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心理负荷的评估正经历着从传统工效学向神经人因学的变革.EEG、ERPs、fMRI、fNIRS和TCD等神经科学研究技术为这场变革提供了有力的工具.研究发现:在单任务情境下,随着操作者心理负荷的增加,脑电α波活动减弱,θ波活动增强,并且前额皮层血流、左侧额下回血液氧合血红蛋白浓度变化均增加,大脑动脉血流速度也增快;在双任务情境下,随着操作者主任务心理负荷的增加,次任务的N1、新异P3和P3b等ERPs成分波幅降低.依据这些研究成果,学者们利用人工神经网络、支持向量机等模式分类算法实现了对心理负荷的实时在线评估.但是,各种研究技术在敏感性、诊断力、主任务干扰、实施需求、可接受性和信度等方面各有优势与不足.在未来研究中,要注意促进相关技术的融合、提高其可接受性,并充分利用模式识别算法提高其诊断力和敏感性.  相似文献   
Therapists who work with trauma survivors, such as survivors of sexual violence, can experience compassion satisfaction while experiencing negative effects of trauma work, such as secondary traumatic stress. We examined whether the negative effects of secondary traumatic stress on therapist adjustment would be buffered by compassion satisfaction and whether the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions could be applied to examine the factors (positive emotions and positive reframing) that relate to compassion satisfaction. Sixty-one therapists who work with sexual violence survivors completed measures of secondary traumatic stress, compassion satisfaction, adjustment, positive emotions and positive reframing. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses found that compassion satisfaction buffered the negative impact of secondary traumatic stress on therapist adjustment when adjustment was conceptualised as anxiety. Using non-parametric bootstrapping, we found that the relationship between greater positive emotions and greater compassion satisfaction was partially mediated by positive reframing. The findings indicate that compassion satisfaction is likely to be helpful in ameliorating the negative effects of secondary traumatic stress on anxiety in therapists who work with sexual violence survivors and that the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions may provide a strong theoretical basis for the further examination of compassion satisfaction in trauma therapists.  相似文献   
This study tested whether sensory integration (SI) treatment combined with psychotherapy would improve symptom outcome over psychotherapy alone in the treatment of complex posttraumatic stress, as measured by the Disorders of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified (DESNOS) clinical construct in a group of 10 adult patients with histories of childhood abuse. DESNOS symptoms were assessed at three time periods (T1, baseline; T2, after experimental group SI treatment; and T3, after wait-list control group SI treatment) using the Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress (SIDES). The Sensory Learning Program? (SLP), developed by the Sensory Learning Institute of Boulder, Colorado, was used as the SI treatment modality. Results indicated significant differential improvement for the group treated with SLP in SIDES Total Score (T1/T2 and T2/T3), Self Perception (T1/T2 and T2/T3), Affect Regulation (T2/T3), and Alterations in Meaning (T1/T2).  相似文献   
Treatment guidelines and reviews of outcome studies agree that drugs are valuable for moderation of irrational moods and impulsivity that interfere with thoughtfulness and cooperativeness. As such, they empower patients to make good use of psychotherapy for mastery of the risk of betrayal in intimate relationships, which is the typical recurrent traumatic event in complex posttraumatic disorders. Psychotherapy, for its part, has demonstrated correction and lasting remission of disorder in the aftermath of certain kinds of single trauma and promises further development to achieve similar efficacy for complex posttraumatic disorders. This article summarizes the strengths and limitations of each class of psychiatric drugs. It explains how the natural course of complex posttraumatic disorders greatly contaminates observations of medication efficacy and fosters unrealistic expectations for drug development.  相似文献   
According to a classical functional architecture of face processing (Bruce & Young, 1986), sex processing on faces is a parallel function to individual face recognition. One consequence of the model is thus that sex categorization on faces is not influenced by face familiarity. However, the behavioural and neuro-psychological evidences supporting this dissociation are yet equivocal. To test the independence between sex processing on faces and familiar face recognition, familiar (learned) faces were morphed with new faces, generating facial continua of visual similarity to familiar faces. First, a pilot experiment shown that subjects familiarized with one extreme of the face continuum roughly perceive one half of the continuum (60 to 100% of visual similarity to familiar faces) as made of familiar faces and the other part as unfamiliar. In the experiment proper, subjects were familiarized with faces and tested in a sex decision task made on faces at the different steps of the continua. Subjects were significantly quicker at telling the sex of faces perceived as familiar (60-100%), and the effect was not observed in a control (untrained) group. These results indicate that familiar face representations are activated before sex categorization is completed, and can facilitate this processing. The nature of the interaction between sex categorization on faces and familiar face recognition is discussed.  相似文献   
Two experiments assessed whether similarity between the two elements of a compound would influence the degree of mediated extinction versus recovery from overshadowing in human causal judgements. In both Experiments 1 and 2, we assessed the influence of extinguishing one element of a two-element compound on judgements about the other element. In Experiment 1 we manipulated the physical similarity of the two elements of the compound; in Experiment 2, we used equivalence and distinctiveness pretraining in order to vary their functional similarity. We found that these procedures influenced mediated extinction and recovery from overshadowing as a function of both physical and acquired similarity and distinctiveness, respectively. The implications of these results for previously reported differences between humans and nonprimate animals are discussed.  相似文献   
Choice reaction times are shorter when stimulus and response locations are compatible than when they are incompatible as in the Simon effect. Recent studies revealed that Simon effects are strongly attenuated when there is temporal overlap with a different high-priority task, accompanied by a decrease of early location-related response priming as reflected in the lateralized readiness potential (LRP). The latter result was obtained in a study excluding overlap of stimulus location with any other dimension in the tasks. Independent evidence suggests that location-related priming might be present in conditions with dimensional overlap. Here we tested this prediction in a dual-task experiment supplemented with recording LRPs. The secondary task was either a standard Simon task where irrelevant stimulus location overlapped with dimensions of the primary task or a Stroop-like Simon task including additional overlap of irrelevant and relevant stimulus attributes. At high temporal overlap, there was no Simon effect nor was there stimulus-related response priming in either condition. Therefore stimulus-triggered response priming seems to be abolished in conditions of limited capacity even if the likelihood of an S–R compatibility effect is maximized.  相似文献   
In recent years it has become increasingly the norm in football1 1. For North American readers, football here equals soccer. to kick the ball out of play when a player is, or appears to be, inadvertently injured. Kicking the ball out of play in football represents a particular instantiation of a generally understood fair play norm, the voluntary suspension of play (VSP). In the philosophical literature, support for the VSP norm is provided by John Russell (2007 Russell, J. S. 2007. “Broad internalism and the moral foundations of sport”. In Ethics in Sport, 2nd edn, Edited by: Morgan, W. J. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.  [Google Scholar]) who claims that his interpretivist account of sport is helpful for evaluating complex moral issues in sport in general and issues related to injury in football in particular. This paper examines whether Russell's interpretivist-backed account of autonomy can adequately inform football players as to the nuanced and ambiguous moral considerations that arise in relation to the VSP norm. The paper goes on to identify the highly complex dynamic circumstances football players need to consider in order to better discharge their moral responsibilities when faced with inadvertent injuries.  相似文献   
Modifications of the self, that is to say, transformation of the psychological, physical and spiritual make up of an individual to achieve or approximate an ideal individual is one of the main goals of religion, medicine and psychology. However, these fields approach self-modification from their own perspective, with little intercorrelations between them. This article explores how mechanisms for self modification delineated by Judaic sources are very much in line with new discoveries in neurosciences, especially with recent scientific data indicating that the brain is in a constant state of structural and functional change, a property denominated brain plasticity.  相似文献   
创造性的生理研究新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
创造性的生理基础很复杂。关于创造性生理基础的研究集中在大脑皮质激活与脑半球不对称两个方面。研究发现,大脑皮质激活状态对创造性有影响,低水平的皮质激活,特别是低水平的前额叶激活,较有利于创造性.研究还发现,创造性和左右半球不对称活动有关,处于创造状态时,右半球相对要比左半球激活程度更高。  相似文献   
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