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Recent and upcoming advances in vehicle automation are likely to change the role of the driver from one of actively controlling a vehicle to one of monitoring the behaviour of an assistant system and the traffic environment. A growing body of literature suggests that one possible side effect of an increase in the degree of vehicle automation is the tendency of drivers to become more heavily involved in secondary tasks while the vehicle is in motion. However, these studies have mainly been conducted in strictly controlled research environments, such as driving simulators and test tracks, and have mainly involved either low levels of automation (i.e., automation of longitudinal control by Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)) or Highly automated driving (i.e., automation of both longitudinal and lateral control without the need for continuous monitoring). This study aims to replicate these effects during an on-road experiment in everyday traffic and to extend previous findings to an intermediate level of automation, in which both longitudinal and lateral control are automated but the driver must still monitor the traffic environment continuously (so-called Partial automation). N = 32 participants of different age groups and different levels of familiarity with ACC drove in rush-hour traffic on a highway segment. They were assisted by ACC, ACC with steering assistance (ACC+SA), or not at all. The results show that while subjective and objective driving safety were not influenced by the degree of automation, drivers who were already familiar with ACC increased the frequency of interactions with an in-vehicle secondary task in both assisted drives. However, participants generally rated performing the secondary task as less effortful when being assisted, regardless of the automation level (ACC vs. ACC+SA). The results of this on-road experiment thus validate previous findings from more-controlled research environments and extend them to Partially automated driving.  相似文献   
Automated Vehicles (AVs) are being developed rapidly and tested on public roads, but pedestrians’ interaction with AV is not comprehensively understood or thoroughly investigated to ensure safe operations and the public’s trust of AVs. In this study, we aimed to provide another research evidence to enhance such understanding with the use of external interfaces for facilitating the interaction between pedestrians and AVs. We developed five external interfaces, including text, symbol, animated-eye, a combination of text and symbol, and speed. These interfaces communicated five types of information, including (1) intent of AV; 2) advice to pedestrians of what to do, (3) AV’s awareness of pedestrians, (4) combination of intent and advice, and (5) vehicle movement (i.e., speed). We tested the interfaces through two field studies at uncontrolled intersections with crosswalks. The Wizard of Oz method was used, in which an experimenter worked as a driver in an instrumented vehicle and wore an outfit to be invisible to the pedestrians, thus rendering the set-up to simulate an AV interacting with a pedestrian. The interfaces were displayed on an LED panel mounted on the AV. Results showed that the AV’s external interface did not change pedestrians’ response time in comparison with the baseline without any interface. There was no statistically significant difference in response time among the external interfaces either. According to the post-experimental interview, vehicle movement pattern (e.g., vehicle speed) continued to be a significant cue for pedestrians to decide when to cross the intersections. Participants perceived the communication of the AV’s intent and vehicle speed as more beneficial than the communication of AV’s awareness. The subjective ratings showed positive effects of those interfaces that were easy to understand (e.g., text interface and speed interface), which also helped pedestrians feel safer when interacting with the AV.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to examine the influence of explanation-based knowledge regarding system functions and the driver’s role in conditionally automated driving (Level 3, as defined in SAE J3016). In particular, we studied how safely and successfully drivers assume control of the vehicle when encountering situations that exceed the automation parameters. This examination was conducted through a test-track experiment. Thirty-two younger drivers (mean age = 37.3 years) and 24 older drivers (mean age = 71.1 years) participated in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Adopting a between-participants design, in each experiment the participants were divided into two age- and sex-matched groups that were given differing levels of explanation-based knowledge concerning the system limitations of automated driving. The only information given to the less-informed groups was that, during automated driving, drivers may be required to occasionally assume control of the vehicle. The well-informed groups were given the same information, as well as details regarding the auditory-visual alerts produced by the human–machine interface (HMI) during requests to intervene (RtIs), and examples of situations where RtIs would be issued. Ten and nine RtI events were staged for each participant in Experiment 1 and 2, respectively; the participants performed a non-driving-related task while the automated driving system was functioning. For both experiments it was found that, for all RtI events, more participants in the well-informed groups than the less-informed groups successfully assumed control of the vehicle. These results suggest that, in addition to providing information regarding the possible occurrence of RtIs, explanations of HMI and RtI-related situations are effective for helping both younger and older drivers safely and successfully negotiate such events.  相似文献   
In partially automated vehicles, the driver and the automated system share control of the vehicle. Consequently, the driver may have to switch between driving and monitoring activities. This can critically impact the driver’s situational awareness. The human–machine interface (HMI) is responsible for efficient collaboration between driver and system. It must keep the driver informed about the status and capabilities of the automated system, so that he or she knows who or what is in charge of the driving. The present study was designed to compare the ability of two HMIs with different information displays to inform the driver about the system’s status and capabilities: a driving-centered HMI that displayed information in a multimodal way, with an exocentric representation of the road scene, and a vehicle-centered HMI that displayed information in a more traditional visual way. The impact of these HMIs on drivers was compared in an on-road study. Drivers’ eye movements and response times for questions asked while driving were measured. Their verbalizations during the test were also transcribed and coded. Results revealed shorter response times for questions on speed with the exocentric and multimodal HMI. The duration and number of fixations on the speedometer were also greater with the driving-centered HMI. The exocentric and multimodal HMI helped drivers understand the functioning of the system, but was more visually distracting than the traditional HMI. Both HMIs caused mode confusions. The use of a multimodal HMI can be beneficial and should be prioritized by designers. The use of auditory feedback to provide information about the level of automation needs to be explored in longitudinal studies.  相似文献   
An automated mobility scooter is expected to provide convenient and safe transportation for users in their living area. However, there is limited research on user comfort compared to that on user safety for the automated driving of mobility scooters. Because the user does not perform driving tasks in automated driving, the visual information from the peripheral environment and visual behavior is expected to closely affect the psychological comfort of the user. This study clarifies the effects of factors related to the automated driving of mobility scooters and the peripheral environment on the visual behavior and psychological comfort of the user. Effects of driving velocity and pedestrian density on the visual behavior and psychophysiological responses of users were investigated via a driving simulator. The results showed that automated driving in an environment with a high pedestrian density can result in a decrease in fixation duration, deactivation of visual processing, sympathetic activation, and feeling of negative emotion. This implies that the assessment of visual behaviors of users is important for the design of automated mobility scooters to improve user comfort.  相似文献   
ObjectivesDriver sleepiness is one of the major safety issues in conventional driving and sleep inertia emerges as a driver state in automated driving. The aim of the present study was to assess the differential impacts of sleepiness and sleep inertia on driving behavior.Method61 participants completed a 10-min manual driving task during an otherwise automated drive. They completed the task (a) under an alert state, (b) under a sleepy state, and (c) after EEG-confirmed sleep. Driving performance was assessed with the parameters lane-keeping, speed choice, and speed-keeping. The eye-blink-based sleepiness measure PERCLOS (the proportion of time with eyes closed) was compared for the three driver states.ResultsLane- and speed-keeping performance were impaired under the sleepy state and after sleep, relative to the alert state. After sleep, lane-keeping behavior recovered rapidly and speed-keeping recovered by trend. Under the sleepy state, performance deteriorated. After sleep, the mean speed was lower than in the sleepy state and in the alert state. PERCLOS was increased after sleep and under the sleepy state, relative to the alert state.ConclusionsAlthough sleep inertia had detrimental effects on driving parameters similar to sleepiness, this effect rapidly vanished. Hence, while brief naps might be suitable to restore alertness in general, the minimal time needed to regain full capacity after napping should be a focus of future research.  相似文献   
External human machine interfaces (eHMI) might contribute to an enhanced traffic flow and road safety by providing relevant information to surrounding road users. To quantify the effect of eHMI on traffic flow, the majority of studies required participants to indicate their crossing decision in an explicit manner, such as pressing a button. While this approach proved to be efficient, the transfer to real-world behavior is unclear. Here, we propose a more realistic, motion-based approach allowing pedestrians to actually cross the road in front of a vehicle in a virtual reality environment. Participants (N = 51) encountered simulated automated vehicles (AVs) in two scenarios. We investigated the effect of different eHMIs on traffic flow and road safety. Pedestrians’́ body movements were obtained using a motion capturing system with six sensors. Our approach was validated using a two-step procedure. First, we assessed crossing behavior and subjective safety feeling while approaching AVs with and without eHMI. Second, we tested to which extent objective crossing behavior matched self-reported safety feeling. For this purpose, we evaluated if subjective safety feeling can be reliably predicted from actual crossing behavior using a functional data analysis. The proposed motion-based approach proved a valid investigation method for eHMI designs. The results indicated that eHMIs have a beneficial effect on traffic flow and road safety. Regarding traffic flow, participants crossed the road earlier and felt significantly safer when encountering an AV with an eHMI compared to no eHMI. In addition, in situations in which only some of the AVs were equipped with an eHMI, participants’ crossing behavior and safety feeling became more conservative for encounters without eHMI, indicating higher road safety. Further, subjective safety feeling was significantly predicted from actual crossing behavior. These findings highlight that eHMIs are beneficial for pedestrians’ crossing decision, both from an objective and subjective perspective.  相似文献   
In the transition towards higher levels of vehicle automation, one of the key concerns with regards to human factors is to avoid mode confusion, when drivers misinterpret the driving mode and therewith misjudge their own tasks and responsibility. To enhance mode awareness, a clear human centered Human Machine Interface (HMI) is essential. The HMI should support the driver tasks of both supervising the driving environment when needed and self-regulating their non-driving related activities (NDRAs). Such support may be provided by either presenting continuous information on automation reliability, from which the driver needs to infer what task is required, or by presenting continuous information on the currently required driving task and allowed NDRA directly. Additionally, it can be valuable to provide continuous information to support anticipation of upcoming changes in the automation mode and its associated reliability or required and allowed driver task(s). Information that could support anticipation includes the available time until a change in mode (i.e. time budget), information on the upcoming mode, and reasons for changing to the upcoming mode. The current work investigates the effects of communicating this potentially valuable information through HMI design. Participants received information from an HMI during simulated drives in a simulated car presented online (using Microsoft Teams) with an experimenter virtually accompanying and guiding each session. The HMI either communicated on automation reliability or on the driver task, and either included information supporting anticipation or did not include such information. Participants were thinking aloud during the simulated drives and reported on their experience and preferences afterwards. Anticipatory information supported understanding about upcoming changes without causing information overload or overreliance. Moreover, anticipatory information and information on automation reliability, and especially a combination of the two, best supported understandability and usability. Recommendations are provided for future work on facilitating supervision and NDRA self-regulation during automated driving through HMI design.  相似文献   
Perceived risk and trust are crucial for user acceptance of driving automation. In this study, we identify important predictors of perceived risk and trust in a driving simulator experiment and develop models through stepwise regression to predict event-based changes in perceived risk and trust. 25 participants were tasked to monitor SAE Level 2 driving automation (ACC + LC) while experiencing merging and hard braking events with varying criticality on a motorway. Perceived risk and trust were rated verbally after each event, and continuous perceived risk, pupil diameter and ECG signals were explored as possible indictors for perceived risk and trust.The regression models show that relative motion with neighbouring road users accounts for most perceived risk and trust variations, and no difference was found between hard braking with merging and hard braking without merging. Drivers trust the automation more in the second exposure to events. Our models show modest effects of personal characteristics: experienced drivers are less sensitive to risk and trust the automation more, while female participants perceive more risk than males. Perceived risk and trust highly correlate and have similar determinants. Continuous perceived risk accurately reflects participants’ verbal post-event rating of perceived risk; the use of brakes is an effective indicator of high perceived risk and low trust, and pupil diameter correlates to perceived risk in the most critical events. The events increased heart rate, but we found no correlation with event criticality. The prediction models and the findings on physiological measures shed light on the event-based dynamics of perceived risk and trust and can guide human-centred automation design to reduce perceived risk and enhance trust.  相似文献   
Cyclists are expected to interact with automated vehicles (AVs) in future traffic, yet we know little about the nature of this interaction and the safety implications of AVs on cyclists. On-bike human–machine interfaces (HMIs) and connecting cyclists to AVs and the road infrastructure may have the potential to enhance the safety of cyclists. This study aimed to identify cyclists’ needs in today’s and future traffic, and explore on-bike HMI functionality and the implications of equipping cyclists with devices to communicate with AVs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 cyclists in Norway and 15 cyclists in the Netherlands. Thematic analysis was used to identify and contextualise the factors of cyclist-AV interaction and on-bike HMIs. From the analysis, seven themes were identified: Interaction, Bicycles, Culture, Infrastructure, Legislation, AVs, and HMI. These themes are diverse and overlap with factors grouped in sub-themes. The results indicated that the cyclists prefer segregated future infrastructure, and in mixed urban traffic, they need confirmation of detection by AVs. External on-vehicle or on-bike HMIs might be solutions to fulfil the cyclists’ need for recognition. However, the analysis suggested that cyclists are hesitant about being equipped with devices to communicate with AVs: Responsibility for safety should lie with AV technology rather than with cyclists. A device requirement might become a barrier to cycling, as bicycles are traditionally cheap and simple, and additional costs might deter people from choosing cycling as a transport mode. Future studies should investigate user acceptance of on-bike HMIs among cyclists on a larger scale to test the findings’ generalisability, and explore other, perhaps more viable solutions than on-bike HMIs for enhancing AV-cyclist interaction.  相似文献   
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