct of interpersonal flexibility was confirmed for both male and female subjects. The recognition that Bem's index of androgyny is specific to the interpersonal domain should encourage others to develop androgyny indices in other domains such as temperatment, interests, and cognitive styles.  相似文献   
Two studies provided evidence that three independent and bipolar dimensions, pleasure-displeasure, degree of arousal, and dominance-submissiveness, are both necessary and sufficient to adequately define emotional states. In one study with 200 subjects, 42 verbal-report emotion scales were explored in regression analyses as functions of the three dimensions plus a measure of acquiescence bias. Multiple correlation coefficients showed that almost all of the reliable variance in the 42 scales had been accounted for. The specific definitions provided by these equations were replicated in a second study that employed 300 subjects' ratings of 151 emotion-denoting terms on semantic differential-type scales.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to compare the relative effectiveness of a value confrontation procedure and a procedure based on verbal operant conditioning in enhancing career development attitudes and increasing the frequency of information-seeking behavior in rural adolescent males. Ninety subjects were identified as internally controlled or externally controlled based on their locus of control scores and then randomly assigned to one of the two experimental treatment groups or a control group. The value confrontation procedure involved developing an awareness of self-dissatisfaction about one's career planning and relating this self-dissatisfaction to the importance one gave to the values logical and responsible. These values had been identified empirically in this study as having a relationship to career planning. The reinforcement counseling treatment involved the interpretation of individual career maturity data followed by the verbal operant conditioning of responses indicative of career maturity. Post tests administered 7 weeks after the treatments showed that the value confrontation procedure resulted in significantly greater frequency of information seeking for internally controlled subjects when compared to the reinforcement counseling and control procedures. No treatment was significant in increasing the maturity level of career development attitudes.  相似文献   
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