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本研究以自我调节理论为基础, 探讨团队领导的创新期望差距推进团队突破性创新的过程。根据实验结果以及一项多时点、多来源的问卷调查发现: 创新期望差距对领导创新投入产生U型影响; 领导创新投入中介创新期望差距与团队突破性创新之间的U型关系; 知觉资质过剩和组织晋升标准共同调节创新期望差距通过领导创新投入对团队突破性创新的影响, 具体地, 当领导知觉资质过剩高且组织实行相对晋升标准时, 创新期望差距通过领导创新投入对团队突破性创新施加更强影响。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情之下教育部要求教师利用网络平台"停课不停学"。本文以人-环境匹配理论为基础,探讨疫情之下过度胜任教师的知识共享行为。采用126份一线教师问卷调查数据,应用bootstrap进行了中介效应的检验。结果表明,过度胜任感较高的教师会产生更多的知识共享行为;角色宽度自我效能感和知识共享意愿在过度胜任感影响知识共享行为过程中起中介作用,且角色自我效能感和知识共享意愿还存在链式中介作用。研究成果深化了过度胜任感影响教师知识共享行为作用机制的认识,在重大社会事件下探索过度胜任带来的积极影响,并提出相应的政策建议,为学校教师提升教学水平以更好地完成教育教学目标提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   
本研究从员工情绪以及情绪调节的视角,考察了资质过剩感对员工组织公民行为的影响机制。通过对534名企事业员工的问卷调查数据进行分析,结果表明:员工的资质过剩感对其组织公民行为具有显著的消极作用;工作愤怒在资质过剩感与员工组织公民行为之间起部分中介作用;不同的情绪调节方式对员工资质过剩感与其工作愤怒的正向关系有不同的调节作用,认知重评方式有助于缓解资质过剩感对愤怒以及组织公民行为的消极影响,而表达抑制方式的调节作用恰恰相反。这一研究结果表明了情绪调节在工作领域中所发挥的作用,具有一定理论意义与实际价值。  相似文献   
Past research has found that employees who view themselves as overqualified for their jobs tend to hold negative job attitudes and be unwilling to go beyond the call of duty. In challenging situations such as during the COVID-19 crisis, when having “all hands-on deck” may be important to an organization's survival, mitigating the negative tendencies of these employees becomes important. Adopting a sensemaking perspective on crisis management, we examine whether supervisors' self-sacrificial leadership can mitigate these negative tendencies. First, we propose that employee perceived overqualification is associated with lower levels of felt obligation to the organization and thereby lower levels of extra-role behaviors (i.e., helping and proactivity). We next propose that supervisors' self-sacrificial leadership during the COVID-19 crisis can evoke, especially when COVID-19 more strongly impacts the organization, a sense of collectivism toward the organization, which mitigates the negative association of perceived overqualification with felt obligation and thus extra-role behaviors. We tested our theorizing in samples from the UK (n = 121, pilot study) and US (n = 382, main study) in studies with a multi-wave, time-lagged design. Findings from both studies provide support for our theorizing. We discuss implications for research and practice concerning perceived overqualification during a crisis.  相似文献   
褚福磊  王蕊 《心理科学》2019,(2):365-371
运用自我评价理论视角,并采用两阶段追踪调查问卷方法收集数据,探讨了资质过剩感与亲组织不道德行为的关系以及心理特权和谦卑型领导在两者关系中的作用机制。实证分析结果表明:资质过剩感显著正向影响心理特权,心理特权在资质过剩感与亲组织不道德行为之间起到中介作用,谦卑型领导显著负向调节资质过剩感与心理特权的关系。研究对管理实践有一定的启示,丰富了资质过剩感和亲组织不道德行为理论。  相似文献   
To examine our hypothesis that family experiences would be associated with attitudes toward marriage, we administered the Family Environment Scale (FES; Moos & Moos, 1986) and a Marriage Attitudes Questionnaire (MAQ; adapted from Long, 1987) to 40 unmarried college students. Correlational analyses indicated that for the conflict subscale of the FES, only two of the six marital expectation questions approached significance. However, family expressiveness (another subscale of the FES) was significantly correlated with three of the marital expectation questions and approached significance with a fourth question. These results indicated that higher expressiveness in the family was significantly related to positive attitudes toward marriage. We concluded that family dynamics need to be studied from multiple perspectives to identify factors that influence marital expectations.  相似文献   
Based on career construction theory, the current research examined the relationship between career adaptability and perceived overqualification among a sample of Chinese human resource management professionals (N = 220). The results of a survey study showed that career adaptability predicted perceived overqualification through a dual-path model: On the one hand, career adaptability positively predicted employees' perceived delegation, which had a subsequent negative effect on perceived overqualification. At the same time, career adaptability also positively predicted career anchor in challenge, which in turn positively predicted overqualification. This dual-path mediation model provides a novel perspective to understand the mechanisms through which career adaptability affects perceived overqualification, and demonstrates the coexistence of opposite effects in this process. In addition, the results also showed that the effects of perceived delegation and career anchor in challenge on perceived overqualification were stronger among employees with a higher (vs. lower) level of organizational tenure. These findings carry implications for both career development theories and organizational management practices.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Although employee (subjective) perceived overqualification (POQ) has recently been explored as a meaningful organizational construct, further work is needed to fully understand it. We extend the theoretical psychological underpinnings of employee POQ and examine both its determinants and outcomes based on established and newly proposed theoretical developments. Four-hundred and fifteen employees completed an online questionnaire and 208 of their supervisors completed corresponding surveys about the employees’ withdrawal behaviors and job-related attitudes, in order to explore potential predictors and outcomes of subjectively experienced POQ. Among the predictors, work conditions (uniform requirements and repetitive tasks) were most strongly associated with POQ. In terms of individual differences, narcissism predicted higher POQ while general mental ability only did when holding other variables constant. In addition, among the outcomes, higher POQ was related to lower job satisfaction and organizational commitment, but was not related to withdrawal behaviors such as truancy, absenteeism, and turnover intentions.  相似文献   
Drawing upon self‐representation theory and using a relationship perspective, we constructed a dual‐path‐moderated mediation model to examine the relationship between employees’ perceived overqualification and task performance. We tested this model with data from a sample of 242 subordinate‐supervisor dyads in Shanghai, China. The results suggested that perceived overqualification had a negative indirect effect on task performance through perceived insider status (PIS), and popularity moderated the negative association between perceived overqualification and PIS. In addition, the relationship between perceived overqualification and task performance via organization‐based self‐esteem was positive when supervisor‐subordinate guanxi was high but negative when it was low. The implications, limitations, and future research directions of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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