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捡了西瓜,就该丢掉芝麻吗——浅谈医源性Wernicke脑病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨医源性Wernicke脑病(WE)的病因、临床及磁共振图像特点,回顾性分析6例医源性WE病例。医源性WE病前均有禁食史,其临床表现多样。磁共振图像为中脑导水管周围T2WI及Flair高信号。大部分病例补充维生素B1后可好转。提示医源性禁食导致体内维生素B1耗竭是医源性WE的病因,及时补充维生素B1是预防及治疗本病的关键。  相似文献   
The humor response has long been considered mysterious, and it is given relatively little attention in modern experimental psychology, in spite of the fact that numerous studies suggest that it has substantial benefits for mood and health. Existing theories of humor fail to account for some of the most basic humor phenomena. On most occasions when a humor response occurs, certain verbal or visual stimuli (the "setup" stimuli, which function as an establishing operation) must precede a critical stimulus (such as a "punch line" or the final panel or critical feature of a cartoon), which then occasions a sudden "revelation" or "understanding"; this revelation is often accompanied by the humor response. We suggest that the setup stimuli increase the strength of the revelatory response to a point just below the threshold of awareness and that the critical stimulus, properly designed and timed, edges the revelatory response to a point just above threshold. We also suggest that it is this threshold phenomenon that produces most instances of the humor response. We discuss these issues in the context of some notable humor of Carl Rogers and B. F. Skinner.  相似文献   
我国是乙型病毒性肝炎高发区,母婴传播感染是一条极其重要且不易阻断的感染途径,由母婴传播导致的儿童乙肝病毒感染问题,不仅仅是现阶段我国严重的公共卫生问题,同时也是严重的社会伦理问题。HBV感染儿童在成长过程中所面临的社会歧视和自身权利保障是每一个患儿家庭迫切关心的,也是社会伦理学工作者的研究范畴。  相似文献   
Peter B. Dews played a significant role in shaping the distinctive characteristics and defining the underlying principles of the discipline of behavioral pharmacology. His early and sophisticated use of schedules of reinforcement in the 1950s, incorporated from research in the experimental analysis of behavior and integrated into the discipline of pharmacology, provided tremendous insight, inspiration, and impetus to the newly emerging field of behavioral pharmacology. The experimental findings generated by Dews' research, blending the sophisticated use of behavior and pharmacological principles together with the elegant manner of their presentation and far-reaching implications, provided the force and momentum to establish and direct behavioral pharmacology for several decades. This article attempts to capture some of Dews' research that integrated and inspired the blending of sophisticated behavioral work with that of pharmacology.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a class of utility representations of uncertain alternatives with two possible consequences (binary gambles) when they are linked via a distributivity property called segregation to an operation of joint receipt, which may be non-commutative. The assumption that the gambling structure and the joint receipt operation both have homogeneous representations that are order preserving leads to a functional equation that has too many solutions to be useful for characterizing a reasonably specific utility representation. A plausible restriction on the form of the utility of gambles leads to the functional equation
It is an assumption common to many theories of rationality that allpractical reasons are based on a person's given desires. I shall callany approach to practical reasons which accepts this assumption a `Humean approach'.In spite of many criticisms, the Humean approach has numerous followers who take it to be the natural and inevitable view of practical reason. I will develop an argument against the Humean view aimingto explain its appeal, as well as to expose its mistake. I focus on just one argument in favour of the Humean approach, which I believe can be constructed as the background idea of many Humean accounts: the argument from motivation.I first present the argument from motivation and explain why it seems so compelling. However, I then develop an equally compellingobjection to desire-based approaches to reason, showing that they cannot accommodate the justificatory role of reasons. I show that this objection suggests that at least one of the premises of the argument from motivation must be false. And, finally, I argue thatwe should reject the premise that claims that only desires can explain actions. This result is fatal for desire-based views of practical reason. My conclusion is that practical reasons should be based not on desires, but on values.  相似文献   
优化乙肝治疗方案真实评价治疗效果   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目前乙肝治疗比较混乱,给患者带来许多损失,优化乙肝治疗方案,是从患者病情出发,实施个体化治疗,目标是安全、有效、经济和适度,处于抗病毒最佳时机的患者可以考虑使用干扰素或拉米夫定;乙肝病毒携带者暂时禁止使用药物治疗;急性乙肝只给与基本治疗,待其自愈.实施优化方案,杜绝各种各样的商业广告;凡是尝试性治疗,一律按照新药临床验证程序进行,一律实行免费.治疗乙肝的疗效最终取决于持久、完全效应,不应局限在病毒阴转或肝功正常上.  相似文献   
中、西医治疗慢性乙型肝炎现状的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了中、西医肝病临床治疗慢性乙型肝炎的现状,着重探讨了中医药在防治乙肝中的优势和不足.指出多数医生存在对乙肝发病机制认识模糊、不能提供合理的治疗方案和研究方法欠科学等三个误区.倡导用循征医学方法对中医药防治乙肝的疗效进行评价.  相似文献   
为了探讨CD10、bcl-6蛋白表达与弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)预后之间的关系及IgH基因重排检测在其诊断和鉴别诊断中的价值,我们采用免疫组化法观察CD10、bcl-6两种蛋白在DLBCL中的表达,半巢式PCR方法检测IgH基因重排。结果发现CD10、bcl-6蛋白阳性表达率分别为46.9%和65.6%,bcl-6阳性组预后较好。32例DLBCL中基因重排阳性率为78.1%。结论认为CD10、bcl-6蛋白表达与DLBCL预后有一定相关性,可作为判断DLBCL预后的参考指标。IgH基因重排检测在DLBCL疑难病例的诊断和鉴别诊断中有帮助。  相似文献   
Type B, or a posteriori, physicalism is the view that phenomenal-physical identity statements can be necessarily true, even though they cannot be known a priori—and that the key to understanding their status is to understand the special features of our phenomenal concepts, those concepts of our experiential states acquired through introspection. This view was once regarded as a promising response to anti-physicalist arguments that maintain that an epistemic gap between phenomenal and physical concepts entails that phenomenal and physical properties are distinct. More recently, however, many physicalists have lost confidence in the view, and have proposed less promising defences of physicalism—or have become outright sceptical about its prospects. I argue here that these physicalists have underestimated the resources of Type B physicalism and are thereby retreating too quickly—or fighting battles that have already been won.  相似文献   
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