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古代中国人人格结构的因素探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨波 《心理科学》2005,28(3):668-672
以古代典籍《史记》为材料,按词汇法构建了具有相当信度和效度的古代中国人人格描述词单,施测于118名专家及研究生,令他们对《史记》中记载的102名古代中国人作评定,经由因素分析获取了以仁为核心,由仁、智、勇、隐4个因素组成的古代中国人人格维度。进而用内容分析的方法验证了该维度的稳定性,并结合中国传统哲学思想,对仁、智、勇、隐4个因素的内涵作了深入的剖析和阐释。  相似文献   
三十二分的《金刚经》在中国历史上从公元950年出现,明朝之后成为官方格式,但民间可能不特加书写三十二分的标题。佛陀讲授《金刚经》时本来就没有分,佛经最初本身结集书写时也没有特意照顾到这一点。《金刚经》最早是用印度梵文写成的,5世纪初传入中国后始有汉文译本,以后又相继出现藏、蒙、满、和阗、回鹘、栗特等多种少数民族语言文本。  相似文献   
Unlike traditional Western philosophy, which places no special emphasis on the importance of family structure, traditional Chinese philosophy represented by Confucianism is a set of theories that give family a primary position. With family as the foundation, a complete framework of “human body → two genders → family and clan” is formed. Therefore, family in Chinese philosophy is existent, gender-interactive and diachronic. It should also be noted that family also plays a fundamental role in Chinese theories on cosmology, religion, and many other subjects. In other words, Chinese culture as a whole is imprinted with reflections on family. Nowadays, as the value of family becomes less prominent, re-examining ancient Chinese philosophy will undoubtedly bear theoretical significance. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese philosophy can also offer an ideological framework for the re-construction of family values in the contemporary world. __________ Translated by Zhang Shaoqian from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2008, (1): 56–63  相似文献   
中华传统武术套路,传统武术整体的韵律美、意境美使武术的本质融于行云流水般的套路演练中,以势夺人,以形娱人,以神感人,以气贯穿始终,与中国古代道家美学思想一脉相承.而现代武术更是通过其无与伦比的韵律把这种美表现得淋漓尽致.  相似文献   
温静 《法音》2009,(1):51-54
中国的辽金时期佛教兴盛,建造了大量佛教寺院,有很多遗构保留至今,成为研究中国古代建筑史的重要实例,也为辽金建筑在中国建筑史中地位的判定提供了依据。对于辽代统治者来说,信奉佛教是其吸收汉地文化,借以统治汉人的工具。因此,辽代皇帝研究佛教,支持佛教的发展。在辽圣宗、兴宗、道宗三朝(983-1100),佛教在辽统治  相似文献   
Discussions of name (ming, 名) during the pre-Qin and Qin-Han period of Chinese history were very active. The concept ming at that time can be divided into two categories, one is the ethical-political meaning of the term and the other is the linguistic-logical understanding. The former far exceeds the latter in terms of overall influence on the development of Chinese intellectual history. But it is the latter that has received the most attention in the 20th century, due to the influence of Western logic. This has led to the result of a bias in the contemporary studies of ming. Changing course by returning to the correct path of intellectual history can providing an objective and thorough ordering of the pre-Qin discourse on ming. Translated by Joseph E. Harroff from Shandong Daxue Xuebao 山东大学学报 (Journal of Shandong University), 2007, (2): 59–64  相似文献   
聂锦芳 《哲学动态》2008,3(4):13-19
历史究竟是什么?它纯粹只是自然年代的更迭和过去事件的罗列,还是后人以自己的观念和方式对既往历程的一种梳理和解释?古代与近代以什么作为分界线?  相似文献   
道教与中国古代科学技术紧密关联,道家、道教的科技成果是多方面的,其中养生方面的贡献尤为突出.道教养生技术及其相关理论是个颇值得研究的学术课题.在众多的道教养生术中,学术界对外丹术、内丹术、房中术、导引术关注较多,而有道教特色的服食术却鲜有学者深入探析.  相似文献   
中国古代美术是当代大学生美育教学的重要内容,是最能够代表中国民族文化的艺术门类之一。从目前的美育教学实际来看,重视并发掘中国古代美术这一文化资源,极具审美素质教育的价值功能。大学生可以在美育学习过程中通过对中国古代美术的鉴赏来解读中国古代美术作品,从中领会自己本土文化艺术理论,并以此为基础来丰富自己的审美文化内涵,潜移默化地提高自己的审美素质,真正成为人格完善的高素质人才。  相似文献   
室内空间与家具形态因不同时代意识形态和审美情趣的影响而呈现不同的面貌,折射出不同的时代精神和文化内涵,也体现着儒家的礼制观念对中国传统空间设计和家具形态的重要影响。  相似文献   
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