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Bullying has been studied for many years in the U.S. and other countries. This article is a review of the literature focusing on the laws (state and federal) pertaining to bullying and the long-term effects of being a bully. In addition, the article provides an overview of the five different types of bullying: (a) physical bullying, (b) verbal bullying, (c) bullying through relational aggression, (d) bullying through social aggression, and (e) cyberbullying. Focus is also given to the emotional and physical behaviors of the (a) bully, (b) passive victim, (c) bully victim, and (d) bystander, as well as the short- and long-term effects of bullying on each of them. The last part of the article focuses on the importance of having a parent–educator partnership with zero tolerance for bullying.  相似文献   
The ever-increasing engagement of children and youth in social media and gaming activities online has created new challenges for scholars and practitioners of children’s spirituality. Bringing psychosocial and media studies research on the phenomena of adolescent ‘drama’ and morality, cyberbullying, and the vulnerable adolescent’s desire for intimacy and community into conversation with ideas about and practices for children’s spiritual nurture is essential work. Questions about the positive and negative influences of digital participation on moral imagination, levels of aggression and prosocial behaviours in social media communication, and the extent to which intimate relationships can be developed online are key concerns to be explored in this article.  相似文献   
近年来,网络欺负现象逐渐成为网络心理学研究的热点问题。青少年网络欺负的发生率约为60.8%,且每年都在呈增长的趋势,这对青少年正常的学习生活造成了严重的影响。故本研究主要探讨儿童期心理虐待对青少年网络欺负的影响,以及领悟社会支持和性别起到的调节作用。本研究以447名青少年作为被试(男生205人,女生242人,被试年龄范围为11~17岁,平均年龄为14.17±1.35岁),采用儿童期心理虐待量表、网络欺负问卷及领悟社会支持量表进行调查。运用SPSS 22.0及AMOS 21.0统计软件进行数据处理,Harman单因素法表明,本研究不存在严重的共同方法偏差问题。研究结果表明:(1)儿童期心理虐待与领悟社会支持呈显著负相关(r=-.14,p<.01),儿童期心理虐待与青少年网络欺负呈显著正相关(r=.44,p<.01),领悟社会支持与青少年网络欺负呈显著负相关(r=-.15,p<.01);(2)结构方程模型显示,模型各指标均达到了临界值(χ^2/df=2.67,GFI=.90,TLI=.91,CFI=.92,RMSEA=.07);(3)儿童期心理虐待对青少年网络欺负具有显著的正向预测作用(β=.21,p<.01),领悟社会支持对青少年网络欺负具有显著的负向预测作用(β=-.11,p<.05),同时,儿童期心理虐待与领悟社会支持的交互项对青少年网络欺负具有显著的负向预测作用显著(β=-.19,p<.01),简单斜率检验表明,对于低领悟社会支持水平的青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负有显著的正向预测作用(β=.54,p<.001);对于高低领悟社会支持水平的青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负的预测作用不显著(β=-.17,p>.05);(4)儿童期心理虐待与性别的交互项对青少年网络欺负具有显著的正向预测作用(β=.28,p<.001),简单斜率检验表明,对于男青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负有显著的正向预测作用(β=.54,p<.001);对于女青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负的预测作用不显著(β=.13,p>.05);由此可说明,儿童期心理虐待是青少年网络欺负出现的助推机制,而领悟社会支持和性别是青少年网络欺负出现的抑制机制,它可以弱化儿童期心理虐待对青少年网络欺负造成的创伤。  相似文献   
This study examined the associations among self-concept clarity, thin-ideal internalization, appearance-related social comparison tendencies, and body dissatisfaction. Female university students (N = 278) completed self-report measures of these constructs. Structural equation modeling revealed several key findings: (a) thin-ideal internalization mediated the link between appearance-related social comparison tendencies and body dissatisfaction; (b) self-concept clarity was negatively associated with both thin-ideal internalization and appearance-related social comparison tendencies; and (c) thin-ideal internalization mediated the link between self-concept clarity and body dissatisfaction. These findings suggest that low self-concept clarity might contribute to body image problems because it increases women's vulnerability to thin-ideal internalization and appearance-related social comparison tendencies.  相似文献   
为探讨青少年家庭功能、人际适应和网络欺凌的关系以及性别在其中的调节作用,采用问卷法对北京和昆明共计1921名中学生进行研究。结果表明:(1)青少年群体中,男生的网络欺凌得分显著高于女生;(2)整体上,人际适应在家庭功能和网络欺凌关系间起完全中介作用;(3)性别在人际适应对青少年网络欺凌的影响中起显著调节作用,具体表现为:与男生相比,人际适应良好的女生实施网络欺凌的可能性更小。结果提示,良好的家庭功能可以通过影响人际适应进而影响青少年网络欺凌的实施,且在此过程中存在性别差异,对女生而言,着力提高社会人际适应能力更具针对性。  相似文献   
以496名初中生为研究对象, 对其网络欺负行为进行为期2年的4次追踪测试, 同时测试其道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注。采用潜变量增长模型探讨初中生网络欺负行为的发展轨迹, 并分析道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注的影响。结果发现, (1)在2年时间内, 初中生网络欺负行为呈显著下降趋势, 起始水平与下降速度有显著负相关; (2)道德推脱能显著正向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 负向预测其下降趋势; (3)观点采择能够显著负向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 正向预测其下降趋势。上述结果肯定了道德推脱与观点采择对初中生网络欺负发展轨迹的预测作用, 以网络情境支持了道德推脱理论, 部分支持了社会信息处理模型。  相似文献   
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