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Two experiments were designed to assess whether depriving rats of food would increase the reinforcement effectiveness of wheel running (Experiment 1) and whether satiation for wheel running would decrease the reinforcement effectiveness of food (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, a progressive-ratio schedule was used to measure the reinforcement effectiveness of wheel running when rats were deprived or not deprived of food. Completion of a fixed number of lever presses released a brake on a running wheel for 60 s, and the response requirement was systematically increased until the rat stopped pressing or until 8 hr had elapsed. The ratio value reached (and the total number of lever presses) was an inverted-U function of food deprivation (percentage body weight). In Experiment 2, when wheel running preceded test sessions, fewer food-reinforced lever presses were maintained by the progressive-ratio schedule, and responding occurred at a lower rate on a variable-interval schedule. An interpretation of these results is that deprivation or satiation with respect to one event (such as food) alters the reinforcement effectiveness of a different event (such as access to wheel running).  相似文献   
Aristotle's illustrations of the fallacy of Figure of Speech (or Form of Expression) are none too convincing. They are tied to Aristotle's theory of categories and to peculiarities of Greek grammar that fail to hold appeal for a contemporary readership. Yet, upon closer inspection, Figure of Speech shows many points of contact with views and problems that inhabit 20th-century analytical philosophy. In the paper, some Aristotelian examples will be analyzed to gain a better understanding of this fallacy. The case of the Third Man argument and some modern cases lend plausibility to the claim that Figure of Speech is of more interest as a type of fallacy than has generally been assumed. Finally, a case is made for the view that Figure of Speech, though listed among the fallacies dependent upon language, is not properly classified as a fallacy of ambiguity. More likely, it should be looked upon as a type of non sequitur. This has important consequences for the profile of dialogue associated with this fallacy.  相似文献   
Alternative fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Five rats were trained under alternative fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules, in which food reinforcement was provided for the completion of either a fixed-ratio or a fixed-interval requirement, whichever was met first. Overall response rate and running rate (the rate of responding after the postreinforcement pause) decreased for all subjects as the fixed-ratio value increased. As the proportion of reinforcements obtained from the fixed-ratio component increased and the alternative schedule approached a simple fixed ratio, overall response rate and running rate both increased; conversely, as the proportion of reinforcements obtained from the fixed-interval component increased and the alternative schedule approached a simple fixed interval, response rates decreased. Postreinforcement pause length increased linearly as the average time between reinforcements increased, regardless of the schedule parameters. A break-run pattern of responding was predominant at low- and medium-valued fixed ratios. All subjects displayed at least occasional positively accelerated responding within interreinforcement intervals at higher fixed-ratio values.  相似文献   
研究了1965年~2015年美国高等临床药学教育体系的层次结构、形式结构和分布结构等宏观结构的变迁情况。从临床药学实践、药师动态短缺、产业结构基础、办学经费来源、人口地理分布等方面,对半个世纪以来美国临床药学教育体系宏观结构变迁情况进行归因分析。在总结并肯定美国高等临床药学教育体系极高的市场敏感性和较强的结构优化灵活性的同时,探讨了美国高等临床药学教育体系宏观结构变迁过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
齐鲁饮食文化深受儒学思想的影响,形成了一定文化形态的饮食观念,影响人们的日常生活,并在一定的时间和空间范围内起着促进或制约社会发展的作用。齐鲁饮食习俗中“上顺天道、适时进食”的自然生态观,“长幼有序、进食有礼”的礼俗观,“敬天爱人”和谐观,“孝敬父母、以和为贵”伦理观,“以大惟美”待客观,是齐鲁饮食文化形态的主要特征,是儒学思想实现社会统治方略和社会管理的具体体现。新的历史时期,齐鲁饮食文化不断与时俱进,加强自身发展与对外交流,去粗存精引领社会饮食文化健康和谐发展。  相似文献   
This study was intended to probe the aggressive nature of monkey infant abuse by comparing the morphology of abusive behavior patterns with that of patterns allocated to both aggression and other categories of behavioral repertoires of macaques. This morphological analysis indicated that most abusive patterns should not be classified in the aggression category as they, at the motor end, differ greatly from macaque aggressive acts. In contrast, they perfectly resemble behaviors that monkeys usually display while manipulating inanimate objects. The implications of this finding for the pathogenic study of monkey infant abuse are discussed.  相似文献   
赵静  李甦 《心理科学》2014,37(2):357-362
以汉字、一般线条图、似字线条图和笔画组合为材料,采用字典判断任务考察3-6岁儿童汉字字形认知的发展特点。结果发现儿童辨别汉字与似字符号的能力随年龄增长显著提高。3岁儿童较难区分汉字与各类似字符号。4-5岁儿童对汉字笔画特征有了一定意识。6岁儿童对汉字组合模式的认识显著提高。笔画意识出现较早且发展速度较快,组合模式意识出现较晚且发展速度较慢。5岁和6岁是汉字字形认知发展的重要时期。  相似文献   
句法理论和心理模型理论是解释论述理解中逻辑有效 (如MP)与逻辑无效 (如AC)条件推理机制的两种不同观点。本研究通过两项实验旨在对这两种理论加以检测。实验要求被试阅读遵循MP或AC形式的故事后对故事结论的正确性做出判断。结果表明 ,在论述理解中 ,条件前提的语义联系强度影响MP推理 ;深思熟虑对MP和AC推理均产生影响。研究结果支持心理模型理论。  相似文献   
本文通过实际测评对孕期心理状态自我评估表进行效能评价。经现场调查共得612份有效问卷,通过信效度考评发现:条目鉴别力均较强;可提取5个公因子解释总变异的52.151%;校标效度分别为0.787、0.771;整张表的信度系数达到要求;用一致性检验确定37/38分为分界值。评估表效能考评结果较理想。  相似文献   
国有大中型企业职工满意感研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
本文在对山东省国有大中型企业职工进行大规模抽样问卷凋查的基础上.分析了满意感调查表的信度和效度。并探讨了运用该调查表所得出的~些重要结论。对所获数据的分析表明:(1)满意感量表具有良好的再测信度和结构效度;(2)国有大中型企业职工总体满意感和五个方面的具体满意感不太平衡;(3)国有大中型企业职工满意感受到职工个人的性别、年龄、受教育程度、婚姻状况、工作性质、进厂方式,以及职工所属企业所在地区、企业规模、效益、转轨情况等因素的影响。  相似文献   
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