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The Parent‐Child Play Scale was developed as a scale that complements the Parent‐Child Feeding Scale, created by I. Chatoor et al. (1997), to evaluate mother–infant/toddler interactions in two different caregiving contexts of a young child's everyday life, specifically play and feeding. This Play Scale can be used with infants and toddlers ranging in age from 1 month to 3 years and provides reliable global ratings of mother–child interactions during 10 min of videotaped free‐play in a laboratory setting. The scale consists of 32 mother and infant/toddler interactive behaviors which are rated by trained observers from videotaped observations. Four subscales are derived: Dyadic Reciprocity, Maternal Unresponsiveness to Infant's/Toddler's Cues, Dyadic Conflict, and Maternal Intrusiveness. Construct validity and interrater and test‐retest reliability of the Play Scale have been demonstrated. This Play Scale discriminates between children with and without feeding disorders as well as between children with different subtypes of feeding disorders as defined by the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, Revised (DC:0–3R) (Feeding Disorder of State Regulation, Feeding Disorder of Caregiver‐Infant Reciprocity, and Infantile Anorexia). It can be used for research or clinical practice in the diagnosis and treatment of early feeding problems, to assess the pervasiveness of mother–infant/toddler difficulties and to monitor changes following therapy.  相似文献   
Toddlers with language delay are at risk for persistent developmental and behavioral difficulties; however, the association between socioemotional/behavior problems and language in young children is not well understood. This study explored socioemotional/behavior problems in a unique sample of toddlers with language delays using a measure developed explicitly for this age group. Toddlers identified by 18 months with receptive and expressive language delay (LD; n = 30) or typical development (TD; n = 61) were evaluated at 18 and 24 months of age using the Infant‐Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) and the Mullen Scales of Early Learning. Compared to toddlers who had TD, toddlers with LD had significantly more concerning scores at 18 and 24 months on all ITSEA domains. The rate of “clinical concern” on most domains was not high in either group, except that >60% of LD toddlers were in the clinical concern range on the Competence domain. Socioemotional/behavioral problems were dimensionally related to receptive and expressive language, with greater language delay associated with more concerning ITSEA scores. Socioemotional and behavioral problems are related to receptive and expressive language abilities in 18‐ and 24‐month‐olds, indicating the need for screening of both types of concerns in toddlers identified with potential language delays.  相似文献   
Continuous stress and trauma are manifested in dreams, the study of which can expand our knowledge concerning unconscious reactions to trauma and efforts of coping with continuous traumatic situations. In our research we asked people living under continuous threat of rocket attacks to record their dreams and their associations to them during four consecutive weeks. We collected 609 dreams from 44 women and 18 men (age range 14-62). The dreams submitted were analysed according to the Jungian approach in the light of the information and associations presented by the subjects. Full dream series of dreamers from each group were analysed in an attempt to capture the depth-psychological experience of living and dreaming under fire. The most frequent themes found were: ‘concrete vs. symbolic', ‘togetherness', ‘active ego', ‘fear and anxiety', ‘shadow' and ‘personal issue'. The subjects were divided into three age groups. Differences between the occurrences of themes were examined. On the unconscious level our results showed that the adolescents group seemed to be the most vulnerable to the stress situation (preponderance of concrete dreams), the mature adults group was the least influenced by it (preponderance of symbolic dreams and of the ‘personal issue' theme) and the young adults group made the greatest psychological efforts for coping (preponderance of ‘active ego' theme). We noted few anima figures appearing in the men's dreams, while animus figures appeared in the women's dreams. In another study undertaken immediately after one of the recent wars in Gaza we collected dreams of Israelis living in the south of Israel who were under heavy daily rocket attacks, and dreams of Palestinians living in the West Bank. The most significant difference we found between the groups was a preponderance of symbolic dreams among the Palestinians, as opposed to a preponderance of concrete trauma dreams among the Israeli group living on the Gaza border. In both groups we found archetypal symbols of evil. In conclusion, dreams can help us detect emotional distress, even when subjects seem ‘ok'. Early detection and working with dreams can help prevent the severity of delayed PTSD.  相似文献   
Development of visually guided hand orientation in reaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of an ability to use vision in adjusting the hand and the fingers to the orientation of an object to be grasped was studied in a group of 15 infants. They were 18 weeks at the first session and were seen at 4-week intervals until 34 weeks old. At each session they were presented with horizontal and vertical rods. The orientation of the hand of the infant when reaching for these rods was measured at each 60-msec interval during the last 540 msec of the approach. It was found that even at the youngest age there were signs of adjustment of the hand to the orientation of the object. However, at that age the adjustments were rather incomplete. During the months that followed there was a rapid improvement in the skill studied. The findings were in accordance with the idea that information about object orientation is accessible to the manual system when infants start reaching for objects but that the system has yet to be tuned and calibrated before functioning adequately.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Begriff des Narzi?mus wird aus historischen, soziologischen, anthropologischen, mythologischen und etymologischen Quellen hergeleitet und dann in die verschiedenen psychoanalytischen Theorien eingeordnet. Die theoretischen Grundpositionen zum Narzi?mus und zur Auffassung narzi?tischer Pers?nlichkeitsst?rungen werden ausführlich erl?utert. Die Annahme eines prim?ren Narzi?mus wird anhand der theoretischen Vorstellungen von Freud, Grunberger, Mahler und Kohut erkl?rt, die Annahme einer prim?ren Objektbeziehung durch die Theorien von Ferenczi, Balint, Klein und Winnicott illustriert. Anschlie?end werden die Konzeptionen des Narzi?mus im Rahmen der Triebtheorie bzw. als eigenst?ndige Entwicklungslinie (Kohut) erl?utert. Grunberger nimmt dabei eine Mittelstellung ein. Kohut und Kernberg stehen sich gegenüber, wenn es um die Einordnung des Narzi?mus als pathologisches Ph?nomen (Kernberg) oder als Entwicklungsarretierung (Kohut) geht. Es schlie?t sich ein Abschnitt über die klassifikatorisch-deskriptive Erfassung des Narzi?mus an, in dem die Auffassungen der narzi?tischen Pers?nlichkeitsst?rung im Rahmen der g?ngigen Klassifikationssysteme (DSM-IV, ICD-10, OPD) beschrieben werden. Ebenso finden die Testdiagnostik sowie interpersonelle Ans?tze Berücksichtigung. Danach werden die Befunde der modernen S?uglingsforschung und deren Auswirkungen auf ein ver?ndertes Verst?ndnis der narzi?tischen Pers?nlichkeitsst?rung dargestellt. Die übersicht schlie?t mit einer differenzierten Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen therapeutischen Vorgehensweisen.   相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die psychoanalytische Selbstpsychologie wird dargestellt als postmodernes Paradigma zur Analyse des postpatriarchalen Selbst mit dem methodischen Zugang über Introspektion und Empathie. Die eingeschr?nkten Behandlungsm?glichkeiten vor allem bei narzi?tisch gest?rten Patienten führte Heinz Kohut zur Annahme einer eigenen Entwicklungslinie des Narzi?mus und eines Motivationsprimats des Selbst, welches er bipolar konzipierte. Sexuelles und aggressives Verhalten werden in der Folge nur dann als prim?r angesehen, wenn ein koh?rentes, vitales, nicht fragmentiertes Selbst vorliegt. Wesentliche Bedingungen für Selbstkoh?renz sind die Selbstobjekterfahrungen, die in ihrer Vielfalt ebenso wie Selbstst?rungen dargestellt werden. Aus den Selbstobjekterfahrungen leiten sich die Hauptübertragungsformen in der psychoanalytischen Selbstpsychologie ab. Ein kurzer Abri?über den therapeutischen Proze? sowie über die Integration der S?uglings- und Kleinkindforschung in die Selbstpsychologie und eine andere Sicht des ?dipuskomplexes vervollst?ndigen die hier gegebene übersicht und werden abschlie?end durch einige Neukonzeptionen der psychoanalytischen Selbstpsychologie erg?nzt.   相似文献   
Jonas Ahlskog 《Metaphilosophy》2023,54(2-3):311-323
According to the received view, philosophy of action took a justified turn towards causalism because anti-causalists failed the causalist challenge about efficacious reasons. This paper contests that view by examining the ways in which Georg Henrik von Wright responded to causalism in his later philosophy. First, von Wright attacked the subjectivism of causalism by arguing for an objectivist view that construes reasons not as subjective mental states but as external facts of the agent's situation. Second, von Wright fundamentally disagreed with the view of philosophical inquiry that underpinned causalism. For von Wright, the task of philosophy was conceptual: to explicate what one is looking for when one is looking for the real reasons for action. In contrast, for causalists the task was ontological: to determine what kind of item in the world the real reason for action is. Examining von Wright's account contributes to contemporary assessments of the metaphilosophical dimension of the reasons/causes debate.  相似文献   
“Attachment and Biobehavioural Catch-Up” (ABC) is a 10 session home visiting program, grounded in attachment theory. It aims to improve child emotion regulation, attachment and behavioral outcomes through changing caregivers’ attachment related behaviors. There is increasing evidence with respect to the effectiveness of ABC in producing positive child outcomes, but the intervention's direct effect on parent outcomes remains unclear. This review examined the association of ABC with attachment related parent outcomes. The PubMed, EMBASE, PyschINFO and SCOPUS databases were searched for relevant studies in August 2021, and again in April 2022. The eligibility criteria for included studies were (1) infants aged 0–27 months at time of the ABC intervention, (2) “at risk” parents, (3) controlled trials published in peer-reviewed journals and (4) utilized a measure of attachment related parent outcomes. Eleven eligible studies were included. The findings showed ABC had a significant small to medium effect on a variety of attachment related parent outcomes among parents presenting with multiple psychosocial risk factors. “Sensitivity” was measured most frequently, with small to medium main effect sizes recorded at follow-up, compared to controls. Implications for the clinical effectiveness of the ABC program in community settings are discussed. Future research should clarify who ABC is most effective for and how it compares to similar interventions.  相似文献   
Home visiting services for caregivers of infants and young children have been found to be an effective method for promoting child development. Unfortunately, such services suffer from high rates of attrition, suggesting the need to identify factors related to client retention in services. Research has indicated that the client-provider relationship is an important predictor of client retention in home visiting services; however, measures to assess this relationship are limited. This study reports on a pilot test of the Client Perceptions of Home Visitors Questionnaire, developed to assess home visiting clients’ perceptions of their relationship with their home visitor. The measure was completed by 39 diverse home visiting clients during pregnancy in a midwestern town in the United States. The scale was found to have good internal consistency. Validity analyses found that the scale was positively associated with client satisfaction with services and perceived provider cultural sensitivity. The scale was also positively associated with retention in services at an 8-month follow-up. Additional research should examine the measure's psychometrics with larger samples.  相似文献   
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