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命与天命:儒家天人关系的双重视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"命"与"天命"是传统文化中一对重要范畴,主要指人所受到的限制。二者都起源于"令",由"王令"而"天令",又因"天令"对王权的决定作用从而成为王权之"命"。西周末,随着传统天命观的式微,"命"开始向个体落实。孔子正是在对"命"深切体验的基础上重提"天命",以作为君子之为君子的依据;子思又将其进一步落实为人之"性"。到了孟子,便通过"命"与"性"、"求在我者"与"求在外者"的比较,终于形成"命"与"天命"的不同规定:"命"体现着天对人之自然生命的限制,表现的是人所无法驾驭的客观力量,但却落实于人并表现为人之"命";"天命"体现的则是人之自我确认的道德理想,其虽然出于人却又必须证之于天,所以是天之真正的命于人者。命与天命,既体现了传统天人关系的双重视角,同时也是儒道两家不同探索侧重的一个基本分野。  相似文献   
中华文化源远流长,从各个方面都可以来解释这句话。唐朝时讲儒释道"三教",那个时候儒家也算一种宗教。中国文化要从  相似文献   
个人品德建设是当前社会主义道德建设的重要内容之一.本文系统梳理了儒家的个人品德养成论思想,分析了有关个人品德构成中的知情意行,梳理了环境、教育对于个人品德形成的影响,并进一步论述了修养对于个人品德形成的重要性及其方法.  相似文献   
Confucianism is a rather typical non-universalism, even though it does believe that its own doctrines are indeed the ultimate truth, and denies the validity of any higher, universalist meta-standard. Therefore, when facing the contemporary culture intercourse, Confucianism advocates genuine discourse: It rejects any cultural conflict to-the-death, refuses to engage in universalist competition and antagonism, and maintains a mutually-beneficial interaction with other cultures. However, it also adheres to a “free-to-terminate-relations” principle, which implies that any side is free to terminate, at any time, all potential and actual interactions, whenever it feels that its original cultural vitality is threatened. In other words, cultural interactions must only occur when the cultural uniqueness and independence of all participating sides is guaranteed.  相似文献   
As a pair of important categories in traditional Chinese culture, “ming 命 (destiny or decrees)” and “tian ming 天命 (heavenly ordinances)” mainly refer to the constraints placed on human beings. Both originated from “ling 令 (decrees),” which evolved from “wang ling 王令 (royal decrees)” into “tian ling 天令 (heavenly decrees),” and then became “ming” from a throne because of the decisive role of “heavenly decrees” over a throne. “Ming” and “tian ming” have different definitions: “Ming” represented the limits Heaven placed on the natural lives of human beings and was an objective force that men could not direct, but was embodied in human beings as their “destiny”; “Tian ming” reflected the moral ideals of human beings in their self-identification; It originated in man but had to be verified by Heaven, and it was therefore the true ordinance that Heaven placed on human beings. “Ming” and “tian ming” are two perspectives on the traditional relationship between Heaven and human beings, and at the same time Confucians and Daoists placed different emphasis on them. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Zhongguo zhexueshi 中国哲学史 (History of Chinese Philosophy), 2007, (4): 11–21  相似文献   
第三代新儒家对儒学的诠释与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三代新儒家在儒学诠释与创新中做出了超迈前贤的成就,代表了现代新儒学发展的四个新趋向:儒学本位坚持下的思想多元化的倾向;对知识论的注重与方法论的自觉,彰显"道问学"的转向;凸显批判精神和对话意识;批判"现代性"与"后现代"的儒学重建方向的肯定.与此同时,其思想也存在着内在的紧张.  相似文献   
在对范瑞平文章评析的基础上,提出以下三个观点:富民教民是儒家的理想,保民济民也是儒家仁政的现实诉求,基于文化、历史与现实国情我国宜选择政府主导型医疗保障模式;现有制度框架并不妨碍家庭在医疗决策中的作用;“过犹不及”是儒家的中庸之道,由此,基本医疗的界限和范围,“保大”或“保小”的价值取向都是需要动态调整的。  相似文献   
阴阳学说与五行学说是中国古典哲学中的一对特殊概念,后来应用到社会生活的众多领域。考察其形成、发展演变的历史,我们认为它们并非玄之又玄的东西,而是历代先民对自然现象中的规律的抽象与总结,闪烁着中华民族理性与智慧的光辉,指引着后人认识自然的道路。  相似文献   
王谦 《心理学探新》2009,29(2):11-14
中国儒家主要代表之一的孟子,和西方人本主义心理学创始人之一的马斯洛,这两位身处不同时空的学者在各自的思想中塑造的理想人格却具备了许多共通之处。该文从理想人格的提出、形成基础、特征以及实现途径几个方面进行了比较,从而为现代社会理想人格的塑造提供有益启示。  相似文献   
于慎行是明代后期著名的政治家和文学家、史学家,其佛、道思想生动而集中地反映了晚明时代的思想风貌.于慎行参禅学佛,但对佛教现状多有批评.他探讨了佛经的翻译问题,援引佛经义理来诠释儒家经典.于慎行严格区分作为宗教组织的道教和作为学派的道家,除开晚年,他对道教基本上抱持相对疏离的态度.他服膺黄老之学,以无为政治为其施政理念,同时也深受老庄学说的影响.于慎行主张以儒家为主导,统摄佛、道,实现三教融合.  相似文献   
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