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东莨菪碱对大鼠空间参考记忆和工作记忆的不同影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察东莨菪碱对空间参考记忆和空间工作记忆的编码、保持和提取过程的作用。应用Morris水迷宫实验测定大鼠的空间参考记忆和空间工作记忆,分别在训练的不同阶段腹腔注射东莨菪碱(1mg/kg)和相同容量的生理盐水,比较各东莨菪碱组和生理盐水组之间游泳潜伏期、路径长度、轨迹和游泳速度的差异。结果发现:与注射生理盐水相比,在训练前和探测实验前注射东莨菪碱的大鼠在探测实验中对目标象限不表现出空间偏爱,说明东莨菪碱干扰参考记忆的信息编码和提取过程;而在训练结束后注射东莨菪碱的大鼠探测实验的结果与生理盐水组相比没有显著差异,说明东莨菪碱对参考记忆的保持过程没有影响。在工作记忆实验中,无论第一次测试前、第一次测试后和第2次测试前注射东莨菪碱,均造成大鼠游泳潜伏期延长,说明东莨菪碱干扰工作记忆的编码、保持和提取过程。研究提示M受体在空间工作记忆和参考记忆中发挥不同作用  相似文献   
Rats repeatedly acquired the performance of selecting only the four baited arms in an automated eight-arm radial maze, with the arms containing food pellets randomly assigned prior to each session. During each 14-trial (trial: obtain all four pellets) daily session, the number of errors (selecting nonbaited arms or repeating arm selections) showed a within-session decline, and choice accuracy for the first four arm selections showed a positive acceleration across trials for all rats. An index-of-curvature statistic, calculated for total errors, was used to quantify both the within- and between-session improvement of performance. Scopolamine (0.03 to 0.3 mg/kg, ip), but not methylscopolamine (0.3 mg/kg), reduced the accuracy of the first four selections of each trial and increased total within-session errors for all rats. Session times also were increased by scopolamine. An examination of within-session accuracy showed only slight signs of improvement at the higher dosages of scopolamine. The results indicate that behavior in transition states maintained by reinforcement contingencies in the radial maze is similar to that maintained by extended chained schedules, despite the fact that some of the stimuli controlling behavior in the maze are absent at the moment behavior is emitted.  相似文献   
Isolation‐induced behavioral changes are well described in mice, although few studies have investigated the involvement of the cholinergic system in these effects. It has also been suggested that mice that display short or long attack latencies show differences in their reactions to a novel environment. The purpose of the present study was, first, to investigate locomotor activity in grouped and isolated mice that displayed short or long attack latencies and, second, to evaluate locomotor activity to determine whether it was affected interactively by differential housing and scopolamine treatment. Two experiments were performed in which NMRI mice, either isolated or group housed, were used as subjects. In the first experiment, results showed that there were no significant differences in locomotor activity between isolated mice with short and long attack latencies, although both groups were more active than grouped mice. These results indicate that motor activity in NMRI mice is influenced by housing conditions but not by levels of aggressiveness. In the second experiment it was observed that scopolamine (1 mg/kg) increased total activity counts both in isolated and group‐housed mice (both groups selected with long attack latencies), suggesting that differential housing in this strain does not substantially modify the motor effects of this dose of scopolamine. Aggr. Behav. 28:328–336, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
东莨菪碱对吗啡诱导的大鼠行为敏感化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
药物重复处理导致的行为敏感化与成瘾过程密切相关。本实验检验东莨菪碱对吗啡诱导的大鼠行为敏感化发展和转化的影响。实验一动物分为3组,分别进行生理盐水(对照组)、吗啡(10mg/kg,吗啡组)、吗啡(10mg/kg)+东莨菪碱(3mg/kg,吗啡-东莨菪碱组)前处理,36小时腹腔注射4次(第1~2天)。自然戒断7天(第3~9天)。第10天,所有动物均使用吗啡(4mg/kg)激发,记录动物的自发活动量;第24天,吗啡组和吗啡-东莨菪碱组动物重复第10天的操作。实验二动物分为3组,分别接受生理盐水(对照组)、吗啡(10mg/kg,吗啡组)、吗啡(10mg/kg,吗啡-东莨菪碱组)处理,36小时腹腔注射4次(第1~3天);间隔12小时后,3组动物分别接受生理盐水、生理盐水和东莨菪碱(3mg/kg)处理,仍为36小时腹腔注射4次(第3 ~5天)。第6~9天不进行药物处理。第10天和第17天,分别使用吗啡(4mg/kg)激发,记录动物的活动量。记录时间均为两小时(10分钟为一个记录单元)。结果表明,东莨菪碱能够抑制吗啡诱导的行为敏感化的发展,一定程度上也能够延缓行为敏感化的转化但没有阻断这种转化  相似文献   
东莨菪碱所致记忆障碍的脑内突触机制   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
研究问题是东莨菪碱所致记忆障碍的脑内突触机制,在东莨菪碱所致记忆障碍模型上定量分析屯小鼠海马CA3区GrayI突触界面结构参数的变化。  相似文献   
尼莫地平对高钙和东莨菪碱所致记忆障碍的改善作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用氯化钙和东莨菪碱(海马内注射)分别造成小鼠学习、记忆障碍模型,观察了尼莫地平(腹腔注射)对学习记忆障碍的影响,并以3H—Leu为标记物进行同位素示踪,观察了三种药物对小鼠海马突触体摄取3H—Leu的影响。结果表明,尼莫地平能改善氯化钙和东莨菪碱所致的学习记忆障碍,但不能逆转这两种药物导致的3H—Leu掺入量的减少。提示钙拮抗剂尼莫地平改善化学性记忆障碍的作用不通过促进突触蛋白合成的途径。  相似文献   
Methamphetamine and scopolamine were studied in monkeys responding under a multiple fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement. A response on any one of six levers could satisfy the schedule requirements. Variability of response location was evaluated in terms of switches, where a switch was defined as a response on one lever followed by a response on a different lever. Under baseline conditions the fixed-ratio schedule generated a high rate of responding and a low level of variability, while the fixed-interval schedule generated a low rate of responding and a high level of variability. Both methamphetamine (0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg) and scopolamine (2.4 to 240 microgram/kg) decreased overall response rate and increased variability of response location in each component of the multiple schedule with increasing doses of drug. At lower doses both drugs were found to decrease rate without affecting response variability.  相似文献   
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