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记得那个贝利吧,他可是个了不起的人,他写下了近代足球史最辉煌的一页。可他的少儿时代却是贫寒得很,在里约热内卢的贫民窟,这个酷爱足球的穷孩子从垃圾箱里翻出塑料盒来当足球踢。一位足球教练看到了,觉得这孩子脚法灵便轻捷,就送了他一个足球。贝利真是乐坏了。圣诞节前夕,小贝利到教练的花园里挖了一个树坑,对教练说:“到圣诞节了,我没有钱给您买礼物,就给您挖个坑栽圣诞树吧。”教练感动之极,对贝利说:“亲爱的孩子,这是我收到的最珍贵的圣诞礼物,你明天就到我的足球俱乐部来参加训练吧。”就这样,一代球王诞生了。是爱…  相似文献   
王利 《学海》2007,(2):83-92
政治理想主义与政治现实主义是西方政治理论两个最悠久的传统。霍布斯在深刻洞察人性的基础上,在“利维坦”中建立了这两种思想方式的结合点。自然权利是利维坦的核心,从而也是近代政治正当性的基础。  相似文献   
The best representatives of the self-reflection of xinxue 心学 (the School of Mind) and its development during the Ming and Qing Dynasties are the three masters from the late Ming Dynasty. The overall tendency is to shake off the internal constraints of the School of Mind by studying the Confucian classics and history. During the Qing Dynasty, Dai Zhen had attempted to set up a theoretical system based on Confucian classics and history, offering a theoretical foundation for a new academic movement that gradually suspended issues studied by the School of Mind. But the suspension of these issues does not mean they were resolved. For Peng Shaosheng, xinzong 心宗 (the Doctrine of Mind) has emerged from a bottleneck in the development of the Confucian yi li zhi xue 义理之学 (doctrine of meanings and principles): The only way to find the transcendent connection between the doctrine of meanings and principles and the Dao was through the internality of belief. In this case, the Lay Buddhists, represented by Peng Shaosheng, Wang Dashen and Luo Yougao, as lixue biepai 理学别派 (Alternative School of Principles), played the role that the School of Mind had undertaken in the late Ming Dynasty, thus becoming a shelter for the Confucian doctrine of meanings and principles. To a certain extent, the revival of weishixue 唯识学 (the Consciousness-Only School) during modern times was simply a continuance of the “Alternative School of Principles”. It took over the Lay Buddhist theme of the doctrine of meanings and principles of the Qing Dynasty and tried to construct a new pattern of learning for Confucian classics that matched up with the doctrine of meanings and principles, offering a model of integration for the reconstruction of the Confucian tradition. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 2007, (9): 51–60  相似文献   
宗教对话这一主题已经日益引起宗教内部和学界的关注,在多元宗教共存的时代背景下,不同宗教之间以多种形式展开了丰富多彩的对话。佛教与基督宗教这两大世界性宗教,拥有世界上人数最多、范围最广的宗教信徒,对东西方社会文化交流及整个人类文化历史都产生了  相似文献   
本文通过论述秋瑾冲破传统婚姻关系的事例,探讨秋瑾有关男女平权、女性自立以及女权革命与社会政治革命相结合的思想与实践,以期对于秋瑾的近代新型女性形象有一个较为清晰的认识。  相似文献   
吕建福 《法音》2008,(12):13-20
清末杨仁山居士,以其创办金陵刻经处的弘法利生事业而闻名于世.他的精印佛经、广为流通及创办“祗洹精舍”培育佛教人才的事业.为推动近代中国佛教的复兴起到了极为重要的作用.杨仁山因之被尊为中国近代佛教的先行者和振兴者。关于杨仁山居士的研究,  相似文献   
最近20多年海内外学者针对近代中国基督教与伊斯兰教互动关系问题发表了不少论著。本文对这些研究成果进行了梳理回顾,讨论了基督教传教学、伊斯兰教护教学、文明(宗教)对话、文化交涉等多重视角参与研究的必要性,强调全球史观对理解近代中国这两大宗教关系的重要性。  相似文献   
田青 《佛教文化》1995,(4):14-16
在中国近代的文坛上,恐怕找不出一个诗人,象弘一法师这样享有如此崇高的宗教地位和精神感召力;同时,在中国近代的宗教界,恐怕也找不出一位高僧,象李叔同这样曾有过如此辉煌的文名了。现在,许多人都知道李叔同——弘一法师是我国近代音乐、美术、  相似文献   
唐若玲 《天风》2012,(8):28-29,41
在近代中国历史上,宋耀如是一位具有传奇色彩的人物。他的传奇在于他是近代中国少有的、受过西方正规神学教育的传教者;他的传奇在于他忠于传教事业的同时,"隐传革命之道",成为孙中山领导的民主革命事业的坚定支持者;他的传奇在于他引导其子女信仰上帝的同时,还教育他们要胸怀大志,做一个对祖国、民族有用的人,成就了显赫的宋氏家族。  相似文献   
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