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本课题通过对长株潭乡村景观规划的现状及存在问题进行研究分析,以景观规划AVC理论为基础,借鉴国外景观规划的先进理论,从人居环境学、景观生态学、生态农业学、乡村旅游学的角度研究长株潭乡村景观规划,构建乡村景观规划体系,系统归纳长株潭乡村景观规划模式,以完善长株潭新农村建设。  相似文献   
识仁是程颢理学思想的重要内容与为学宗旨。本文具体辨析并展示出程颢仁说的各种义涵,以及识仁的系统方法。本文指出,程颢的识仁之方,包含有(1)天、理、道、性、心相通一贯;(2)对仁理、仁道的宗教性体认与信仰;(3)诚敬存之的存养之力;(4)与物同体的生活效验之真切指点;(5)义礼智信的具体道德实践;(6)《识仁篇》对识仁工夫的具体展示等环节。经过这些环节的整体展示,程颢以识仁为方法的新仁学乃展示出一个人物天地相通不隔的宗教性境界,从而将孔子仁学推进到一个新的阶段。  相似文献   
为应对佛、老的高妙一直以来对于士大夫人心的征服的困境,儒学到宋代道学那里终于也提出一套心性之学来与之对抗,以重新挽回士人之心。道学在对抗佛老而大讲心性时,却也未必自觉意识到自己也变得有玄虚化的一面,以至悬空,变得无可把捉,荡而不返,从而也就很难区分于佛、老,这就成为了新  相似文献   
2011年9月13日,由中国无神论学会、《科学与无神论》杂志社组织,自然科技工作者、社会科学工作者、教育工作者和部分媒体记者自愿参与的"教育与宗教相分离"座谈会,在北京圆山酒店举行。与会人员来自中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所、中国科普研究所、北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学、武汉理工大学、《民主与科学》杂志社、《牛顿科学世界》杂志社、《五柳村》网站。  相似文献   
本文回眸了古希腊罗马哲学在中国的历程,指出了改革开放以来逐步进向以中国学术视野做有学术创新的研究,但需要加强某些薄弱环节;本文论述了古希腊罗马哲学的现代意义,为加强中西哲学与文化传统的整体性交往,需要深化中国学术视野中的古希腊罗马哲学研究;本文还就跨文化研究古希腊罗马哲学的视野与方法,提出一些供参考的见解.  相似文献   
张维  蔡笑岳  曾苑霞 《心理科学》2011,34(2):398-401
研究学科领域知识丰富性不同的学生在问题表征过程中信息表征层次的特点。采用“学习-再认”范式,以5类等式为材料,62名初二学生参与实验。结果:两组被试对表面和原理特征一致的等式产生明显的错误再认;对表面特征不一致等式的错误率明显减少。无论原理特征是否一致,两组对表面特征一致等式的反应时无显著差别,但在正确率上丰富组的更高。说明,两组均以有序的系列加工方式编码信息,优先编码表面特征。贫乏组对原理特征的编码干扰表面特征的加工,因而原理特征被丢弃。丰富组加工表面特征则无干扰现象出现,两种特征均能作为再认线索。  相似文献   
2010年8月2日-7日在日本东京庆应义塾大学山田校区举办的第九届柏拉图研讨会以"柏拉图的<理想国>"(Plato's Politeia)为题,汇聚数百名当代学者,全方位地检视这部巨著中对城邦、灵魂、善、形式(理念)、诗歌等诸多主题的反思.本文略记大会盛况及日本古典学界观感.  相似文献   
In this paper we briefly describe preliminary data from two experiments that we have carried out to investigate the relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations within scenes. In these experiments, we recorded participants′ eye movements as they viewed a photograph of a cubicle with 12 objects positioned pseudo-randomly on a desk and shelves. After viewing the photograph, participants were taken to the actual cubicle where they undertook two memory tests. Participants were asked to identify the 12 target objects(from the photograph)presented amongst 12 distractors. They were then required to place each of the objects in the location that they occupied in the photograph. These tests assessed participants′ memory for identity of the objects and their locations. In Experiment 1, we assessed the influence of the encoding period and the test delay on object identity and location memory. In Experiment 2 we manipulated scanning behaviour during encoding by "boxing"some of the objects in the photo. We showed that using boxes to change eye movement behaviour during encoding directly affected the nature of memory for the scene. The results of these studies indicate a fundamental relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations. We explain our findings in terms of the Visual Memory Model(Hollingworth & Henderson, 2002).  相似文献   
This paper analyses some aspects of the eye movement behaviour of readers of Thai and Chinese. The main focus is on readers′landing site distributions on words and how these are affected by the lack of clear word boundary information due to the absence of inter-word spaces. Empirical evidence from Thai and Chinese readers suggest that readers can relatively accurately target word centres. We make the case that this accuracy can be accounted for by a default targetting model(effectively, the prior landing site distribution, in Bayesian terms)modulated by statistical cues about word beginnings available from word-initial character frequencies.  相似文献   
One nearly ubiquitous assumption in models of linguistic comprehension and of eye movement control in reading alike is of partial modularization between word-level and sentence-level processing: that the outcome of word recognition, and thus the input to sentence-level comprehension, is a categorial representation. Yet such a partial modularization throws away residual uncertainty regarding word identity that might potentially be of value to the comprehender further downstream in the sentence. Here I describe a line of research combining computational modeling with experimental eye-tracking work to explore the consequences of removing this partial modularity assumption.  相似文献   
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