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一、正确理解养生理念推动道教的健康发展道教的宗旨是修仙成道、济世利人。道教文化的精华在于其性命学说,也即道教养生。道教是非常重视现世生命存在的宗教。道教的早期经典《太平经》就说:天地之性,万二千物,人命最重。《度人经》中说:仙道贵生,无量度人,充分体现了道教贵生度人的特点。道教以长生成仙为终极追求,  相似文献   
春秋战国时代秦国发生了一次社会行动方式的转变:秦国抛弃了周人的德性信念伦理,取而代之的是讲求国家公利的责任伦理。这一伦理结构的转型,使得秦国区别于东方六国,成为不讲仁义、崇尚实力的"虎狼之国"。秦国责任伦理结构由三方面构成,其一,秦国责任伦理主体,具有特殊的生命意志、计算理性、霸道气质;其二,秦国责任伦理对象,主要是通过农业富国、军事强国,使秦国成为霸王之国;其三,秦国责任伦理规范,主要是家庭分户规范、连带责任规范、军爵等级规范、皇帝-郡县官僚规范。正是这种伦理结构的转变使秦国崛起于西方,最后扫平六国、一统天下,实现了霸王之业。  相似文献   
余少波 《现代哲学》2011,(1):123-125
广东省及中山大学的马克思主义哲学研究素有传统。建国前就有何思敬、李达先生在中山大学哲学系从事"新哲学"(马克思主义哲学)研究,后来又有与艾思奇先生齐名(所谓"北艾南罗")的罗克汀先生薪火相传,1960年复系之后,以刘嵘、高齐云、叶汝贤等先生为代表的一代学者,逐步铸就了这个学科的辉煌。为了纪念刘嵘、高齐云、叶汝贤三位教授对广东马克思主义哲学、马克思主义学科建设的重要贡献,总结经验,推动新的发展,广东省社会科学界联合会、广东哲学学会、广东马克思主义学会、中山大学马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所于2010年12月1日联合召开了"刘嵘、高齐云、叶汝贤的学术贡献与广东马克思主义哲学的发展"研讨会。会议由中山大学党委副书记、中山大学马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所所长李萍教授主持,中山大学党委副书记梁庆寅教授、广东省社会科学界联合会主席田丰博士、广东省教育厅李小鲁副厅长、以及刘嵘、高齐云、叶汝贤教授的同辈学者及其他中青年学者约50人出席。这里刊发4篇有代表性的会议论文,以飨读者。  相似文献   
文学锋  何杨 《现代哲学》2011,(2):124-128
运用现代逻辑工具对《庄子》中的著名辩论濠梁之辩所包含的命题、论证和推理进行了分析,指出惠施在论辩中隐含使用或承认了某种唯我论命题,该命题将导出形如"φ且我不知道φ"这样的摩尔句,从而产生摩尔悖论。庄子通过反驳和"诡辩"的方式不自觉地触及了其悖论性所在。进一步,利用摩尔悖论表明:在合理的预设下,认识论的唯我论即使是真的,也是不可知的。本体论的唯我论比认识论的唯我论在逻辑上更加坚固。  相似文献   
中观心论·入决择瑜伽师真实品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古印度佛教哲学家清辩所造《中观心论》(含颂文和注释),其中第五品《入决择瑜伽师真实品》专门驳破唯识的主张,大乘佛教因此遂裂为中观和瑜伽行(唯识)二派,史称“空有之诤”。这一品曾由佛学家吕敬在20世纪50年代依藏文译本翻出,但一直没有正式出版。今整理者据金陵刻经处所藏稿本刊出,供印度哲学史、佛学和梵藏文佛典研究者参考。  相似文献   
采用ERP技术并运用跨通路延迟反应范式来探讨拓扑性质知觉理论在非注意状态下是否成立,发现存在视觉MMN且视觉系统在非注意状态下对拓扑性质的加工比颜色加工更早,表明与局部属性(颜色)相比,拓扑性质在无意识中优先得到加工,拓扑性质知觉理论在非注意状态下是成立的。  相似文献   
Although moderate alcohol consumption is known to degrade performance in a variety of tasks, the exact nature and extent of such impairments is not well understood. We examined alcohol effects on different levels of visual processing and oculomotor control. On the lowest level(automatic), reflexive responses were tested using the prosaccade task. The‘automated’level, incorporating routine behavior based on implicit learning, was studied using the double step paradigm, while the highest level, representing voluntary control, was examined with antisaccade and memory guided tasks. In addition, sentence reading was included as a prototypical complex task with high ecological validity. Participant′s baseline performance was compared to alcohol conditions with intoxication levels around 70mg% of breath alcohol concentration. Functioning on the automatic level was intact, except for a substantial slowing in saccade latencies. On the automated level, deficits in the ability to adaptively reprogram saccades on the basis of new information were found. Impairments in voluntary control were apparent in hypermetric saccade amplitudes whenever a reprogramming of the initial saccade target was necessary. There was also a small but significant detrimental effect on visuospatial short term memory. Somewhat surprisingly, no alcohol related deficits emerged with regard to inhibitory functions. ‘Reading under the influence’resulted in substantially prolonged fixation durations with only a modest increase in total viewing time per word. A trade-off between increased duration and decreased number of fixations pointed to the possibility that the extra time available under alcohol can be used for linguistic processing, which in itself did not appear to be impaired. This idea is supported by the fact that there was no interaction between alcohol and word frequency. Contrary to expectation, the processing of parafoveal information during reading was not impeded. Overall, results provide a largely coherent pattern of selective effects that begin to form a comprehensive picture of alcohol related deficits.  相似文献   
神会的心性解脱思想总体上来说仍然是慧能南宗禅的"自性解脱"观。不过,神会又特别突出了众生心中所具有的"知解"之性。"知"即众生心的体性,为众生所本具;同时也是众生"识心见性"的能动主体,所谓的"解脱"只有通过众生心所本具的"自然智"发起对寂静之心体的观照作用,在"知"与心体"相应"的过程中才能实现。同时,神会在强调"知解"在众生解脱道路上的重要意义时,又特别突出"善知识"的指授作用对解脱成佛的重要性。  相似文献   
儒墨两家之“孝”、“丧”与“爱”的区别和争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although Pre-Qin Confucians and Mohists can be traced back to the same source,they had great divergences on many issues and started debates on them.Both schools had regarded showing piety to parents as positive.While Mohists proceeded piety from the perspective of mutual benefit and reward,Confucians did not.Filial piety according to Mohists is a link in the system of concurrent love,whereas according to Confucians it is a connection in the system of benevolence.Mohists criticized Confucians for their pract...  相似文献   
视觉素养是"读图"时代人们的基本文化素养,鉴于医学影像学的特点和要求,影像诊断学专业学生必须拥有良好的视觉素养。本文从视觉素养概念、视觉基本理论以及视觉素养培养的策略等方面探索了视觉素养与读片技能的整合。作者建议在影像诊断学中,应讲授有关视觉素养的基本知识。  相似文献   
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