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This study was a comparison of the effects of oral speech with total communication (speech plus sign language) training on the ability of mentally retarded children to repeat 4-word sentences. Three children were chosen who used single words to communicate but who did not combine words into complete sentences. Three sentence pairs were trained, with each pair having one sentence trained using oral methods and an equivalent one trained using the total communication approach. Both training procedures involved chaining sentence parts, reinforcement, and prompting. Oral methods involved presenting vocal stimuli and requiring vocal responses whereas total communication methods involved presenting vocal and signed stimuli and requiring vocal and signed responses. For the initial sentence pair with each child, an alternating treatments design was used to determine the relative efficacy of the two language training approaches. This was repeated with a second and third sentence pair using a multiprobe technique within a multiple baseline design. Results pointed to the superiority of the total communication approach in facilitating sentence repetition. Possible explanations of these results are offered and the utility of the alternating treatments experimental design is discussed.  相似文献   
Self-recording procedures were used by four adolescent girls to increase work and comments (cues) that evoked staff praise during vocational training sessions in a maximum-security institution for offenders. The girls were selected on the basis of their not responding to a staff-directed token program. The self-recording procedures were directed by a therapist who saw the girls outside the vocational training sessions. According to a multiple-baseline design, self-recording of work was introduced sequentially to each of the two or three settings the girls attended each day. A few days after work had increased, self-recording of cues was introduced. Tokens were delivered by the therapist for work and cues recorded by the girls. Work and cues increased following self-recording for three of the girls and increased cues evoked higher rates of staff praise. Girl and staff behaviors were maintained during short follow-up periods when tokens were not given for the girls' records. The procedures failed to effect desirable changes with a fourth girl's work, and self-recording of work was terminated without introducing cueing.  相似文献   
Neuronal changes in normal human aging and Alzheimer's disease   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This article discusses age-related changes in brain weight, total number of cortical neurons, cortical dendrites, spine, and synapse density. The conclusion is that the present outlook is less grim than it was 30 years ago. Age-related reduction appears to be specific to brain region and cortical layer rather than a general feature. In addition, we describe a different pattern of changes that occur in Alzheimer's disease patients. This review concludes that the association cortices in particular are affected in aging and Alzheimer's disease and that the primary visual and somatosensory cortices are relatively spared.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to define the concept of placebo as it is used in the clinical context The author claims that X is a placebo if and only if X has such a property dp, that whenever in a therapeutic situation T a stimulus S appears, then in attending conditions A, it will cause a beneficial reaction R in the patient. Formally, the same structure may be used to define any pharmacologically active drug. The main difference between the drug and a placebo is in the range of possible substitutions for X and the property d. For the active drug there is only one possible substitution for X and property d and it can be scientifically explained why, and how the drug works. In the case of a placebo a set of possible substitutions for X and d is open, and so far it is impossible to offer any scientifically valid explanation of the action mechanism of placebo.  相似文献   
In this article we show how to extract with the use of the Buchholz-Cichon-Weiermann approach to subrecursive hierarchies from Rathjen's 1991 ordinal analysis of KPM a characterization of the provably total number-theoretic functions of KPM and some of its (most prominent) subsystems in a uniform and direct way.  相似文献   
论公正   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
公正的基准是权利。权利在本质上是一种获得性的社会性资格。公正就是这样的原则 :以权利为本位而义务与权利相对等、对称和对应。公正作为美德就是尊重他人的权利和尊重公共规则。公正作为制度伦理首先就是以权利为本位 ,其次是普遍和平等 ,再次是公开、明确和有既定程序。  相似文献   
This paper presents a 2013–2016 research project that documented the history of the Huronia Regional Centre from the perspectives of survivors. Located in Ontario Canada, Huronia housed children with intellectual disabilities until its closure in 2009, and is now notorious for its violent history. Our research collective visited Huronia in 2014 to take pictures of the space, and used those photographs in scrapbook art created in monthly workshops. This paper presents pages selected from survivors' scrapbooks to illustrate key spatial conditions and affective experiences of a total institution. Analysis of these images shows that models of institutionalization are designed to produce violence against the institutionalized. Given the collective's commitment to an arts-informed methodology, this paper serves as a clear condemnation of every version of institutionalization. First, this paper situates its argument in geographic and sociological research that has taken up Goffman's concept of the total institution. Next, it lays out a methodological approach that included photovoice adapted for intellectually disabled institutional survivors. Finally, it presents and analyzes key images of art that survivors produced with support in workshop settings—with a focus on photography taken in facility buildings and on facility grounds.  相似文献   
本研究设计了两种基于汉语全拼输入的提示性软键盘:加粗加黑和颜色提示,并通过实证性研究验证了这两种提示性软键盘对汉字输入绩效的影响。结果表明,两种提示性软键盘均优于非提示性软键盘,在打字速度、使用方便程度、喜爱程度和总体评价上均更好,加粗加黑提示性软键盘还显著提升了输入正确率。该结果为基于汉字输入的提示性软键盘的研发和使用提供了科学依据和数据支持,也将为相关键盘的投入市场做出贡献。  相似文献   
医疗机构承载着救死扶伤、防病治病的重任,寄托着民众维护生命健康的希望。医疗机构伦理是实现医学目的,践行医院宗旨,实现医师专业精神的基础和保障。医疗机构伦理建设和医院的经营发展并不是非此即彼的矛盾对立关系。在趋利化导向严重损害了医疗机构的社会形象的情况下,医疗机构应始终坚持人道主义的行善宗旨和不以谋利为目的的伦理本色,秉承全心全意为民众健康服务的核心价值观,坚持公益性办院方向,用得道多助、开放共赢的思维模式推动医疗机构良性发展。  相似文献   
通过对2型糖尿病心血管终点事件的观察,更多的临床证据提示,糖尿病的治疗目标应该以减少心血管事件为主。糖尿病防治从策略上发生了两个转变,即以血糖为中心转向以防治心血管事件为中心的多危险因素综合防治策略;以糖化血红蛋白检测作为血糖评价的金标准转向以血糖量、质、时程控制的全面评价策略。  相似文献   
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