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Road rage is a serious issue impacting road safety on Australian roads. This study investigated the psychological antecedents involved in aggressive driver behaviours. Specifically, the study investigated the relationships between metacognitive beliefs, anger rumination, trait driver anger, and driver aggression; and examined the extent of aggressive behaviours in a sample of Australian drivers (N = 246). An inspection of cross-tabulations indicated that nearly all drivers engaged in verbal driver aggression (94%), approximately half of the drivers engaged in vehicle aggression (53%), and approximately a quarter of the drivers engaged in physical aggression (27%). Driver aggression was more commonly reported from males, open licensed, and middle-aged drivers. Structural path analysis indicated that there was a hierarchical series of relationships present, in that metacognitive beliefs influenced cognitive constructs such as anger rumination and constructive expression. Additionally, such factors were shown to more prominently influence trait driver anger, and the degree to which it was expressed. Bivariate correlations also demonstrated that the relationships carried forward to more specific dimensions of anger rumination and driver aggression styles. The findings of this study may assist to identify the origins of psychological mechanisms involved with anger progression and expression and inform potential interventions for aggressive driving behaviours.  相似文献   
The current paper reports a field study of 132 Argentinian individuals who experienced a road traffic crash (RTC), focusing on the role of physical injury in the early aftermath of the crash. Three groups of participants were studied: 1) individuals who were <1 month post-RTC who were not injured (<1 mo, Not Injured, n = 89), 2) individuals who were <1 month post-RTC who were injured (<1 mo, Injured, n = 15), and 3) individuals who were 1–3 months post-RTC who were injured (1–3 mo, Injured, n = 28). Examination of PTSD symptoms indicated that with several exceptions, most PTSD symptoms were endorsed at higher levels by the two injured groups, relative to the not injured group. Consideration of post-RTC cognitive and interpersonal factors indicated that the two injured groups reported lower self-efficacy and higher levels of rumination, relative to the Not Injured group. Additionally, the 1–3 mo Injured group reported being more socially isolated, relative to the two other groups. Results are discussed in light of related literature, with elaboration of potential public health interventions designed to target injured survivors of RTCs.  相似文献   
Sexual activity while driving is a risky behaviour frequently found across media. However, much is unknown about the practices and roles that dyadic occupants of vehicles (i.e. a driver and passenger) perform when engaging in sexual activity while driving. To cover this gap, a content analysis of sexually explicit media (SEM) was conducted on a sample of 208 videos taken from Pornhub.com. The videos portrayed a naturalistic driving situation of a driver of a moving vehicle engaging in sexual activity with a passenger. Videos were coded for sexual behaviours and characteristics of the vehicle occupants (gender and role). Drivers were generally male, while passengers were female. A range of sexual activities while driving were coded, including oral sex, unclothed and clothed masturbation, varying levels of nudity, and ejaculation. Drivers appear to be the focus of sexual attention, as they are generally the ones receiving sexual acts from the passenger, and predominantly ejaculating. Additionally, female passengers perform oral sex on drivers more often than male passengers, and female vehicle occupants tend to have greater levels of nudist exposure than males. This study highlights the complexities of sexual activity while driving and patterns for consideration when developing interventions.  相似文献   
Most routine daily trips take place along the same route, a fact that previous studies have not investigated together with the repeated situation of conflicting with other road users. Consequently, our study addresses driver behaviour by separating the driving experience into three categories: (i) drivers unfamiliar with the route, (ii) those route-familiar, and (iii) situation-familiar drivers. The specific case of driver-pedestrian interaction at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalks is investigated. A multi-level factorial experiment including (i) crosswalk design (linear sidewalk and curb extension), (ii) driver familiarity, and (iii) pedestrian time gap acceptance (4, 6, and 8 s) was conducted using a driving simulator. Fifty-two participants were divided into four groups and stratified by age, gender, and driving experience. The minimum instantaneous time to collision, post-encroachment time, maximum car deceleration, and maximum car speed were all used as surrogate safety measures (SSM).Route-familiarity led to higher speed, while situation-familiarity positively affected driving behaviour making drivers more inclined to decrease their speed at circa 100 m before a crosswalk. The curb extension layout enhanced pedestrian safety and mitigated any adverse effects due to familiarity, with a particularly relevant impact on SSM at low accepted time gaps for pedestrians. Situation- and route-familiarity treatment protocols lead to different behaviours among drivers, indicating a clear need to account for these two familiarity levels in experiments on safety-related countermeasures.  相似文献   
Risk perception and distribution of visual attention while driving are crucial elements for accident prevention and new-driver improvement. This study investigates how racing videogames could shape the visual exploration of virtual and real road in male pre-drivers. The visual performance of players of racing video games with and without driver’s license was tested in virtual vs. real scenarios. Attention to specific elements of different types of road interactions was monitored using an eye-tracking system. Results showed that habitual use of racing video games was not found to foster a positive effect on users’ distribution of visual attention, supporting visual patterns typical of novice drivers. Gamers without driving experience replicated the same patterns in a real road scenario, ignoring road signs and potential areas of interactions with other drivers, while experienced drivers gamers explored video games roads like real roads. The fact that the gamers’ driving performance was not comparable to drivers in the virtual scenario suggests that there are other variables in the gameplay that create a less complex traffic scene, still the visual complexity of different real road interactions is kept in video game interactions, opening new perspectives towards gamers’ visual exploration of the road.  相似文献   
In order to better understand parental influence on teen driving, a series of three studies were conducted among parents of young drivers to examine the association between their scores on the Family Climate for Road Safety Scale (FCRSS; Taubman – Ben-Ari & Katz – Ben-Ami, 2013) and three relevant factors: parental self-efficacy (Study 1, n = 101); parents’ attitudes toward accompanied driving (Study 2, n = 100); and teen’s driving styles (Study 3, n = 235 parents–young drivers pairs). The findings of Study 1 revealed significant associations between parents’ scores on the positive FCRSS dimensions and their self-reported parental competence. In addition, parents’ lack of commitment to safe driving was related to lower parental self-efficacy. Study 2 indicated significant associations between parents’ scores on the positive FCRSS dimensions and the positive attitude of relatedness during the accompanied driving phase. Negative associations were found between these FCRSS dimensions and negative perceptions of the accompanied driving phase (i.e., tension, disapproval, and avoidance). The findings of Study 3 showed significant associations between parents’ scores on the positive FCRSS dimensions and their offspring’s careful driving style, as well as negative associations between these dimensions and offspring’s endorsement of the reckless, angry, and anxious driving styles. Taken together, the results indicate the importance of the family climate as part of a global understanding of the dynamic surrounding youngsters’ driving. Furthermore, they show that the particular driving-related family climate is associated not only with parents’ self-perceptions and conduct in the early stages of their children’s driving (the accompanied driving phase of a GDL), but also impacts the way teenagers ultimately choose to drive, when they are on their own. Implications for interventions are discussed.  相似文献   
Background: Comprehension of traffic signs is crucial to safety. Objectives: To test the effects of the presentation condition (with or without driving context) on symbolic based road signs comprehension and comprehension time for young and older drivers. Method: 50 young drivers and 50 older drivers were presented with images of 28 Israeli road signs, both without context (with a white background) and in context (with the driving surrounding). Data were collected on the accuracy of signs meaning and on the time it took the participants to provide the meaning. Results: Younger drivers performed significantly better than older drivers on both accuracy and response time (RT). Older drivers’ average RT was approximately twice as long as younger drivers’ RT. However, the presentation mode (with or without context) did not affect sign comprehension of either group, but the presence of the context did increase the time it took the drivers to comprehend the sign’s meaning. In addition, correct response time was similar to opposite to sign’s meaning response time. Implications: Older drivers, can benefit from retraining in sign comprehension of current signage. The training should involve signs in their natural road environment to reduce comprehension time while actually driving. Moreover, signs that were understood as having an opposite meaning should be redesigned or be accompanied by text.  相似文献   
As pedestrians are the most exposed and vulnerable road users to traffic accidents, urban planners frequently propose alternatives to improve their safety. However, some solutions, such as pedestrian bridges and crosswalks at signalized intersections, usually imply longer walking distances compared to the direct crossing alternative which, in its turn, involves a higher risk.In this article, a hybrid framework is proposed to analyse the pedestrians’ choice on how to cross an urban road where three crossing options are available: crossing directly, crossing by using a pedestrian bridge or using a crosswalk at a signalized intersection. The decision process is modelled as a discrete choice model incorporating latent variables to consider perceptions and psychological factors, using stated preference data coming from a survey applied in Bogotá, Colombia.Results show that the latent variables security/safety and attractiveness of each crossing alternative are relevant to understand the pedestrian crossing behaviour. These latent variables are strongly determined by socioeconomic characteristics of the individual (age, gender, level of study) and conditioned by the circumstances of the trip (main mode of transport, walking or not with children). It was found that a longer walking distance to a pedestrian bridge or a signalized crosswalk increases the probability of direct crossing, having a more relevant effect in the case of the pedestrian bridge.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the effect of the elements of religiosity and faith on pedestrian behavior. The sample consisted of 1047 pedestrians who were observed at two busy urban intersections. The observations were conducted in three separate intervals at two busy intersections in Ramat-Gan (secular area) and Bnei-Brak (ultra-orthodox area) during the afternoon hours. Five activities were the focus of the observation: running a red-light, crossing where there is no crosswalk, walking along the road, failing to check for traffic prior to crossing, and taking a child’s hand when crossing. A Chi square test for independence was used to estimate the effect of location, gender and age. In the case of two-by-two cross-tabulation, Φ, the non-directional measure of association for categorical variables, was calculated. Findings indicate that males committed significantly more violations than females, and there is a negative correlation between age and frequency of violations. The younger the individual, the more frequently s/he commits a violation. Beyond age and gender as behavioral determinants, pedestrians in the orthodox environment committed violations about three times more frequently than those in the secular environment. Part of the robust difference found between the secular and the ultra-orthodox pedestrians, may be due to the fact that the age-related trend does not exist in Bnei-Brak. Age was related to the violation rate in Ramat-Gan, but not in Bnei-Brak. The following discussion relates to ideological, psychological and practical explanations of these findings.  相似文献   
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