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Mobile phones represent one of the most common distractions for drivers and phone use while driving is particularly problematic in Finland. The aim of this research was to explore the Finnish sample of responses from ESRA2 (E-Survey of Road users' Attitudes) with a specific focus on the distracting behaviours related to mobile phone usage while driving. ESRA2 data is derived from online surveys amongst a representative sample of the adult populations in each participating country. In total a sample of 994 responses were collected in Finland for ESRA2, which included 703 responses from participants who held a driver’s licence and reported driving a car in the 30 days prior to the survey.The results provide evidence of the problematic usage of mobile phones while driving in Finland. Mobile phone use was considered across three specific types of usage: (1) handheld phone calls while driving; (2) handsfree phone calls while driving; (3) texting, emailing or social media use while driving. Almost half (49.4 %) of the sample reported using a handheld mobile phone to make a call while driving at least once in the 30 days prior to the survey. A similar percentage (41.4 %) of the sample had used a phone hands-free and 35.6 % had texted, emailed, or used social media.The study highlights how mobile phone usage is a complex and multifaceted issue and that there are a broad range of underlying factors that influence mobile phone usage depending on the way in which people engage with their mobile phone while driving. The findings suggest that a systematic approach to reducing mobile phone distraction is needed that addresses the issue through a combination of legislation, enforcement, and education.  相似文献   
In this article, we investigated what visual information is used by drivers at a road crossing when they want to synchronize their displacement with that of an incoming traffic train. We made the hypothesis that synchronizing self-displacement with that of a traffic gap shares the same perceptual-motor basis as interception tasks. While a large body of literature demonstrates that bearing angle is used to control interception, another range of studies points to optical size and expansion as playing a critical role in collision avoidance. In order to test the hypothesis of the exclusive use of bearing angle in road crossing task, we manipulated the optical size and expansion of oncoming traffic elements independently of bearing angle variations. We designed a driving simulator study in which participants were to adjust their approach speed in order to cross a road junction within a moving traffic gap. We manipulated the initial offset of participants with the traffic gap, the geometry of the road junction and the way optical size of oncoming traffic elements evolves over the course of a trial. Our results showed an effect of optical size and optical expansion manipulations eventhough, we also found similar displacement profiles as in interception studies. This demonstrates that bearing angle could not explain alone the control of such a complex perceptual-motor task. We discuss these results with regard to similar results in other fields of literature.  相似文献   
In pedestrian crossing situations, children are less able to make safe crossing decisions compared to adults.The aim of the present study was to analyze and compare the ocular behaviour of children and adults in the pedestrian crossing situations using the eye tracking. The study involved 22 children ranging in age from 5 years to 6 years 2 months and 22 adults. Children and adults participated in a brief eye tracking session designed to explore field of view in road crossing scenarios. They were presented with four pictures of pedestrian crossing and instructed to observe the pictures as if they were on the sidewalk getting ready to cross the road. The eye movements of the subjects looking at the pictures on the screen were collected through the eye tracker.The results showed that adults used a far more intense exploration of the useful visual field of view. They looked at all the different areas of the field of view more frequently and for a longer time. Another interesting point is that the children gazed at areas and elements that are irrelevant to a safe crossing but prove salient for various reasons. Implications for road safety training are discussed.  相似文献   
Aggressive drivers can make driving dangerous. Over 50% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving. This research tests whether narcissists are more aggressive drivers than other individuals. Narcissists think they are special people who deserve special treatment. When they don’t get the special treatment they think they deserve, narcissists often lash out at others in an aggressive manner. Narcissists might think they “own the road” and can drive anyway they want, and that other drivers should get out of their way. In the article, we conduct three studies to test the link between narcissism and aggressive driving. In Studies 1 (N = 139) and 2 (N = 100), Luxembourgish motorists completed a measure of narcissism and a self-report measure of aggressive driving. In Study 3 (N = 60), American university students completed a measure of narcissism and then completed a driving simulation scenario that contained a number of frustrating elements. Several measures of aggressive driving and road rage were obtained. In all three studies, narcissism was positively related to aggressive driving. A meta-analysis found an average correlation of r = 0.35 across the three studies. This research replicates previous research linking narcissism to aggression, and extends it to a driving context.  相似文献   
Smartphone usage while driving is recognized as a compromise on road safety. We investigated if silencing and hiding of notifications from drivers (soft blocking) can reduce clicks on the screen while driving and if the effect of the soft blocking would be different for different speed thresholds (STs) (i.e., at driving speed greater than 0 km/h, greater than 1 km/h….and greater than 90 km/h). Drivers installed a smartphone application, which continuously monitored their phones. In the intervention group (N = 22), the application switched to the soft blocking mode during the study's intervention period, while in the control group (N = 29) it remained in a recording-only mode. We ran a Poisson regression model on the click events frequency (CEF) to estimate the soft blocking effect for each of the STs between 0 and 90 km/h. Our analyses indicated that the soft blocking effectiveness was indeed speed-dependent and pointed to a decline in CEF from ST > 55 km/h and to mixed results if ST < 55 km/h. We identify a potential of soft blocking to reduce phone usage while driving and recommend ST-dependent soft blocking. We also recommend using different STs in future investigations on the effectiveness of soft blocking.  相似文献   
Background/ObjectiveThe current study aimed to examine the relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms and executive dysfunction in children and adolescents after psychological trauma.MethodParticipants were 13,438 of children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years exposed to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. PTSD and dysexecutive symptoms were assessed using the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for Children and the Self-Report Dysexecutive Questionnaire. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was conducted using Mplus version 7.4. Subgroup differences in trauma exposure and quality of life were calculated using ANCOVA.ResultsA 4-class parallel model was found to best describe latent PTSD symptom profiles and executive dysfunction. Individuals in higher symptom groups showed more trauma exposure and lower quality of life.ConclusionsThis LPA study shed light on the relationship between PTSD and executive dysfunction symptoms in children and adolescents. The correlation between PTSD and executive dysfunction was maintained after individual differences were taken into consideration. Our findings provide a new view on how PTSD relates to executive dysfunction and several suggestions for treating child and adolescent PTSD patients.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the speed differential threshold—if there is one—at which drivers decide to pass a lead vehicle. Drivers in a simulator encountered vehicles in front that were programmed to travel at speeds that were similar, slightly below, or even slightly above the drivers’ own speed. The study involved a total of 152 such passing opportunities. In almost all of the encounters with slower vehicles (traveling at speeds slower than 3 km/h of the driver) they passed them, and in two thirds of the encounters when the lead vehicles were moving at their speed they passed them too. Most surprising was that in 50% of the encounters drivers passed the lead vehicle when it was traveling faster than their average speed. In these situations drivers actually increased their own speed substantially to accomplish the passing maneuver, despite the fact that not passing the lead vehicle would not have caused any delays. The tendency to pass appears to be related to the drivers’ own speed variability: the more variable the driver’s speed the more likely he or she was to pass the vehicle ahead even when its speed was greater than their average speed. The results are interpreted in terms of (a) driver aggression, and (b) association of car following with added effort, attention overload, or risk. The latter explanation implies that the tendency to pass vehicles may be reduced with the introduction of in-vehicle technologies such as adaptive cruise control.  相似文献   
Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB; [Ajzen, I. (1985). From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior. In J. Kuhl, J. Beckmann (Eds.), Action control: From cognition to behavior (pp. 11–39). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.]) as a theoretical framework, the present study was designed to: (a) identify the beliefs underpinning drivers’ intentions to comply with speed limits, and (b) test the expectancy-value theory held to underpin those beliefs. A sample of drivers (N = 598) completed questionnaires designed to measure TPB variables with respect to compliance with speed limits. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses provided support for the expectancy-value theory held to underpin each behavioural beliefs (outcome beliefs X outcome evaluations), normative beliefs (referent beliefs X motivation to comply), and control beliefs (control frequency beliefs X control power beliefs). Belief targets for road safety countermeasures that aim persuade drivers to comply with speed limits were also identified by selecting those beliefs that were the statistically significant predictors of direct TPB measures (attitudes, subjective norm, perceived control) and intention. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
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