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1906-1908年是胡塞尔思想发展的重要年代,是他从描述心理学走向超越论现象学的过渡时期.在此期间他曾于一个笔记本中做过一些私人的、类似日记的札记,其中最主要的内容是他对以往思想的回顾和清算,以及他对未来工作的构想与计划.这些计划后来大都得到了实施.除此之外,胡塞尔在里面还留有一些内心的独白,表露出他在此期间的复杂心态.这份文献提供了理解胡塞尔哲学思想和哲学人格的重要依据.  相似文献   
郭鹏 《世界哲学》2009,(2):156-157
分析哲学一向被称为"英美分析哲学",这并非是由于这个20世纪最富影响力的治学方法诞生于英国或者美国,而是由于其主要的代表人物大都是英国或美国的哲学家,这无形当中也使英语成为分析哲学的"官方"语言.尽管英美的哲学家们都不大愿意承认他们在语言上所具有的得天独厚的优势,但是,当英语成为从事分析哲学的世界语言时,非英语国家的思想家们所面临的挑战就不仅仅是如何用英语来思考或者如何将自己的思想确切地用英语表达出来,而且还包括如何将分析哲学从英美学者的"垄断"中解放出来.  相似文献   
陈独秀爱国主义思想浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
爱国主义是人们千百年来固定下来的对祖国的一种最深厚的感情,中国传统爱国主义包含着丰富的内容,陈独秀对其进行了批判,提出并用自己的行动实践了新的爱国主义思想.  相似文献   
The Kripkean metaphysical modality (i.e. possibility and necessity) is one of the most important concepts in contemporary analytic philosophy and is the basis of many metaphysical speculations. These metaphysical speculations frequently commit to entities that do not belong to this physical universe, such as merely possible entities, abstract entities, mental entities or qualities not realizable by the physical, which seems to contradict naturalism or physicalism. This paper proposes a naturalistic interpretation of the Kripkean modality, as a naturalist’s response to these metaphysical speculations. It will show that naturalism can accommodate the Kripkean metaphysical modality. In particular, it will show that naturalism can help to resolve the puzzles surrounding Kripke’s a posteriori necessary propositions and a priori contingent propositions. __________ Translated from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2008, (1): 18–26  相似文献   
“亚决定性”是知识论和科学哲学中一个重要的概念。对这个概念的一种阐释是把它对应于可靠探索的不可能性。就是说,在一个(经验)问题中,给定一些公设和一些供选择的理论或假说,如果逻辑上不可能找到一种理论选择的方法能满足一定的可靠或成功标准,那么相对于这个标准就存在亚决定性。从这个观点看,亚决定性总是相对于一个问题设定,尤其是公设和成功标准而言的。本文从这个角度对近来的统计因果推理研究作一番梳理。首先,基于数理统计中的一致性概念,我会讨论和分析一系列可应用于因果推理的成功标准。对每一个标准,我会用一个相对简单的条件来刻画它对应的亚决定性。然后我对文献里一部分重要的结果作一个综述,以澄清什么样的公设可以消除什么样的亚决定性。  相似文献   
Independent narration in Chinese philosophy has gone through the process of interpretation, critical differentiation, dialogue, and original thought, and so is a creative activity that surpasses the conjunctive pattern of universality and particularity. In modern Confucian studies, there has always been a tension between philosophical and historical explanations, which suggests a tension between ecumenical and indigenous experiences. Critical differentiation itself only has methodological significance, and is not a goal in itself. China’s development and strength has encouraged China to engage in philosophical dialogue with the West. It is the task and direction of future philosophical creativity to face the contemporary existence, re-construct Confucianism’s relationship with modern life, and respond in a metaphysical and positive manner to the challenges imposed by modernity.  相似文献   
The concept of right or fit is an important element entailed, but not fully articulated, in the concept of action or practice in Aristotle’s theory of virtue; which, however, turns to be of the utmost importance in later Western ethics. Right is concerned with both feelings and actions, and is not the same for all individuals. It lies in between the two extremes of the spectrum of practical affairs, yet by no means equidistant from them. This account of the concept of fitness or right is derived from the categories of quantity, relationship, and quality rather than from that of substance. Thus, it seems that virtue is relative to vice or error within a continuous existence. If, however, the right of passion and action is environmental and concrete, is it multiple and not singular? To this question, Aristotle gives his reply on two levels: On the level of concrete practitioners, what is right and fit to one man might not be so to another man, and hence the right of practice is not singular but multiple; whereas on the level concerned with the only right choice compared with the two extremes or errors, the right of practice will always be singular.  相似文献   
杨文登  叶浩生 《心理学报》2009,41(9):902-910
荆其诚先生是当代中国著名的心理学家, 是改革开放后中国心理学界在国际上的代言人。他视野开阔, 是颇具造诣的实验心理学家, 也是功底深厚的理论心理学家。文章没有涉及他在认知与发展心理学方面所做的贡献, 只从理论方面分析他的国际心理学思想及实践, 找寻他对心理学研究所持的基本态度与价值追求。文章认为荆其诚在宏观把握心理学的发展逻辑后, 以“两个阵营的心理学”来界定心理学的现状, 坚信心理学的未来是一种国际的心理学。为了达成这一学术理想, 荆其诚不仅撰文将国外心理学介绍到中国、将中国心理学推介到国外, 还积极投身于国际心理学组织与实践, 长期担任国际心联的领导职务, 组织并主持召开了2004年第28届国际心理学大会。荆其诚的一生为彰显心理学的国际维度、促进国际心理学交流、将中国心理学推上世界舞台作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
智频大师不仅是中国第一个佛教宗派天台宗的创始人,而且是中国佛教的奠基者.他的佛学思想主要体现在"圆顿止观"、"一念三千"、"三谛圆融"三个部分,总括起来,便是代表了大乘佛教的"境行果".天台宗就是依靠这套理论创立的.他的佛学思想对中国哲学也产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   
量子干涉、纠缠以及消相干是量子信息理论的三大重要概念,同时也是哲学所要关注的重要物理学前沿概念.不管是从历史的发展脉络、还是从概念之精细分析,这三大概念皆保持了一种关联性.基于这三大概念的意义和关联性分析,本文概括了由它们所触发的典型哲学问题,笔者认为,这些典型问题包括:宏观量子态的制备、非相互作用与相互作用、还原与突现、理论的客观性与主观性、实在论与反实在论.  相似文献   
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