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The aim of this study is to quantify drivers’ comfort- and dread-zone boundaries in left-turn-across-path/opposite-direction (LTAP/OD) scenarios. These scenarios account for a large fraction of traffic fatalities world-wide. The comfort zone is a dynamic spatiotemporal envelope surrounding the vehicle, within which drivers feel comfortable and safe. The dread zone, a novel concept, describes a zone with a smaller safety margin that drivers will not voluntarily enter, but can push themselves into when conditions provide additional motivation (e.g., when hurried). Quantifying comfort- and dread-zone boundaries in the context of turning left before or after an oncoming vehicle has the potential to inform and improve both the design and driver acceptance of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles.Using a within-subject design, a test-track experiment was conducted with drivers turning an instrumented vehicle left across the path of an oncoming vehicle. The oncoming vehicle was a self-propelled full-sized computer-controlled balloon vehicle going straight at a constant speed (50 km/h). The driver assumed full control of the instrumented vehicle approximately 20 m before the intersection and had to make the decision to turn left before or after the oncoming balloon vehicle. There were two experimental conditions, comfortable driving and hurried driving. Measures for each turn included post-encroachment time (PET), lateral acceleration, and self-reports of comfort and risk. Drivers consistently accepted shorter time gaps and higher lateral accelerations when hurried. We interpret these findings to suggest that drivers invoke two dynamic, contextually-defined safety margins. The first is the comfort-zone boundary, a limit which drivers do not voluntarily cross without extra motives. The second is the dread-zone boundary, a more distant limit which drivers do not voluntarily cross even with extra motives. Grouping the responses (high/low) to the driver behavior questionnaire (DBQ) improved the ability to predict the dread-zone boundary PET given the comfort-zone boundary PET.  相似文献   
Interactions with other road users influence the perceived safety and comfort of pedestrians. Yet the relationships among perceptions of yielding, safety, and comfort are poorly understood. To enhance understanding of these key concepts, the objectives of this study are to determine how perception of pedestrian safety at unsignalized crosswalks differs from perception of comfort, and the relationship of each with perception of yielding. A generalized structural equations model is developed using data from an online survey in which 366 participants (i.e., “perceivers”) rated yielding, safety, and comfort for sample videos of pedestrian interactions with motor vehicles and bicycles. Results show that an individual’s perception of yielding plays a crucial role in mediating the effects of interaction attributes (e.g., vehicle speed, proximity) and perceiver attributes (e.g., travel habits) on their perceptions of pedestrian safety and comfort. For example, people who bicycle more frequently perceive pedestrians as more comfortable than people who walk more frequently, rooted in misalignment on what constitutes adequate yielding. Strategies to address pedestrian comfort can focus on a set of key yielding behaviors by drivers and cyclists – particularly allowing the pedestrian to cross first. Motor vehicle drivers must exhibit stronger yielding behavior (e.g., allow a larger time gap) than bicycles to achieve the same level of perceived pedestrian safety and comfort. Although perceptions of safety and comfort are strongly related and similarly impacted by yielding, researchers should be cautious about using the concepts interchangeably because they are differently impacted by attributes of the interaction and perceiver.  相似文献   
Factors associated with cycle safety, including international differences in injury and mortality rates, protective equipment and bicycle training, have been subject to increasing academic interest. Environmental variables associated with cycle safety have also been scrutinised, but few studies have focussed on geographical factors at the local level. This paper addresses this research gap by analysing a geo-referenced dataset of road traffic incidents, taken from the UK’s STATS19 dataset (2005–2012). We investigate incidents involving cyclists within West Yorkshire. This is an interesting case study area as it has an historically low cycling rate but very ambitions cycling plans following investment from the Department of Transport. West Yorkshire is found to be an unusually risky area for cyclists, with an estimated 53 deaths and 1372 serious injuries per billion kilometres cycled, based on census commuting statistics. This is roughly double the national average. This riskiness varies spatially and temporally, broadly in line with expectations from the previous literature. An unexpected result was that cycling seems to be disproportionately risky for young people in West Yorkshire compared with young people nationally. The case study raises the issue of potential negative health impacts of promoting cycling amongst vulnerable groups in dangerous areas. We conclude by highlighting opportunities for increasing cycling uptake via measures designed primarily to improve safety. The analysis underlying this research is reproducible, based on code stored at github.com/Robinlovelace/bikeR.  相似文献   
A road sign with the text «Share the road» and a picture of a smiling cyclist and a passing car was evaluated in a before–after study with surveys among cyclists and car drivers. The sign was set up at two sites on a test road near Oslo in summer 2014. A similar road was used as a comparison. About two thirds of the participants on the test road had noticed the sign. The majority liked it and agreed with its message. Cyclists have more often noticed the sign than car drivers have and they were somewhat more positive towards the sign. Effects on self-reported behavior and the perceived behavior of others were evaluated by comparing changes from the before- to the after-period between test and comparison road. Self-reported behavior of both cyclists and car drivers has improved on the test road after the sign was set up, especially in overtaking situations, and these results are in accordance with how cyclists and car drivers perceived each other’s behavior. The general perception of other road users has improved as well. The results are most likely representative of similar roads with a large proportion of car traffic that is related to recreation and a relatively low level of conflict.  相似文献   
The present study examined how different characteristics of visual attention are related to flying ability. Eighty participants completed one of four attentional tests designed to assess sustained attention (SUSTAIN), attentional orienting (ORIENT), divided attention (DIVIDE) or selective attention (SELECT). Median splits were used to create low and high groups. After completing training, participants executed simulated landings under conditions of high anxiety. For the DIVIDE test, there were significant group differences in: (i) landing ability after training and (ii) the effects of anxiety. The high DIVIDE group had lower root mean square (RMS) errors at the end of training and were less affected by anxiety as compared to the low DIVIDE group. For the ORIENT and SELECT tests, there were significant group effects for training but not for anxiety. The high groups for these tests displayed lower RMS errors following training. There were no group differences for the SUSTAIN test. The results suggest that a test of divided attention may be useful for operational assessment of pilots.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to investigate the mediating roles of driving skills in relationship between organizational safety strategies and driver behaviours among driving instructors. Driving skills consist of perceptual-motor skills and safety skills. Driver behaviours are investigated under four factors: violations, errors, lapses, and positive driver behaviours. Participants were 132 driving instructors (108 male and 24 female). In order to measure organizational safety strategies, Organizational Safety Strategies Scale (OSSS) was developed for driving schools. Results of the principal component analyses yielded one-factor solution for OSSS. In order to test the indirect effects of organizational safety strategies on driver behaviours through driving skills, multiple mediation analyses were conducted by entering age and annual mileage as the control variables. As organizational safety strategies were stronger, driving instructors had higher levels of perceptual-motor skills, which resulted in higher violations. On the other hand, as organizational safety strategies were stronger, driving instructors had higher levels of safety skills, which resulted in less violations and lapses. It can be inferred that; organizational stronger safety strategies might have negative influences on road safety through higher perceptual-motor skills; whereas there can be positive influences on road safety through higher safety skills. In addition, both skills are related to organizational safety strategies. Hence, driving schools should consider the asymmetric relationship between perceptual-motor skills and safety skills while improving their safety strategies to decrease violations and lapses. Organizations might also develop interventions to balance the stated skills to increase road safety.  相似文献   
Although drivers can adequately adjust their operating speed according to the road curvature, they show a lack of recognition regarding the pavement friction conditions. In this regard, inappropriate speed selection on Horizontal Curves (HCs) with reduced surface friction can lead to a remarkable rate of run-off-road, sideswipe, head-on, and rollover crashes, especially on rural highways. Aligned with the Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Program on Interstate-80 in Wyoming, this study scrutinizes how CV advisory/warning messages can enhance traffic safety on slippery HCs. To this aim, a roadway consists of two HCs with regular and slippery pavement conditions was designed in a high-fidelity driving simulator experiment. A total of 24 professional truck drivers were recruited to drive the simulated roadway under CV and non-CV environments. In the CV scenario, drivers were informed about the pavement conditions and the advisory speeds before entering HCs. In contrast, no messages were given to non-CV drivers. Truck drivers' behaviors in both scenarios were quantified using four Kinematic-based Surrogate Measures of Safety (K-SMoS), including deviation from the pathway, instantaneous acceleration, lateral speed, and steering angle. CVs’ trajectories were statistically compared to non-CVs in terms of the central tendency and dispersion using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (WSRT) and Median Absolute Deviation (MAD), respectively. The results of WSRT depicted, under the effect of CV advisory/warning messages and throughout the slippery HC, the central tendency of four K-SMoS could be shifted toward zero by 23% up to 99%. This shifting is associated with a significant safety enhancement that potentially can reduce the likelihood of curve-related crashes on slippery HCs. It was revealed that the variation in drivers’ behavior on the slippery HC could be minimized in the CV environment, where 54% up to 95% reduction in the dispersions of four K-SMoS were observed, leading to more certainty in drivers’ behavior.  相似文献   
Research suggests a relationship between auditory distraction (such as environmental noises or a vocal cell phone conversation) and a decreased ability to detect and localize approaching vehicles. What is unclear is whether auditory vehicle perception is impacted more by distractions reliant on listening or distractions reliant on speaking (analogous to the two components of a vocal cell phone conversation). In two experiments, adult participants listened for approaching vehicle noises and while performing listening- and speaking-based secondary tasks. Participants were tasked with identifying when they first detect an approaching vehicle and when they no longer felt safe to cross in front of the approaching vehicle. For both experiments, the speaking task resulted in significantly later detection of approaching vehicles and riskier crossing thresholds than in the no-distraction and listening conditions. The listening secondary task significantly differed from the control condition in experiment 1, but not experiment 2. Overall, our results suggest auditory distractions, particularly those reliant on speaking, negatively impact pedestrian safety in situations where visual information is minimal. Results may provide guidance for future research and policy about the safety impacts of secondary tasks.  相似文献   
It is imperative to enhance the safety of elderly individuals on the roads to ensure the quality of their daily life. Near-miss incidents or accidents at blind intersections often result from a conflict between the behaviors of the driver and of other road users (pedestrians and cyclists). The failure to search for potential conflict in the context of blind intersections is a concern pertaining to road safety. The proposed assistance system performs a proactive braking intervention to achieve a referenced velocity in uncertain situations, such as one in which an unobserved pedestrian might initiate a road crossing. The proactive braking intervention attempts to manage the potential risk of crashing with respect to covert hazards. Because an automated system may impair a human’s ability to perceive and respond to hazardous situations while driving, this study was designed to examine the effects of proactive braking intervention and visual support cues on elderly and younger drivers’ ability to respond to information about potentially hazardous situations. We conducted a public-road driving experiment involving 108 elderly and younger drivers from two non-overlapping age groups. It was observed that the vehicle slowdown realized through the proactive braking intervention enabled the drivers to perform safety confirmation near blind spots and caused them to be more sensitive to and wary of potential hazards. This approach could be effective not only for elderly drivers, but also for young or inexperienced ones.  相似文献   
Pedestrian signal violation is a significant concern among policymakers and traffic engineers as this leads to a pedestrian-vehicle crash. The waiting time for a pedestrian at intersections is crucial in street-crossing decision-making. Once pedestrians terminate their waiting behaviour during the red-light period, they would cross in the red light and put themselves in danger. A total of 2089 red-light arriving pedestrian observations were made at eight intersection crosswalks across Kolkata city (India). With the help of hazard-based duration models, the waiting duration till signal violation has been analysed. Kaplan–Meier curve has been plotted to understand the survival probabilities. A semi-parametric Cox Proportional Hazard model was used to understand the different factors influencing signal violation behaviour. However, the proportional hazard assumption was not satisfied. Therefore, a parametric Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model was used to understand the various covariates that affect the waiting duration. The results highlighted that 49.5% of pedestrians crossed immediately after arriving at the intersection in the red-light phase. A pedestrian’s probability of crossing the road when it is unsafe, i.e., motor vehicles still have green or yellow, varies with the waiting time. As waiting time increases, pedestrians get impatient and violate the traffic signal. This violation places them at an increased risk of being struck by a motor vehicle. The covariate analysis using the AFT model showed that pedestrian glance/looking behaviour, different types of distractions, signal cycle length, carrying luggage, and traffic plying on the road impacted signal violation behaviour. Signal modifications by reducing red-light phase length for pedestrians might be the most efficient means of reducing the likelihood of signal violation and being hit by a motor vehicle.  相似文献   
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