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We review two studies examining task effects on eye guidance during reading. The first study investigated effects of reading perspective on eye behavior in reading. It demonstrated that both the initial encoding of words as well as the later integration stage of wrapping up the sentence meaning are influenced by the reading perspective. Early effects of reading perspective were observed both in saccadic programming and in fixation times and were primarily seen when reading a text of familiar content. In the second study, effects of reading task were examined by comparing eye movements between proofreading and reading for comprehension. Task effects appeared very early in the processing time line; both temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements were affected. Taking together, the two studies demonstrate that readers make a global adjustment to eye behavior on the basis of reading task or goal.  相似文献   
Research on eye movements during reading and scene perception is briefly reviewed. It is quite clear that cognitive variables influence how long readers look at words and where they look next. There are also clearly some differences in eye movements between Chinese and Western readers. However, for the most part it appears that there are more similarities than differences and that what differences do occur are due more to differences in the nature of the written orthography than due to cultural differences. There are also clearly cognitive influences on eye movements during scene viewing. Research from my lab is reviewed which challenges the view that culture influences eye movements during scene viewing. While we do not deny that there are cultural influences on cognition and thinking, it seems to be the case that cultural differences do not influence properties of the oculomotor system resulting in differences in where subjects look early in scenes.  相似文献   
发展性阅读障碍(下文简称为"阅读障碍")不仅会影响个人的终身发展,还会对社会造成沉重的经济负担,深入探讨相关的神经机制,对实现阅读障碍的早期预测和干预十分重要。以往关于阅读障碍神经机制的模型多集中于大脑,近些年的研究发现,阅读障碍也与小脑异常有关,但到目前为止我们仍不清楚两者的关系。通过总结最新的研究进展,我们发现小脑在阅读障碍中可能发挥着多种功能,且小脑异常与阅读障碍可能互为因果。在此基础之上,我们提出了"阅读中小脑与大脑的功能映射假说",旨在从一个全新的角度揭示小脑与阅读的关系,以及两者与大脑的关系。相关内容对全面揭示阅读障碍的神经机制,以及小脑在高级认知加工中的作用,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
男人在爱情中的姿态,用一个具体的形象加以表达的话,那就是奔跑。 正如笑话里说的那样,减肥中心给那些胖男人提供的妙方,是一些苗条而又健美的女人。她们妩媚地对他们说:追上我,我就属于你。接下来男人们便开始日复一日地奔跑,跑得大汗淋漓眼冒金星,跑得昏天黑地喘息不止,直到跑得衣带渐宽,方才如梦初醒。  相似文献   
研究通过两项消失文本实验考察中文阅读中的词内再注视眼跳和相邻词间眼跳发动的时间进程。实验一操控字/词消失的延迟时间考察词内再注视眼跳发动的时间进程,结果发现,以词为消失单元的消失文本(词n消失)和两项以字为消失单元的消失文本(词n上两个汉字分别消失)随着延迟时间增加,其再注视概率的变化模式不尽相同。实验二考察相邻词间眼跳发动的时间进程发现,以词为消失单元的消失文本(词n+1消失)和两项以字为消失单元的消失文本(词n+1中两个汉字分别消失)随着延迟时间增加,跳读概率的变化模式也不尽相同。综合两个实验结果表明,中文阅读中存在以词和以字为目标选择单元的两种眼跳策略。  相似文献   
一天,一个人急急忙忙地跑到某位哲人那儿,说:“我有个消息要告诉你……”  相似文献   
古语云:“居不幽者思不广,形不愁者思不远。”即智高者需要静静地同自己的心灵悄悄地对话,要忍受得住孤独和寂寞。  相似文献   
1 都市的大街,是一张铺呈开来的尘世清明上河图。那炫目的色彩,那亮眼的繁华,那冗杂的喧嚣,还有那熙来攘往的拥挤与繁忙……无一不散发着浓郁的人间烟火的味儿。  相似文献   
在我居住的小区内,有一处闲暇时的最佳去处,那是一泓碧水盈盈的水塘,我爱其清澈碧透,就私下里称其为“清塘”。  相似文献   
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