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慎到法思想中对"公"的追求与西方自然法思想相类似。他认为道德与法律在一定程度上并不冲突,如果违反了道德,成文法就不具有法律效力,即恶法非法。从肯定道德的角度分析,慎到认为"法虽不善,犹愈于无法"的实质应该是现实法律虽然与道德相违背和对立,但是也比无法可依的状态要好,也就是不善之法即"恶法犹愈于无法"。虽然是恶法,但因其也是"法",不能因为其不符合道德就否定其有效性,这与其所展现的在一定程度上肯定道德的自然法倾向并不矛盾,他是为了确立法律的至上性。另一方面慎到认为法律制度的建构应以自为之心作为其人性论基础,将制度建构在美好道德之上是不切实际的幻想。虽然未彻底否定道德的价值,但认为法律同道德相比具有客观性和公平性,这其实也是对道德持怀疑和不信任态度。他认为如果二者冲突,法律要高于道德,道德让位于法律。慎到法思想为我们今日制定法律时应如何更好地处理道德与法律的关系,避免步入泛道德主义和道德虚无主义的错误提供了有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
中国快速的农业集体化是社会主义工业化这一更宏大的经济目标所带来的不可避免的后果。不管是对是错,关于中国未来的大视野烙上了毛的印记,漠视这些更宽广的目标去评判1955-1956年农业集体化的高潮是错误的。这种集体化反映了一种外延式的增长,即依赖于劳动力动员,以一种由努克斯(Raguar Nurkse)的理论阐释过的方式来增加要素的供给和扩大农作物的播种面积。这种策略不可避免地要求官僚控制、强制和抑制农民的消费以及强行抽走农业剩余。这样的话,其结果就不应该依据建立在市场价格上的农业生产模式中的新古典经济学的收入最大化、农民的劳动激励或者效率等规则去评价。在这一框架中,毛泽东之后的非集体化(decollectivization)和工农业平衡的重新调整可以看作是向农业内涵式增长策略的转变,这种策略是建立在(继承)由毛所留下来的物质遗产(灌溉和排水能力的扩张)的基础上的。  相似文献   
吕方 《学海》2007,(6):227-230
本文从当代世界文化发展的视野中论述了构建公共文化服务体系对于当代中国发展的突出意义.公共文化服务体系是现代文明社会的基本标志,通过公共文化服务体系的公平、公益、均等的文化服务,现代文明社会建立起了一种保障国民基本文化素质,守护国民民族特性,推进社会全面进步的文明底线.20世纪中叶后,西方发达国家的公共文化服务体系成为引导创新,推进经济社会发展的一种力量.进入新世纪后,我国公共文化服务体系建设被提到重要的位置,成为支持科学科学发展观,推进我国又好又快发展的新基石.  相似文献   
系统医学是一种以现代系统论的原则和方法为指导,以系统生物学和现代医学的合理成分为基础的辩证医学.中医的未来形态是一种类似系统医学的"新中医学"."新中医学"是在辩证唯物主义以及系统论的基础上,充分运用现代科学技术的理论、方法和手段,并借鉴系统医学的理论,对传统中医学的继承和发扬.  相似文献   
人格特征是导致社会偏见产生的影响因素之一.文章介绍了与此相关的两种理论模型--"独裁主义人格理论"和"双过程动机模型"的主要观点和实证依据,并对其中的争议及未来的发展方向进行梳理和展望.  相似文献   
以449名大学本科生为被试,对物质主义价值观量表(MVS)进行中文版的修订,考察其信效度指标。探索性因素分析发现,修订后的量表具有与原量表基本相同的三个维度;验证性因素分析结果显示,MVS的三因素结构拟合较好;MVS的内部一致性信度为0.792,重测信度为0.830;MVS的效标关联效度良好。表明修订后的MVS具有较好的心理测量学属性,可作为测量我国大学生物质主义价值观的工具。  相似文献   
There were two prevailing sentiments in Europe after the Reformation: One opposing papal authority and one advocating individual freedom. This paper analyzes these two sentiments and finds that the concept of conscience is crucial in understanding them. The issue of conscience is about judging truth and good, and in initiating the Reformation, Martin Luther heavily appealed to his conscience while countering Catholic attacks. With the wide dispersal of the Reformation, Luther’s notion of conscience was well received among his supporters throughout Europe. Descartes later transformed Luther’s conscience into an epistemological being (the cogito), and argued that its existence was the only valid thing that survived his thorough skepticism — and as such is the foundation of human knowledge. Rousseau continued this line of thinking, which we call subjectivism, and re-employed the term conscience as a replacement for cogito, holding that conscience is the final authority in judging good and bad; that, as the starting point of human existence, it cannot be withheld from any human being; and that it therefore constitutes an inalienable human right. This paper argues that the Enlightenment was a subjectivist movement propelled by this conscience-cogito-conscience conceptualization, and that it sought to enlighten this inalienable conscience. __________ Translated from Qiushi xuekan 求是学刊 (Seeking Truth), 2008, (1): 47–54  相似文献   
The Kripkean metaphysical modality (i.e. possibility and necessity) is one of the most important concepts in contemporary analytic philosophy and is the basis of many metaphysical speculations. These metaphysical speculations frequently commit to entities that do not belong to this physical universe, such as merely possible entities, abstract entities, mental entities or qualities not realizable by the physical, which seems to contradict naturalism or physicalism. This paper proposes a naturalistic interpretation of the Kripkean modality, as a naturalist’s response to these metaphysical speculations. It will show that naturalism can accommodate the Kripkean metaphysical modality. In particular, it will show that naturalism can help to resolve the puzzles surrounding Kripke’s a posteriori necessary propositions and a priori contingent propositions. __________ Translated from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2008, (1): 18–26  相似文献   
Confucianism is a rather typical non-universalism, even though it does believe that its own doctrines are indeed the ultimate truth, and denies the validity of any higher, universalist meta-standard. Therefore, when facing the contemporary culture intercourse, Confucianism advocates genuine discourse: It rejects any cultural conflict to-the-death, refuses to engage in universalist competition and antagonism, and maintains a mutually-beneficial interaction with other cultures. However, it also adheres to a “free-to-terminate-relations” principle, which implies that any side is free to terminate, at any time, all potential and actual interactions, whenever it feels that its original cultural vitality is threatened. In other words, cultural interactions must only occur when the cultural uniqueness and independence of all participating sides is guaranteed.  相似文献   
功能磁共振成像技术研究脑机制的重要手段,并被广泛地应用在最近三年发表的研究精神疾病脑机制的论文中,有约一半以上以功能磁共振成像技术为研究手段。功能磁共振成像以很高的速率获取随时间变化的幅脑图像,因而具有很高的空间分辨率和较高的时间分辨率。  相似文献   
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