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Mental health theory and practice are in a state of significant flux. This theoretical article places the position taken by the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) in the context of current practice and seeks to critically examine some of the key factors that are driving these transformations. The impetus for a complete overhaul of existing thinking comes from the manifestly poor performance of mental health services in which those with serious mental health problems have reduced life expectancy. It advocates using the advances in our understanding of the psychological, social and physical mechanisms that underpin psychological wellbeing and mental distress, and rejecting the disease model of mental distress as part of an outdated paradigm. Innovative research in genetics, neuroscience, psychological and social theory provide the platform for changing the way we conceptualise, formulate and respond to psychological distress at both community and individual levels.  相似文献   

El presente trabajo hace referencia a las relaciones entre los valores humanos, las intenciones de conducta proam-biental, las creencias sobre las consecuencias de las condiciones medioambientales medidas a través de la escala del Nuevo Paradigma Ecológico (NPE) y las decisiones que se adoptan cuando nos enfrentamos ante dilemas ecológicos generales. Los resultados obtenidos en una muestra de 184 estudiantes universitari os muestran relaciones significativas entre las intenciones de conducta proambiental y los valores ético-ecológicos y egoístas, siendo en este último caso la relación de signo inverso. Por otro lado, no se encontraron relaciones significativas entre la intención de conducta pro- mabiental y las creencias. Con respecto a los dilemas, los resultados apuntan a la existencia de claras relaciones significativas con las creencias pero no con los valores.  相似文献   

El debate sobre la utilización de métodos y paradigmas cualitativos versus cuantitativos afecta al programa general de la psicología y está planteado desde la constitución de la ciencia Psicológica. En este artículo se presenta el debate, y se cuestiona el planteamiento tradicional consistente en vincular conjuntos definidos y cerrados de prescripciones teóricas a uno y otro tipo de métodos, presentándolas como alternativas irreconciliables. Este planteamiento es rechazado y sustituido por uno en el que; 1) Es de un claro reconocimiento al carácter científico de la perspectiva cualitativa, 2) Haga una primera aproximación a las posibilidades de la utilización conjunta de ambas perspectivas, 3) Haga una clara distinción entre dos niveles diferentes; nivel paradigmático/epistemológico y nivel metodológico/técnico.  相似文献   

El estudio de las respuestas de orientación (RO) y defensa (RD) ha ocupado tradicionalmente un papel relevante en la investigación psicofisiológica. No obstante, la mayor parte de esos trabajos definen el carácter de la respuesta por las características estimulares. Desde un punto de vista diferente, en el que el papel del sujeto como receptor de la información cobra mayor relevancia, en el presente artículo se efectúa un análisis detallado de todos aquellos estudios que han revelado y estudiado la existencia de diferencias individuales en la elicitación de la respuesta de orientación y/o defensa. Estas diferencias individuales se han manifestado dentro de la elicitación de la RO, de la elicitación de la RD, y en la elicitación de uno u otro tipo de respuesta ante unos mismos estímulos, que se manifiesta, principalmente, en las diferencias existentes entre sujetos con y sin trastorno psicofisiológico, o entre sujetos con y sin miedos fóbicos.  相似文献   

El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar qué efecto tiene la enseñanza de habilidades de análisis fonológico sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura. Vara la enseñanza de tales habilidades a niños prelectores se construyen varios programas, consistentes en juegos metalinguísticos de diverso tipo: rima, identificación de fonemas y omisión de fonemas. Los resultados muestran que es posible desarrollar habilidades fonológicas en los niños de Educación Infantil antes del aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura, siendo preciso para conseguir tal desarrollo una enseñanza explícita. También se demuestra que la enseñanza de habilidades fonológicas tiene un efecto facilitador del aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura, observándose mayores efectos si en esta enseñanza se emplean tareas que requieran manipular fonemas. Además, el desarrollo de estas habilidade fonológicas puede influir en el tipo de estrategia inicial que los niños utilicen para leer y escribir palabras, pudiendo ser en ambos casos una estrategia “fonológica”.  相似文献   
The impact of racial experiences on Whites has been underresearched and has rarely been considered traumatic. To understand these experiences, it is important to consider variation in one's orientation to their racial group (i.e., racial identity) and the type of racial encounter. Using a White adult sample and hierarchical cluster analysis, the authors found that reactions to race-based encounters were associated with varying levels of psychological distress and well-being and racial identity statuses. Clinical implications are discussed. El impacto de las experiencias raciales en personas blancas no ha sido suficientemente investigado y en raras ocasiones ha sido considerado traumático. Para comprender estas experiencias, es importante considerar la variación en la orientación de cada individuo hacia su grupo racial (es decir, la identidad racial) y el tipo de encuentro racial. Usando una muestra de personas adultas blancas y un análisis jerárquico de clústeres, los autores hallaron que las reacciones a los encuentros raciales estaban asociadas a niveles variables de malestar psicológico, así como de estados de bienestar e identidad racial.  相似文献   
Carers of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience high levels of distress. Several studies have been carried out on interventions designed to decrease their burden. However, the evidence from these studies has not been summarized. The objective of this work is to explore the clinical utility of interventions developed for family members of patients with BPD. A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines (registration number CRD42018107318), including psychological interventions focused on relatives of patients with BPD. The following databases were used: PsycINFO, PubMed, EBSCOhost, and Web of Science. Two independent researchers reviewed the studies to determine whether the eligibility criteria were met. A total of 2,303 abstracts were identified. After duplicates had been removed, 1,746 studies were screened. Finally, 433 full‐text articles were reviewed, yielding 11 studies that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Results show that these interventions with different clinical formats and settings are effective. The quality of the included studies varies, and the empirical support for these programs is still preliminary. The results help to establish a general framework for interventions specifically developed for family members of patients with BPD, but additional efforts should be made to improve the methodological quality of this field of research and more solidly determine the utility of these interventions. Given the paucity of data so far, this information may open up new lines of research to improve the effectiveness of future programs for carers of patients with BPD and help to reduce their burden.  相似文献   
Jung’s study centres on the amplification of pictures painted by a woman patient and posits their sequence as evincing the initial stages of the individuation process. His text performs a dialogue with its audience whereby Jung persuades us of this truth, and also reveals Jung’s dialogue with his patient and with his own ideas. The present paper revisits the clinical material first with a focus on the interaction between Jung and his patient. The second part compares the 1940 and 1950 versions of Jung’s study with attention to tensions that traverse them, such as Jung’s attitude to the animus and his two voices as a practitioner and a theorist.  相似文献   
Background/ObjectiveThis study aimed to adapt the Personal Meaning Profile-Brief (PMP-B) to the Spanish-speaking population and investigate its psychometric properties. The PMP-B is a 21-item instrument that assesses meaning in life through seven sources: relationship, intimacy, achievement, self-acceptance, self-transcendence, fair treatment, and religion.MethodParticipants were 546 Spanish adults comprised of a community sample (n = 171) and university students (n = 375). The PMP-B, the Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale were administrated.ResultsThe PMP-B showed a bifactor structure with one general factor and seven subfactors. Measurement invariance was found across age, gender, and samples. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were generally good. Older people showed higher PMP-B scores than younger people. The PMP-B scores, especially relational sources of meaning, were positively associated with psychological well-being and negatively related to psychological distress, mainly to depression.ConclusionsThe validity evidence gathered in this study supports the reliable use of the PMP-B to measure meaning in life. The PMP-B can be a noteworthy contribution to the meaning-centered research.  相似文献   
Background/Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess psychometric properties of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18), evaluate the measurement invariance with respect to sex, age, and tumor location, and to analyze associations between social support and sociodemographic and clinical variables among individuals with resected, non-advanced cancer. Method: A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to explore the dimensionality of the scale and test invariance across sex, age, and tumor localization in a prospective, multicenter cohort of 877 patients who completed the BSI-18 and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Results: The results show that 3-factor and 1-factor measurement models provided a good fit to the data; however, a three-factor, second-order model was deemed more appropriate and parsimonious in this population. Alpha coefficients ranged between .75 and .88. Test of measurement invariance showed strong invariance results for sex, age, and tumor location; strong invariance over time was likewise assumed. Less perceived social support appears to correlate with all BSI factors. Conclusions: The study confirmed the tridimensional structure of the BSI-18 and invariance across age, sex, and tumor localization. We recommend using this instrument to measure anxiety, depression, and somatization in epidemiological research and clinical practice.  相似文献   
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