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卓越医生教育培养计划是国家为提高医学教育质量采取的一项重要举措。卓越医生教育是否是医学精英教育,是否需要精英教育,这是医学教育工作者从理论和实践上需要面对和解决的问题。从卓越医生教育与精英教育的释义入手,对两者的培养目标、培养模式、培养数量、教学方式与方法、教学资源配置、管理体制等方面的异同点进行了比较分析,指出卓越医生教育要结合实际,遵循规律,吸取医学精英教育的精华。这对正确实施卓越医生培养计划,促进医学教育改革具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
21世纪生命科学和生物高新技术迅猛发展,基因组学、系统生物学、组织工程与干细胞技术等生命科学发展前沿的研究成果越来越快地应用于临床,正在使人类疾病的预防、诊断、治疗手段和方式发生革命性的变化。这必将对高等医学教育产生深刻影响,这种影响主要体现在人才培养目标的设定、课程体系与教学内容的更新、生源优选与师资提升、教育资源配置等方面。生命科学的发展将促使课程体系更加开放,基础医学教学内容更前沿,临床医学教学突破传统技术纳入更多新技术,计算机等工具学科的教学更强化,并对教师素质和教学资源提出更高要求。  相似文献   
The success of graduate students relies on factors beyond mere cognitive ability, with fostering peer and professional relationships as definitive influences on achievement. Research shows that positive faculty/student relationships are a significant factor in the success of graduate students and that art-making is an effective way to encourage the reflective thinking needed to nurture these relationships. In this article, we examine the relationship between arts informed pedagogy, specifically the use of a visual/verbal journal, and the formation of graduate relationships. The majority of the students in this collaborative inquiry entered their doctoral program at the same time the research class began and all engaged in an artfully imagined introduction to qualitative research course.  相似文献   
Reflective practice in teacher education often involves dialogic communication between teacher educators and teachers. This essay asks what constitutes authentic dialogic engagement in discussions between a pre-service second-language (SL) teacher and her university supervisor. Written as a self-critical reflection, the paper first describes the author’s thoughts and feelings about a post-teaching session he conducted with one of his supervisees and identifies possible disconnections existing between them. Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of dialogism and Hans-Georg Gadamer’s of genuine dialogue, this paper reflects on the dispositions that foster a dialogic relationship between teacher educators and pre-service and in-service teachers.  相似文献   
In the BODY WORLDS exhibitions currently touring the United States, Gunther von Hagens displays human cadavers preserved through plastination. Whole bodies are playfully posed and exposed to educate the public. However, the educational aims are ambiguous, and some aspects of the exhibit violate human dignity. In particular, the signature cards attached to the whole-body plastinates that bear the title, the signature of Gunther von Hagens, and the date of creation mark the plastinates as artwork and von Hagens as the artist in a gesture that strips the personal dignity from the donors. I conclude that the educational use of cadavers is compatible with respect for dignity if: 1) the utility of such use is great enough; 2) there are no other ways of achieving these ends; and 3) every effort is made to honor the dignity of the donors.  相似文献   
Nigel Rooms 《Dialog》2014,53(4):336-344
The author's personal journey in discovering, developing, researching and practicing adult theological education in the church is rehearsed, pointing out key learning moments along the way. Out of this praxis seven theses are offered that set an agenda for theological education in the new missional era in which the church finds itself.  相似文献   
卫生改革的重点必须放在政府部门;公共卫生,预防与初级医疗保健是人类生存的需要,带有鲜明的公益性和福利性。应由政府投资为主筹集资源,以国家投资为主体负担费用,这个层次的卫生服务产品,属非商品经济部分,并不以赢利为目的,不能引进市场经济,个人对健康负有重要责任,包括:选择医疗保健,决定花费数额,生活方式和卫生习惯的养成,主动接受健康教育,抵抗压力,支持国家与地区的卫生保健政策;个人对自身健康负责是一种道德责任,健商(health quotient)这一重要概念,具有伦理价值和普遍的医学人类学意义;个人对健康负责是一种社会风尚。  相似文献   
综合性大学开设长学制高等医学教育的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
我国现有的医学教育学制偏短,不利于培养高质量医学人才。综合性大学有着许多办学优势,有利于开设长学制医学教育,因此,要发挥综合性大学的优势,实行多通道办学模式,学分制和弹性学制,强化公共基础教育和人文素质教育,改善办学条件,提高管理水平,努力培养能参与国际竞争的高层次医学人才。  相似文献   
We argue that the future of creativity research should focus on the dual goals of the development of individuals with great creative genius as well as the enhancement of creative activity in society in general. To achieve these goals, we need basic research that will help us better understand the fundamental nature of creativity. We describe an approach to creativity that emphasizes novelty over utility.  相似文献   
Distance Education (DE) associated with the use of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) as interaction tools between the student and the educator has become a large research niche spread around the world. Techniques to improve learning effectiveness in VLEs seek to find relation-ships connections between pedagogical advances and educational technological resources available in VLEs. In this context, this work sought to associate the theory of Learning Styles with the behavior of the student of Distance Education, observing their interaction with the Virtual Learning Environment and trying to associate them with their learning style identified by the CHAEA questionnaire. For this purpose, the CHAEA questionnaire was applied to a group of distance learning students and the correlation between their interactions with VLE and their learning styles was verified. The results show that there is no correlation between these elements, which may show, in fact, the lack of coherence between these theories. Seeking a model for data, a linear regression was applied and the results were, then, confirmed.  相似文献   
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