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本研究基于评估倾向理论, 通过3项实验考察了特定负性情绪(愤怒)对延迟折扣的影响, 并探究确定感和控制感评估倾向在这一关系中的作用。实验1考察愤怒情绪对延迟折扣的影响, 结果发现, 愤怒组被试的延迟满足倾向显著强于恐惧组和控制组。实验2采用实验因果链设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 愤怒情绪可以有效增强个体的确定感和控制感(实验2a), 同时确定感和控制感能够增强个体的延迟满足倾向(实验2b)。实验3采用中介测量设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中起完全中介作用。本研究结果表明, 当个体进行跨期决策时, 体验到与确定感和控制感有关的偶然愤怒情绪会增强其延迟满足倾向。本研究对探究特定负性情绪对个体延迟折扣的影响具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
Despite the fact that there are now a large number of successful bio-inspired applications in use in science and technology, we are still quite far removed from creating applications that display human-like intelligence. Putting together successful bio-inspired applications remains something of a black art; this is due to a lack of fundamental understanding of brain function. The causes for these problems were analysed in a ’Roadmap for Neuro-IT’ and were deemed to be sufficiently pressing to motivate one of five ’Grand Challenges’ in Neuro-IT: the ’Constructed Brain’. The challenge argued that one of the main bottlenecks to progress is that data taking and modelling in the neurosciences are being fractured across many research groups and communities; it makes proposals for addressing the issue. Similar observations, raised in two OECD workgroup papers have led to the formation of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility. As a consequence we can conclude that there is now a much higher awareness of the problems and that in the neurosciences the situation has improved dramatically. I will review recent initiatives to facilitate data management, modelling and simulation in the neurosciences. One problem remains unaddressed, however. The project-based funding of the brain sciences sets an upper limit to the complexity of brain models. Since the brain is truly complex, any individual project will fall short of capturing the brain’s complexity. The creation of a central infrastructure for the brain sciences is inescapable, but is unlikely to be realised soon. I will outline suggestions to handle the current situation.  相似文献   
Implicitly or explicitly, our ideas about intimacy are the most fundamental notions giving direction to the process of couple therapy. Yet, as a field, we have spent little time conceptualizing intimacy and even less time considering the diversity of priorities and meanings couples bring to our offices. In Part One, Varieties of Intimacy, I describe a kaleidoscope of contexts—socio‐historical, cultural, gender, life cycle, and developmental—that inform our ideas and expectations for intimacy in couples’ relationships. I highlight different spheres in which intimacy may take place such as the emotional, sexual, intellectual, or familial. I propose a starting point in which the therapist, in a collaborative manner, helps the partners articulate their yearnings and priorities in order to negotiate a shared vision. In Part Two, Conceptualizing Intimacy, I suggest an experiential definition that gives room for each partner's subjective meanings, yet consider diverse relational processes that may need to be addressed for a resilient ebb and flow of intimate experiences. In Part Three , Sexual Intimacy, I outline conditions in which sex is more likely to be experienced as intimate rather than nonintimate. Finally, in Part Four, I describe Therapeutic Principles to guide the therapist in taking couples from reactivity to dialogue to negotiations of intimacy. The integrative framework proposed here discourages monolithic a priori notions of intimacy and highlights instead: nuanced meanings, relational processes to be considered differentially, present and past emotional blocks, and a flexible clinical approach to foster conditions for the creation and resilience of intimate experiences.  相似文献   
Personality psychology inevitably studies human beings not just as mechanical systems, but also as rational agents, whose experiences and actions are imbued with meaning. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the implications of taking this core element of personality psychology seriously, and to thereby contribute to the development of an integrative and normative framework for the field. I argue that personality can be studied both through trait constructs, referring to objective behavioral regularities, and through worldview constructs, referring to subjective sources of meaning, and try to show that worldviews are, contrary to popular belief, not inherently less universal, or in other ways less basic, than traits. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of more systematic study of worldviews, integration across the trait-worldview divide, and complementing the individual differences approach with personalistic methodology, for the development of richer and more unified portraits of personalities.  相似文献   
以多重威胁框架为理论基础,探讨了刻板印象威胁来源对防御反应的影响。实验一和实验二选取了性别-数学刻板印象威胁,分别考察了自我概念威胁和群体概念威胁对女性防御反应的影响。结果发现,不管是自我概念威胁还是群体概念威胁,女性尝试数学题目数量都显著小于语文题目数量,表明产生了领域回避。两项研究共同说明,以自我为刻板印象威胁来源对防御反应产生影响。  相似文献   
This paper presents a review of research related to goals in youth with a chronic health condition (CHC) and a related framework to inform theory and research. Performed literature review using PsychINFO and Medline with a combination of many key words related to health, goals, and youth. Sixteen studies related to goals in youth with a CHC were identified. An integrative framework to inform research on goals in pediatric CHCs was presented based on studies reviewed. The impact of a CHC on goals and related behaviors, impact of goal conflict and collaboration, interventions with goal-setting components, and impact of developmental, disease, socioeconomic, and cultural factors were described. Recommendations for future research were discussed. The application of theory related to the nature and impact of goals in youth with a CHC will advance the field from a research and clinical standpoint.  相似文献   
In the field of teen pregnancy prevention many efficacious prevention programs are available but adoption of these programs is slow at the community level. In this article, we present a multi-site, capacity-building effort called the Promoting Science-based Approaches to Teen Pregnancy Prevention project (PSBA) as a case example of a proactive application of the Interactive System Framework (ISF) for dissemination and implementation. The ISF is a multi-system model leading to dissemination and implementation of science-based prevention programming through the work of three interactive systems: The "Prevention Delivery," "Prevention Support," and "Prevention Synthesis & Translation" Systems. This article describes the proactive use of the ISF to conceptualize and bolster the PSBA program's goal of assisting local prevention partners in the use of science-based approaches (SBA) to prevent teen pregnancy. PSBA uses all three systems of the ISF to facilitate practice improvements and offers valuable research opportunities to investigate factors related to dissemination and implementation processes across these systems. Describing our application of this framework highlights the feasibility of actively using the ISF to build prevention infrastructure and to guide large-scale prevention promotion strategies in the area of teen pregnancy prevention. The program's ongoing evaluation is presented as an example of early efforts to develop an evidence base around the ISF. Research implications are discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to test the external validity of the short dark triad (SD3) and see whether the dark triad (DT) framework is replicable in Asian societies. In three independent studies involving 443 participants from South Korea, China, and the Philippines, we extend short measures of the DT and the big five framework as well as conduct confirmatory factor analysis to test various models of the SD3 in each country. We also test for measurement invariance, report intercorrelations, alpha coefficients, and gender differences within each sample. Except for Machiavellianism, all models failed configural invariance. Despite failing configural invariance across all three countries, males consistently reported higher means on all DT traits, with psychopathy the lowest, and DT constructs were significantly intercorrelated with each other across all three samples, demonstrating a pattern of consistency with previous DT literature and findings. As the DT continues to gain in popularity and is beginning to surface in cross‐cultural research, we contribute to discussions concerned with the construct's external validity. Our study's findings question what, if any, meaningful interpretations can be made from extending Western‐based personality instruments to Asian (foreign) societies. Limitations and contributions of this study are outlined, and recommendations for future research are summarized.  相似文献   
In 2006, Adam J. Berinsky and Donald R. Kinder published findings in the Journal of Politics that demonstrated that framing news as a story influences how individuals cognitively organize concepts and information. The study presented here moves forward in this tradition. This research combines samples obtained in the springs of 2009 and 2010 while conducting online experiments. In these experiments, slightly over 2,000 respondents are asked to organize concepts presented in one of three culturally nuanced stories about climate change or where information is presented as a list. Hierarchical cluster analysis indicates that when respondents are exposed to culturally congruent stories, respondent organizational patterns are more likely to mirror the story. We discuss the implications of these findings.  相似文献   
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