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人造细胞是现代生物科学技术中的热点问题之一,由人造细胞及其衍生出来人造生命的伦理问题也备受关注,关于是否应该继续研究人造生命,支持者和反对者之间各执其词。以克莱格·文特“创造人造细胞”事件为切入点,回顾了人造生命的历史,简要介绍人造细胞的产生过程,分析人造细胞的正面和负面影响;同时提出马克思主义哲学可以为医学伦理问题的研究提供不同的维度与角度,让人们对人造细胞产生的道德问题做出更全面的判断。  相似文献   
为了保证学术性论文的真实性和原创性,端正对学术性论文抄袭与剽窃、伪造、篡改、不当署名、一稿多投等学术界的不正之风,以及本着对本刊论文作者和读者负责任的态度,医学与哲学杂志社于2009年2月开始启用《科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统(AMLC)》。该系统以《中国学术文献网络出版总库》为全文比对数据库,  相似文献   
曹洁 《美与时代》2014,(6):67-68
由于画材、艺术哲学等方面所具有的特性,油画也许是最适合也最注重肌理效果的造型艺术门类.在油画创作实践中,越来越多的艺术家开始探索借助颜料堆积、晕染、裂痕以及各种特殊技法营造画面的肌理之美。在油画诸画面构成要素中.肌理效果具有特殊的视觉感受,其形成具有偶然性和特殊性,同时也具有一定的艺术规律,  相似文献   
正车子进入科罗拉多州的玻顿小镇,寻找通往李泽厚家的小路,我生怕弄错,舒建华——我的同伴,说不会错,美国的屋子都有门牌,好找。建华是我当年在浙大指导的研究生,来美国发展已是十多年了。果然,我们顺利地寻到了通向李泽厚家的小路。小路边一排排别墅,屋前繁花似锦,非常漂亮。路不宽,转了个弯,很快,到了。  相似文献   
任何事物或事情都是要讲究程度的,"程度"问题不仅是哲学问题,更是美学问题。程度美学的提出,是基于哲学美学原理和社会实际两方面的。程度美学研究既有理论价值,又有实际意义。程度美学研究的主要内容为理论和实践两方面,其实践方面则分为社会和艺术两个范畴。不论在社会生活里,还是在艺术创造中,准确把握好"程度",就等于是把握了美的真谛。不论什么,适度为美。  相似文献   
<正>谢金良博士《审美与时间——先秦道家典籍研究》一书,以先秦道家有关典籍为文本,从而研治"审美与时间"这一重要而具挑战意味的学术难题,显示了其不一般的学术视野、理论勇气与钻研精神。笔者认为,倘欲解读"审美与时间"之关系究竟如何可能,首须证明"道即时间"这一命题是否成立。《老子》有关"天乃道,道乃久(久指时间)"与《庄子》"道无终始"、"与物无终无始"及《审美与时间》有关"时间无所不‘到’(道)"等言说,可证"道即时间"论能够成立。从海德格尔生存存在论说"道即时间",无异于指"存在即时间"。此指"时间到‘时’",即"有待去‘是’"之"当下"、"瞬时",即"现象"。时间审美具"广义"、  相似文献   
心理学自冯特始便存在两种类型,自然科学的心理学和人文的心理学.本土心理学依据“一种心智,多种心态”的原则,建构了儒家关系主义理论和自我曼陀罗模型,这种含摄文化的理论解决了冯特以科学方法研究文化的难题.批判实在论和多重哲学典范的结合,奠定了华人本土心理学科学哲学基础,在此基础上,华人本土心理学将迎来心理学发展的第三波.  相似文献   
Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the word.  相似文献   
Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy can be regarded as a creative development and comprehensive expression of Stephen C. Angle's former works integrating Neo-Confucian tradition and contemporary ethical and political thought. He cites the idea of conservatism from Mou Zongsan and Tang Junyi to propose his own idea that conservatism is rooted in creative practice. It is in the affirmation of basic Confucian values that he sets up his view of progress, which means growing ethically and making the world better (18-19). In this light, Progressive Confucianism can be seen as a theory that interprets and conserves traditional Confucian values in agreement with contemporary demands. Thus it can be compared with Western ethics, especially with liberalism, which also emphasizes civic virtue and moral education. And so Progressive Confucianism aims at opening up dimensions like constitutionalism and democracy that accord with Western traditions while remaining consistent with Confucian ethics and rituals.  相似文献   
Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world.  相似文献   
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