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This study investigates the intra-individual stability of the speed of several motor tasks and the intensity of associated movements in 256 children (131 girls, 125 boys) from the Zurich generational study using the Zurich neuromotor assessment battery (ZNA) over a 12-year period from the age of 6 to 18 years. The stability was assessed by correlograms of standard deviation scores calculated from age- and gender-adjusted normative values and compared with standing height and full scale intelligence quotient (IQ). While motor tasks of hand, finger and foot (HFT) and contralateral associated movements (CAM) exhibited a moderate stability (summary measure as correlation coefficients between two measurements made 4 years apart: .61 and .60), other tasks (dynamic balance, static balance and pegboard) were only weakly stable (.46, .47 and .49). IQ and height were more stable than neuromotor components (.72 and .86). We conclude that the moderately stable HFT and CAM may reflect “motor traits”, while the stability of the pegboard and balance tasks is weaker because these skills are more experience related and state-dependent.  相似文献   
Hikosaka et al. (1999) proposed that sequential movements are acquired in independent visual-spatial and motor coordinate systems with coding initially represented in visual-spatial coordinates, and later after extended practice in motor coordinates. One aspect of sequence learning that has not been systematically studied, however, is the question of whether or not older adults show the same pattern of coding in inter-limb practice as younger learners. In the present experiment an inter-limb practice paradigm was designed to determine the role that visual-spatial (Cartesian) and motor (joint angles, activation patterns) coordinates play in the coding and learning of a complex movement sequence. Younger and older adults practiced a 16-element movement sequence with one limb on Day 1 and the contra-lateral limb on Day 2. Practice involved the same sequence with either the same visual-spatial or motor coordinates on the two days. Retention tests were conducted on Day 3. Results indicated that keeping the visual-spatial coordinates the same during acquisition resulted in superior retention only for younger adults. Results also indicated the overall slowing of sequential movement production for older adults which appears to result from these participants inability to impose a structure on the sequence. This provides strong evidence that the visual-spatial code plays a dominant role in complex movement sequences and this code is represented in an effector-independent manner for younger adults, but not for older adults.  相似文献   
This study investigated adults' ability to compare the magnitude of fractions without common components (e.g., 5/7 and 3/8), and the representation accessed in that process. We hypothesized that the absence of common components would enhance access to the magnitude of the fractions (i.e., a holistic representation) rather than a direct comparison of the numerators or the denominators. This hypothesis was tested in four between-subject conditions. Two types of experimental pairs were used that differed in the congruity of the magnitude of the denominator and the magnitude of the fraction. Each type of experimental pair was presented either alone or with filler pairs that introduced variability into the congruity of the components. In all four conditions, accuracy was above chance and the effect of the distance between the fractions on response times was significant, indicating an access to the magnitude of the fractions. Nevertheless, the variability of the congruity of the components had also a significant effect on performance, suggesting that the relative magnitude of the components was also processed. In conclusion, the representation of the fraction magnitude is hybrid, rather than purely holistic, in a magnitude-comparison task on fractions without common components.  相似文献   
Language acquisition might heavily rely on statistical learning mechanisms. This has led many researchers to investigate the computational constraints that limit such learning. In particular, it has been argued that statistical relations among non-adjacent items cannot be tracked, as this might lead to a “computational explosion” making statistical learning intractable. In line with this view, previous research suggests that listeners cannot track relations among non-adjacent musical tones (Creel, Newport, & Aslin, 2004). Here I show that participants readily track non-adjacent tone relations when these are implemented in a musically meaningful way. Specifically, participants readily track non-adjacent tone relations in tonal melodies, but find it more difficult to track non-adjacent tone relations in random melodies, suggesting that non-adjacent relations are easier to track when listeners face “ecological”, musically meaningful stimuli.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted measuring self-paced reading to study language access and language selection in professional translators and bilinguals when they understood sentences randomly presented in their first language (L1, Spanish) and second language (L2, English). These sentences contained a critical cognate word or a control matched word. The effect of cognate words was considered an index of between-language activation while the inhibition of the non-target language was examined with the asymmetrical switching cost. In Experiment 1, participants read and repeated sentences while in Experiment 2 participants read sentences without repeating them after reading. The results indicated that lexical processing depended on the experience of participants in professional translation and the demands imposed by the understanding task (reading and repeating or only reading).  相似文献   
Time constraints in ball sports encourage players to take advantage of any relevant advance information available to prepare their actions. Advance information, therefore, can serve to prime movement parameters (e.g. movement direction) and reduce the amount of time required to prepare the upcoming movement. Regularly, however, players face situations in which the information used to prepare the action turns out to be outdated just prior to movement initiation and the prepared action needs to be changed as soon as possible. The aim of the experiment presented here was to determine whether the priming effect, generally reported for reaction time tasks, could be generalised to interceptive actions. A secondary aim was to examine the strategies employed by the participants to cope with valid, invalid, or no advance information. The results indicate that, when available, the participants used advance information to prepare their movements. More specifically, in comparison with valid advance information, hit rate and spatial accuracy were reduced when the participants had no advance information and were even smaller when the information conveyed was invalid. The results also suggest that in the absence of valid advance information, the strategies employed to intercept the moving target were tuned to the time remaining until the interception was due to occur.  相似文献   
Recent experiments have demonstrated that complex multi-element movement sequences were coded in visual-spatial coordinates even after extensive practice, while relatively simple spatial-temporal movement sequences are coded in motor coordinates after a single practice session. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine if the control process rather than the difficulty of the sequence played a role in determining the pattern of effector transfer. To accomplish this, different concurrent feedback conditions were provided to two groups of participants during practice of the same movement sequence. The results indicated that when concurrent visual feedback was provided during the production of the movement, which was thought to encourage on-line control, the participants performed transfer tests with the contra-lateral limb better when the visual-spatial coordinates were reinstated than when the motor coordinates were reinstated. When concurrent visual feedback was not provided, which was thought to encourage pre-planned control, the opposite was observed. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the mode of control dictates the coordinate system used to code the movement sequence rather than sequence difficulty or stage of practice as has been proposed.  相似文献   
We introduce the special issue on formal models of semantic concepts. After outlining the research questions that motivated the issue, we summarize the rich set of data provided by the Leuven Natural Concepts Database, and provide an overview of the seven research articles in the special issue. Each of these articles applies a formal modeling approach to one or more parts of the database, attempting to further our understanding of how people represent and use semantic concepts.  相似文献   
The metajudgment of motor responses refers to our ability to evaluate the accuracy of our own actions. Can humans metajudge the duration of their Reaction Times (RTs) to a light-flash and the accuracy of their reproduction of a reference time interval bounded by two light flashes (Anticipatory Response Time, ART)? A series of four distinct experiments shows that RT_Meta and ART_Metajudgments are possible but with accuracies about ×2.4 and ×3 poorer than the corresponding RT and ART ones. In order to reveal the origin of this drop in performance, we ask whether a visual feedback synchronous with subjects’ key-presses could improve performance. We show that overall the presence of a visual feedback does not significantly improve metajudgment accuracy although such a trend is noticeable in ART_Meta. We then compare these performances with the passive perceptual estimation of the played back (Pb) RT and ART time intervals when bounded by two (RT_Pb) and three (ART_Pb) light flashes. We show that RT_Meta and RT_Pb accuracies are close to equal, but that ART_Meta is about ×2 less accurate than ART_Pb which in turn is ×1.5 less accurate than ART. The latter observation fails however to reach statistical significance hence not sustaining proposals that active time estimation is more reliable than passive one. The whole dataset is accounted for by a clock-type model where duration estimation performance is limited by four noise sources (visual, clock-count, motor and proprioceptive + efference copy) plus one proper to ART_Meta task. It is proposed that the latter reflects the impossibility for the time-counting system to use the same time origin more than once.  相似文献   
Learning to perceive a non-native speech sound reliably is a specific instance of the more general issue of category learning. Here we take a dynamical approach that provides a theoretically motivated way to understand individual differences in the process of learning to perceive new speech sounds. Fundamental to this approach is the focus on the initial categorization and discrimination abilities of individual perceivers and how these structure the form of learning over time. Two distinct patterns of learning were observed that were predictable based on initial perceptual abilities. In one pattern, subjects became more attuned to small acoustic distinctions between stimuli and could use that sensitivity to label tokens reliably. In the second pattern, subjects became less attuned to within-category acoustic distinctions, suggesting cognitive restructuring. Finally, we present a dynamical model that incorporates both modes of category learning, and also allows for failure to learn.  相似文献   
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