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Traits and motivational units are two elements of widely acknowledged relevance in personality psychology. In fact, some multi-level models have stressed the differences between traits, which are the most generic and decontextualized units of analysis, and middle-level units, which are more closely related to motivational processes and more contextualized in time, space or specific roles. Personal strivings, which are defined as what people typically intend to do, hold a prominent place among middle-level units. Nevertheless, surprisingly little is still known about the relationship between traits and striving dimensions; likewise, little is known about the inter-relationships between traits, strivings and well-being. In this study, we used the NEO-PI-R, Personal Striving Assessment Packet (PSAP) and various well-being measures (viz., positive affect, negative affect, satisfaction with life and purpose in life) on a sample of 405 adults. We found Neuroticism and Extraversion to be related to perceived efficacy in the struggle for strivings; Extraversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness to relate to striving intensity dimensions, and a variety of striving dimensions to be significantly related to well-being. A joint analysis of traits, strivings and well-being revealed that traits may indirectly affect well-being via specific striving dimensions, although the mediational effects are slight and both traits and strivings appear to make separate significant contributions to the prediction of well-being. Broadly speaking, the results suggest that units of analysis originating from rather disparate traditions should be integrated in order to develop a consilient view of personality levels.  相似文献   
Most studies investigating trunk kinematics have not provided adequate quantification of spinal motion, resulting in a limited understanding of the healthy spine’s biomechanical behavior during gait. This study aimed at assessing spinal motion during gait in adolescents, adults and older individuals.Fourteen adolescents (10–18 years), 13 adults (19–35 years) and 15 older individuals (≥65 years) were included. Using a previously validated enhanced optical motion capture approach, sagittal and frontal plane spinal curvature angles and general trunk kinematics were measured during shod walking at a self-selected normal speed.Postural differences indicated that lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis increase throughout adolescence and reach their peak in adulthood. The absence of excessive thoracic kyphosis in older individuals could be explained by a previously reported subdivision in those who develop excessive kyphosis and those who maintain their curve. Furthermore, adults displayed increased lumbar spine range of motion as compared to the adolescents, whereas the increased values in older individuals were found to be related to higher gait speeds. This dataset on the age-related kinematics of the healthy spine can serve as a basis for understanding pathological deviations and monitoring rehabilitation progression.  相似文献   
This study employed a fully cross-lagged, longitudinal model to examine reciprocal relations between representations of relationships with parents and romantic partners at ages 20 and 22. Representations were assessed with continuous measures of dismissing/avoidant and preoccupied relationship styles across the attachment and affiliation systems for parents, and across the attachment, affiliation, and caregiving systems for romantic partners. Earlier relationships with both mothers and fathers independently predicted changes in later views of romantic relationships, and earlier romantic relationships predicted changes in later views of relationships with both mothers and fathers. This evidence of a developmental system of interconnected representations across relationships has theoretical implications about the nature of working models, and practical implications alerting parents to the onset of dating as a potentially fertile context for changes in their relationships with children.  相似文献   
We hypothesize that older adults who anxiously expect, readily perceive, and intensely react to social rejection because of their old age (i.e., have high age-based rejection sensitivity) are vulnerable to depression and poor social functioning. We further hypothesize that the association between age-based rejection sensitivity and poor psychological health would be attenuated among older adults who possess adequate cognitive coping ability—they can discern and respond discriminatively to subtle variations in situational demands (i.e., have high discriminative facility). Based on the results of a focus group study, we constructed an age-based rejection sensitivity measure, which predicts greater depression, poorer social functioning, greater loneliness, and lower life satisfaction among individuals in late adulthood. As hypothesized, the relationship between age-based rejection sensitivity and poor psychological health was weaker among older adults with high (vs. low) discriminative facility.  相似文献   
Lesional epilepsy is thought to be a direct consequence of focal brain lesions of dysgenetic, neoplastic, vascular, or traumatic origin. It has been estimated that at least half of all epilepsies are the result of such lesions. The current discussion includes an overview of the cognitive and behavioral presentations in adults with epilepsy secondary to focal pathology. The neuropsychological presentation in this population is influenced by many factors, including the location and nature of the underlying lesion, seizure characteristics, the effects of treatment, and patient variables. Few studies attempt to disentangle the specific contributions of these variables to cognitive performance. However, where available studies examining the separable effects of seizure-related variables on cognitive functioning in individuals with lesional epilepsy are also reviewed. This overview includes a discussion of focal malformations of cortical and vascular development and select foreign tissue and acquired lesions.  相似文献   
The Communication Attitude Test for Adults who stutter (BigCAT) is an established measure of cognitive traits in adults who stutter (AWS). The primary purpose of the present study was to adapt and validate the BigCAT to the Kannada language. The secondary purpose was to compare AWS’ and adults who do not stutter (AWNS) BigCAT-K scores and compare AWS’ score in sub-populations in terms of severity and age. The study included a purposive sample of 100 AWS and 317 AWNS. There was high test-retest reliability and solid construct validity, as made evident by the results of the discriminant analysis and cross-validation. Further, as in other investigations with the BigCAT (Vanryckeghem & Brutten, 2019), this self-report test revealed a statistically significant group mean difference between AWS and AWNS, suggesting the presence of a negative attitude towards communication in Kannada-speaking AWS. Further, individuals with severe stuttering had a significantly higher level of speech-associated negative attitude compared to those with mild stuttering. Age does not seem to influence the AWS’ speech-associated belief system. Both of these findings augment the existing scant literature on exploring the association between stuttering severity and age on the cognitive dimension of stuttering. The outcomes establish the BigCAT-K as an effective tool in the assessment and subsequent management of stuttering.  相似文献   
In Experiment 1, university students classified on lexical expertise on the basis of spelling plus nonword pronunciation accuracy made lexical decisions to homophones and control words. Homophones were accepted as words more slowly than control words, but lexical experts showed a smaller homophone cost than the less skilled group. In Experiment 2, similarly classified groups showed a large difference in their ability to detect homophones, with the low-expertise group showing a yes bias to high-frequency words, and having difficulty detecting homophones when mate-frequency was low. The results suggest superior use of orthography in the lexical experts and more reliance on semantic information in nonexperts, and support the importance of facility with orthography–phonology mappings in lexical expertise.  相似文献   
This study compared the trait and emotion perspectives of personality development by examining relationships between extraversion, neuroticism, positive and negative affect across the lifespan. A total of 533 volunteers: 228 children and early adolescents (8 to 15 years), 163 late adolescents and young adults (16 to 29 years) and 142 adults (30 to 68 years) completed Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Extraversion correlated significantly with positive affect and neuroticism with negative affect in each age group. As predicted by the emotion perspective, correlations were significantly stronger for adults than children and early adolescents. In addition, extraversion-positive affect and neuroticism-negative affect factors explained less variance for children and early adolescents compared to those of adults.  相似文献   
We investigated whether search accuracy of adult humans could be enhanced using differential reward contingencies in landmark-based spatial tasks conducted on a computer screen. We found that search accuracy was significantly enhanced by differential outcomes in a conditional spatial search task, in which the landmark-to-goal relationship depended on a previously presented sample object (Experiment 4). In contrast, no significant differential outcomes effect (DOE) was seen in several other variations of spatial search tasks. We interpret the pattern of significant and non-significant results in terms of the information value of outcome expectancies. To our knowledge this is the first report of a DOE in a landmark-based spatial localization task and is one of only a few demonstrations that differential outcomes can enhance memory performance in normal functioning adults.  相似文献   
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