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中小学生阅读寓言过程的眼动研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
陈向阳  沈德立 《心理科学》2004,27(4):777-780
研究用眼动记录仪对小五、初二和高二年级各20名视力正常学生阅读难、易两种寓言材料的眼动过程进行了记录。结果发现:1.无论是对同一难度寓言阅读理解成绩的差异还是眼动模式的差异,在小五与初二之间显著,在初二与高二之间不显著,这说明对寓言真正理解的年龄在初中,高中只是进一步完善阶段;2材料难度对不同年级学生的眼动模式有一定影响.分别影响小学生的眼跳距离、初中生的注视次数和高中生的注视点持续时间。  相似文献   
如果眼睛被誉为是心灵的窗户,那么如何借助心理学的仪器,打开人类的心灵之窗,勘测人类心理的奥秘,就是一件令心理学家神往的事情。早在十九世纪末,西方就有人通过眼动来探讨人的心理,自那时起,心理学的眼动研究一直是心理学家趋  相似文献   
In this paper we briefly describe preliminary data from two experiments that we have carried out to investigate the relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations within scenes. In these experiments, we recorded participants′ eye movements as they viewed a photograph of a cubicle with 12 objects positioned pseudo-randomly on a desk and shelves. After viewing the photograph, participants were taken to the actual cubicle where they undertook two memory tests. Participants were asked to identify the 12 target objects(from the photograph)presented amongst 12 distractors. They were then required to place each of the objects in the location that they occupied in the photograph. These tests assessed participants′ memory for identity of the objects and their locations. In Experiment 1, we assessed the influence of the encoding period and the test delay on object identity and location memory. In Experiment 2 we manipulated scanning behaviour during encoding by "boxing"some of the objects in the photo. We showed that using boxes to change eye movement behaviour during encoding directly affected the nature of memory for the scene. The results of these studies indicate a fundamental relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations. We explain our findings in terms of the Visual Memory Model(Hollingworth & Henderson, 2002).  相似文献   
This paper analyses some aspects of the eye movement behaviour of readers of Thai and Chinese. The main focus is on readers′landing site distributions on words and how these are affected by the lack of clear word boundary information due to the absence of inter-word spaces. Empirical evidence from Thai and Chinese readers suggest that readers can relatively accurately target word centres. We make the case that this accuracy can be accounted for by a default targetting model(effectively, the prior landing site distribution, in Bayesian terms)modulated by statistical cues about word beginnings available from word-initial character frequencies.  相似文献   
One nearly ubiquitous assumption in models of linguistic comprehension and of eye movement control in reading alike is of partial modularization between word-level and sentence-level processing: that the outcome of word recognition, and thus the input to sentence-level comprehension, is a categorial representation. Yet such a partial modularization throws away residual uncertainty regarding word identity that might potentially be of value to the comprehender further downstream in the sentence. Here I describe a line of research combining computational modeling with experimental eye-tracking work to explore the consequences of removing this partial modularity assumption.  相似文献   
视觉选择的过程包含两种途径:眼跳行动和注意转移,两者对于视觉选择目标物的加工都有促进作用。鉴于此,视觉研究领域产生大量关于二者关联如何的实验研究,大部分研究者认为眼跳和注意转移存在密切联系。该文将关于两者关系的重要理论进行了综合阐述和简要比较,主要介绍五种理论假说:眼动准备假说、动前假说、顺序注意模型、视觉注意模型和竞争整合模型。  相似文献   
采用两个实验考察了获得年龄因素在汉语词汇识别中的作用。实验一采用经典的词汇判断任务考察了获得年龄和词频因素在词汇判断中的作用,结果发现获得年龄和词频两个因素均影响词汇识别。实验二采用阅读句子任务,通过实时记录的眼动追踪技术进一步考察了在有语境的情况下,获得年龄和词频因素在词汇加工中的作用。结果发现,在阅读句子任务中,词汇获得年龄和词频因素都在词汇加工中起作用,二者存在交互作用,晚获得词存在词频效应。两个实验的结果均支持了在汉语词汇识别中,存在获得年龄效应。  相似文献   
追踪研究中测验工具的信度是衡量追踪研究质量的重要指标。传统的信度估计方法不适用于估计追踪研究的测验信度。近年来, 研究者提出了四种估计追踪研究的测验信度, 包括估计单个时间点的测验信度系数rw和r(Sw), 以及估计整个追踪研究的测验信度系数RT和RL。本文评述了这四种信度估计方法的数学模型、前提假设及其优缺点。RT和RL既可估计追踪研究中单个时间点的测验信度, 也可估计追踪研究中整个追踪研究的测验信度, 所需要的前提假设较少, 推荐同时使用RT和RL来估计追踪研究的测验信度。  相似文献   
语言产生的句法启动效应在近20年得到较深入研究。那么, 语言理解和语言产生中, 句法启动效应具有相同的加工机制吗?近些年, 研究者考察了印欧语系语言理解中的启动效应, 但还存在较多争论。这究竟是句法效应, 还是策略或者语义效应, 是词汇驱动还是词汇独立的?而且, 这是人类语言理解的语系特性还是普遍特性?单独采用行为技术、眼动技术或者ERP技术很难为这些争论提供坚实的实验证据和较深入的理论解释。鉴于此, 本项目拟采用眼动和ERP结合的技术, 从心理学、语言学和认知神经科学等多学科交叉的视角考查汉语句子理解的句法启动效应。通过分析眼动和ERP实验提供的一致性和差异性证据, 本项目力图阐明和揭示汉语句子理解中句法启动效应的认知特点和机制, 检验内隐学习理论和论元结构理论在解释句法启动效应时的适用性。  相似文献   
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