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Zusammenfassung Somatisierung meint die Erfahrung und den Bericht von k?rperlichen Beschwerden, für die kein hinreichender medizinischer Befund vorliegt, verbunden mit einem hohen Ausma? von organ-medizinischer Hilfesuche. Gegenüber früheren Definitionen, die st?rker auf psychosoziale Faktoren bei der Somatisierung abheben, wird gegenw?rtig eine ausschlie?lich beschreibende Begriffsfestlegung bevorzugt. Somatisierung liegt als Normenvariante bis zur schweren pathologischen Auspr?gung vor. Die ICD-10 fa?t sehr heterogene Krankheitsbilder von Somatisierung in der Klasse der somatoformen St?rungen zusammen. Fraglich ist, ob Somatisierung eher als Proze? denn als diskrete Krankheitseinheit zu konzeptualisieren ist. Somatisierung enth?lt drei Komponenten: Auf der Wahrnehmungsebene erh?hte Sensibilit?t gegenüber K?rpersensationen (“somatosensorische Amplifikation”), auf der Erlebensebene negative Affekte in Form von psychischem und somatischen Distre?erleben, auf der Verhaltensebene inad?quate Inanspruchnahme der Gesundheitsressourcen (“abnormes Krankheitsverhalten”). Trotz z. T. vielversprechender Behandlungsvorschl?te unter verhaltenstherapeutischer, psychodynamischer und psychoedukativer Orientierung erscheint die Prognose von Somatisierung bisher wenig günstig. Es gibt Hinweise, da? der Sicherung der therapeutischen Beziehung besondere Bedeutung für den Behandlungserfolg zukommt.   相似文献   
Academic mobility has increased the tendency of students to study in foreign countries, which poses various personal, interpersonal and contextual challenges to the cross-cultural supervision relationship. This study explored the themes that emerged in a cross-cultural supervision relationship through the application of expressive art, referred to as the Mmogo-Method?, in cross-cultural group supervision. Fourteen individuals participated in the research, thirteen Tswana-speaking women from Botswana and a Tshivenda-speaking man from Venda (age range: 25 to 45 years). Participants were asked to create visual representations illustrating any aspect of their growth since the beginning of the year. Thereafter, the participants engaged in focus group discussions. Data were analysed by means of semiotic data analysis. Central themes suggest that the transfer of culturally embedded values and norms takes place between environments. The data further elicited valuable information regarding aspects that could play an integral role in personal and professional development. It appears that expressive art such as the Mmogo-Method? could serve as a valuable tool in enhancing the quality of supervision.  相似文献   
In this article data on narrative-based responses by two female ?Khomani San community members were used to explore the presence of life design issues contained in that data. Data were analyzed thematically for discrepant experiences (Said, 2001). Findings suggest the ?Khomani San members used small stories to construct relevant aspects of their lives. The small stories converged into a larger identity narrative. Narrative-based approaches are useful with interviews with historically disadvantaged indigenous people.  相似文献   
The pursuit of mutual understanding has not infrequently led Muslims and Christians to define their religious traditions in stark doctrinal opposition one to the other. In this regard, the “religion of law” (Islam)/“religion of grace” (Christianity) dichotomy has a particularly venerable history. This article sets out to re-examine and deconstruct a couplet that would strike many as a platitude, first by giving an account of the Sunni tradition of law-generation, situated in the broad context of the many options represented by different Islamic sects, and then by revisiting the paradigmatic understanding of law in the Christian dispensation worked out by Aquinas. This exposition leads to the conclusion that any simple opposition is to be avoided at all costs, obfuscating, as it does, much more than it elucidates. Furthermore, Christianity emerges from our chosen perspective as, in some sense, more essentially a “religion of law” than Islam ever could be.  相似文献   
Although theorists disagree about precisely how to characterize the link between anger and moral judgment, that they are linked is routinely taken for granted in contemporary metaethics and philosophy of emotion. One problem with this assumption is that it ignores virtues like patience, which thinkers as different as Cassian, ?āntideva, and Maimonides have argued are characteristic of mature moral agents. The patient neither experience nor plan to experience anger in response to (at least some) wrongs. Nevertheless, we argue, they remain capable of judging such actions to be wrong. This indicates that a different account of the relationship between anger and moral judgment is required. We conclude by proposing one such account, showing how a metaethicist who was more attentive to the normative ethics of anger might set about reconstructing her position.  相似文献   
The paper describes the genesis, construction and preliminary reliability testing of the Parent?Infant Relational Assessment Tool (PIRAT). PIRAT is a clinical assessment tool for the identification of risk in the early parent?infant relationship. The rationale was to design a flexible, reliable measure that would enable professionals working with infants and their caregivers to assess the parent?infant relationship as it appears in the consulting room, clinic or home environment and to pinpoint areas of concern at the earliest possible opportunity. The measure was developed in the Parent–Infant Project at the Anna Freud Centre and a subsequent study was undertaken to establish whether it could be successfully transferred to healthcare professionals for use in their workplace settings. A reliability study was conducted with a panel of health professionals, including midwives, health visitors, child protection social workers and clinical psychologists, using videotapes of their consultations in the home or clinic with mothers and infants of 0?2 years old. The results demonstrate good interrater reliability for the 10 participants in the study. Verbatim excerpts from the training sessions are included to elucidate the process of training and the ways in which participants engaged with and embedded the measure into their practice.  相似文献   
The shrine of the Virgin Mary in the Syrian town of ?aydnāyā is an important Levantine Christian centre and one of the principal Christian pilgrimage sites in the Middle East, second only to the holy city of Jerusalem during the Middle Ages. This study's intent is to examine in detail, and to provide a key for interpreting, the major incongruity emerging through a comparison of the two main textual traditions regarding the shrine: the Christian-Arabic and the Latin-Western. The dissimilarity is constituted by the significant divergences concerning the representation of the miracle of the incarnation traditionally ascribed to the icon of the Virgin venerated in ?aydnāyā, which is essentially omitted in the Christian-Arabic sources. I argue that a key to the understanding of this reticence can be provided by an analysis of the heretical character ascribed to this particular miracle in Islamic theological thought and of the consequent threat it posed to the survival of the shrine itself. That being the primary focus of the investigation, the article also explores some aspects of the cultural and historical vicissitudes and crises of the cult of the shrine in the West from the fourteenth century onwards which, despite the great number of academic works dedicated to this subject, have remained unclear to this day. More specifically, I argue that apparently aporematic elements on the textual level can be interpreted logically by examining the central role played by the Knights Templar in the cult's material and cultural diffusion and by taking into account the connection of the shrine's decay with the order's downfall. The present analysis focuses almost exclusively on the medieval period as being the most significant for the formation and development of the cult of the shrine.  相似文献   
The common theme that unites the four sections is STP, the sure thing principle. But the paper can be divided neatly into two parts. The first, consisting of the first two sections, contains an analysis of STP as it figures in Savage?s system and proposals of changes to that system. Also possibilities for partially ordered acts are considered. The second, consisting of the last two sections, is about imprecise probabilities, dilations and objective probabilities. Variants of STP are considered but this part is self-contained and can be read separately. The main claim there is that dilations, which can have extremely counterintuitive consequences, can be eliminated by a more careful analysis of the phenomenon. It outlines a proposal of how to do it. Here the concept of objective probabilities plays a crucial role.  相似文献   
We extend de Finetti’s No-Dutch-Book Criterion to Gödel infinite-valued propositional logic.  相似文献   
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