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Zusammenfassung Im ersten Teil dieser übersicht wurden m?gliche Bedenken hinsichtlich der Psychotherapie Suchtkranker diskutiert. Der Weg von der Diagnostik zur Motivationstherapie wurde beschrieben. In diesem zweiten Teil werden zun?chst einige ausgew?hlte Beitr?ge verschiedener Psychotherapierichtungen zur Suchtkrankenbehandlung vorgestellt. Es wird deutlich, dass die deskriptive Diagnostik zur Interventionsplanung um eine weitergehende „Feindiagnostik” erg?nzt werden muss, die von dem gew?hlten psychotherapeutischen Ansatz abh?ngt, da es eine einheitliche Suchtpers?nlichkeit nicht gibt. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden – nach einer einführenden übersicht – die psychoanalytisch-tiefenpsychologischen Konzepte und Therapiemodelle für Suchtkranke sowie die kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Ans?tze unter Berücksichtigung spezifischer Rückfallpr?ventionstrainings vorgestellt. Abschlie?end wird auf allgemeine und spezifische Wirkfaktoren und empirische Wirksamkeitsnachweise der Psychotherapie von Suchterkrankungen eingegangen.   相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Posttraumatische Belastungsst?rung (PTBS) ist ein h?ufiges Krankheitsbild und mit einer Standardtherapie, die die spezifische Problematik der St?rung unberücksichtigt l?sst, nur eingeschr?nkt behandelbar. Der Beitrag geht auf aktuelle diagnostische Kriterien sowie spezifische Risikofaktoren für die Ausbildung chronischer und komplexer PTBS-Symptome ein. Verschiedene Behandlungsans?tze – Konfrontationstherapie, Kognitive Restrukturierung, EMDR, psychodynamische Therapie, angeleitetes Schreiben – werden auf der Basis validierter Therapiestudien vorgestellt. Ausführlicher berücksichtigt werden Behandlungsm?glichkeiten für sexuell traumatisierte Frauen mit chronischer PTBS und komorbiden Beschwerden.   相似文献   
A Criticism of Poiëtical Reason. Remarks on Epistemological Philosophy of Technological Shaping. According to Aristoteles human reason can be divided into three independent properties: ?εωρια,πραξισ, and πoιησισ. The latter is required for the technological construction of actuality. Scrutinizing to the conception of μιμησισ it can be figured out that technological acting intends a representation of truth, not an imitation of nature. The concept of nature developed by sciences of modern times is discussed in its lawful disposition. To give some features of an epistemological philosophy of technological shaping first the difference between technological rules and laws of nature is examined. Second, three attributes of technological sciences in distinction to natural sciences are described. Finally, some shaping rules used by engineering sciences are presented. These rules need an epistemological investigation put through other wise than the philosophy of science.  相似文献   
The eighteenth century was a peaceful era for East Asia, ruled by the emperors of Ching. However, intellectuals who refused to accept the Great Ching order appeared in Chos?n and Japan. They developed homeland-centric ideologies. This article compares the Han W?n-chin (韓元震, 1682–1751)‘s Chos?n-centrism with the Motoori Norinaga (本居宣長, 1730–1801)’s Japan-centrism. There is a lot of research about the Norinaga’s Japan-centrism in Japanese academia, which contains both aspects of the culture theory and order theory. In Korea, however, discourse about Chos?n-centrism is still ongoing argument under the concept of ‘Chos?n’s Sino-centrism (朝鮮中華主義)’. I would like to pay attention to that, although homeland-centrism is constructed with two aspects, which are theories of international order and culture, the Chos?n’s Sino-Centrism related discourse only discuss about culture theory aspect. Therefore, comparing Japan-centrism, which contains both culture and order parts, I will point out the problem of Chos?n’s Sino-centrism discourse has, and assert that when Han W?n-chin came up with the idea of a Chos?n-led world, Chos?n-centrism had born with both aspects of culture and order. In order to reveal the Chos?n-centrism, I will use a new concept called ‘Zhonghua Community (中華共同體)’.  相似文献   
In contemporary academic literature, the name of the Syrian publisher and journalist Mu?ibb al-Dīn al-Kha?īb often appears in connection with the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood during the interwar years. Although his role in the transition of ?asan al-Bannā's movement from a marginal to a significant socio-political player in Egyptian affairs has been mentioned in numerous works, no comprehensive study has yet been undertaken to determine how and by what means exactly al-Kha?īb supported al-Bannā's organization in its early years. The following article is an attempt to answer these questions by showing the strategic importance of al-Kha?īb and his network in helping al-Bannā develop from being an Arabic teacher in a primary school to one of the main leaders of the Islamist movement in Egypt.  相似文献   
Metallurgical interaction between U–9?wt.% Mo metallic fuel alloy and Zr–1?wt.% Nb clad material has been assessed. Interdiffusion of constituent elements across their interface, together with the phase reactions occurring at high temperature and during subsequent cooling, resulted in development of a layered interaction zone where coexistence of a bcc solid solution phase with varying compositions, along with α-U, α-Zr and Mo2Zr phases could be noticed.  相似文献   
The article provides an overview of the political dimension of Islam, drawing attention to the traditional understanding of Islam's fusion of the political and the religious. An assessment of both the historical roots of Islam and more contemporary Islam political theologies makes manifest the problematic and variegated nature of this assumption. The contemporary responses to Islam in the public square of three Christian theologians are then analysed in the light of the evident diversity of political Islam: Kenneth Cragg, Pope Benedict XVI, and Rowan Williams, drawing them into conversation with Oliver O'Donovan and John Milbank. They each offer complementary insights into theologies of the Church, the common good, Christian culture, sin, notions of power and the doctrine of God. This analysis highlights the need for a Christian political theology that can engage with Islam in all its diversity and yet challenge elements of Islamic voluntarism that are inhibitive of religious plurality.  相似文献   
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