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肖雄 《孔子研究》2013,(4):126-128
<正>2013年4月20日至21日,由中国哲学史学会、武汉大学哲学学院暨国学院主办的"中国哲学史研究的现状与前瞻"学术研讨会在武汉大学举行,来自全国各大高校、社科院等科研机构的专家学者以及相关报刊媒体单位的代表110余人出席了本次大会。大会收到论文80余篇,主题非常全面,从先秦哲学到现代哲学,乃至对少数民族哲学、地域性哲学皆有探讨。论文质量之高、内容之丰富、观点之新颖,令人耳目一新。现综述如下。  相似文献   
党的十八大提出“五位一体”战略布局,从系统性、整体性角度出发将生态文明建设融入国家战略布局,是对中国传统生态哲学的整体主义价值观的继承与发展;反之,“尊重自然”、“平等仁爱”、“责任意识”、“人际和谐”等精神内核必将有益于解决“五位一体”中的生态困境,并发挥“生态位”在经济、政治、文化及社会中的作用,为我国经济社会科学发展提供内在的精神动力。  相似文献   
作为心灵哲学里的一个著名论证,解释鸿沟试图从知识论层面来质疑物理主义.物理主义的一个新近回应被称为现象概念策略.然而,不同的物理主义者对现象概念策略的理解也不相同,本文选取的是一个具有广泛影响的版本——劳尔版现象概念策略.我将论证,该版本不但能有效化解解释鸿沟带来的困扰,而且能为我们开辟出物理主义的一条新航向——后天物理主义.  相似文献   
Hao Changchi, Politics and Human Beings. Three Dimensions in Pre-Qin Political Philosophy,政治与人:先秦政治哲学的三个维度.. Beijing: Zhongguo Zhengfa Daxue Chubanshe, 2012, 337pp. ISBN: 9787562043959. Hao Changchi, a leading thinker on political philosophy, takes on a thorough research project exploring Pre-Qin political philosophy and its enlightenment in this book, deviating from the usual route of emphasizing the separation of individual and public realms and centering only on freedom and equality. As the book's title suggests, the core issue is the relationship between human nature and political existence. Many people might define politics as an outcome of interest conflicts and negotiations, but this view overlooks the existence of concrete people. Hence, the author proposes a wholly new understanding of "political nature," which is supposed to embody an individual's moral and religious life. Thus, politics is envisaged as consisting of three dimensions, and this is especially true in Pre-Qin political philosophy. According to Hao, the earliest form of politics in ancient China was an entirety composed of heavenly will, universal love and benefit for the whole world, which shaped people into three dimensions (4). Later, the three dimensions were reduced to two, namely loyalty and filial piety, when it comes to Confucian philosophy.  相似文献   
Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world.  相似文献   
Constructivism has been an important program in contemporary philosophy, but cannot itself cannot provide sufficient context for grasping its key points. To fully understand its power and potential we must borrow tools from other programs: specifically, Charles Peirce and John Dewey's pragmatism. By exploring these two pragmatists' articulations of "generalization," which I hold is the most crucial question in constructivism, their prospective contributions to constructivism can be brought to light. If, as I argue, constructivism can incorporate the lessons of pragmatism, then it can still be considered a highly workable interpretation of reality and of human endeavors.  相似文献   
Among the challenges of poststructuralist thought has been the demand that we acknowledge a kind of philosophical emptiness which many feel accompanies the perceived decline in foundationalist thought. By looking more closely at Barthes and Baudrillard's writing on meaning, writing, language, truth, and the real, we can come to a better understanding of the emergence and implications of the poststructural challenge. The paper argues that Barthes' and Baudrillard's writing on these five key concepts can lead us to a more liberating conception of thought and contribute to our individual effort to become more challenging thinkers. This paper also (unavoidably) points to several points of convergence and divergence between Barthes and Baudrillard.  相似文献   
William James challenged the traditions of British Empiricism (Hume) on one hand and German Idealism (Kant and Hegel) on the other. James' "Radical Empiricism" is a via media ("middle road") between these divergent positions. His central points of contention are the ontological status of relationships and the correct analysis of experience. British Empiricism leaves us with a world of separate, particular facts, based on atomic sense impressions. Idealists, on the other hand, claim that all worldly phenomena are conjoined by one rational principle. According to James' account, neither side recognizes that both conjunctive and disjunctive relations are integral to experience. Furthermore, James' critique proved to influence A. N. Whitehead's philosophy of experience and orientation toward Hume and Kant. This essay situates James' philosophy in this polemical and historical context.  相似文献   
德国哲学家恩斯特·卡西尔在其代表作《符号形式哲学》第3卷中提出的“符号性孕义”概念,历来被学界公认为理解卡西尔哲学整体的一个核心概念,也是近年来学界关注最多的一个概念。不过,对这一概念所作的系统性阐释,迄今还付之阙如。该著在对符号形式哲学理论基础予以澄清的基础上,对这一概念的历史起源、哲学内涵,以及在整个卡西尔哲学体系中的有效性等问题作了深入细致的考察,并在“精神作为的自由”中对这一概念作了进一步的奠基。  相似文献   
该著收录了作者近年来发表的关于儒家哲学的文章,试图结合中西方道德哲学中的主要概念、原则、理论框架等,重新解释儒家哲学的当代意义。作者认为,可以将儒家伦理学说的核心与基础理解为存在论意义上的“感动论”,而儒家的示范性道德人格的重要性就在于它能够感动、激励人们行善。  相似文献   
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