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遵守规则是理性决策的必要条件。本研究考察了222名大学生和157名老年人进行选择活动时所遵循的规则的稳定性。研究发现,大学生的选择与老年人相比,具有显著的“不规则”倾向,然而此倾向在老年人中并不存在。在面对假设的超市折扣卡时,大学生的“非规则”选择显示出他们在一定程度上缺乏理性,而老年人的“精明”决策进一步证明其与日常生活相关联的复杂认知能力如判断和推理等在老龄期依然处于较高的水平。  相似文献   
高新医疗技术临床应用中的不合理诊疗行为,主要包括医方趋利性医疗行为和防御性医疗行为。通过典型案例对高新医疗技术临床应用中的不合理诊疗行为的成因进行分析,剖析不合理的诊疗行为,提出了规范应用高新医疗技术的对策。  相似文献   
幸福的体验效用与非理性决策行为的偏差机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于体验效用的幸福包括预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福,这三者有极其重要的本质差异,导致决策偏差和非理性。本研究运用行为科学和认知神经科学相结合的研究方法,首次从行为层次—信息加工层次—脑神经层次三个层面,立体地开展幸福感的体验效用与非理性决策行为研究。研究计划分为三个部分:(1)预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福的本质特点和行为规律;(2)三种体验效用产生偏差的认知心理机制;(3)体验效用与非理性决策偏差的脑神经机制。通过系列研究,拟解决三个关键问题:(1)在人类判断与决策过程中,预期、即时和回忆三种效用是如何影响人们的判断与决策?(2)三种体验效用出现偏差的信息加工特点和脑神经机制究竟是什么?(3)三种效用的偏差规律及对政府公共政策的启示。对这些问题的深入探讨,不仅对决策理论研究的发展是一个贡献;对政府管理制定有效的公共政策,避免"牺牲体验追求指标",解决"幸福悖论",同样有很强的实践指导意义。  相似文献   
The present study investigated the relationship of irrational beliefs and death anxiety as a function of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status in homosexual and bisexual men. Recruited for this study were 101 HIV-seropositive participants (34 asymptomatic, 30 symptomatic, and 37 symptomatic and diagnosed with AIDS) and a contrast group (40 HIV-seronegative). In the primary analysis, HIV-negative participants in this study could not be differentiated from asymptomatic, symptomatic, and AIDS diagnosed HIV-infected participants on measures of death anxiety and irrational beliefs regardless of the status or severity of illness. In addition, irrational beliefs strongly predicted death anxiety for all participants. Results from post hoc analyses suggested that HIV status produced an interaction effect with level of total irrational beliefs and together predicted death anxiety. Even in these analyses, total irrational beliefs explained more of the variance of death anxiety than HIV status. These results are discussed within the context of the need for expanding cognitive-behavioral treatment options for HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   
The paper describes the rationale and contents of a graduate-level practicum on stress management. The course objective is consistent with the current call for improved training in psychological issues in medical education. Participants were 39 occupational health practitioners (physicians, industrial hygienists, nurses, and physiotherapists) in the Tel-Aviv University Medical School graduate program in occupational health. Twenty-five students in the same program who did not participate in the practicum were included as comparison subjects. The course was based on a cognitive-behavioral model (Rational-Emotive Behavior Training) developed by Ellis. The one-semester practicum aimed to reduce irrational/dysfunctional thinking patterns which are considered to be causal factors in stress etiology. Irrationality was significantly reduced by the end of the course and perceived psychosocial professional efficacy was increased. The improvements in such personal anti-stress resources may benefit health workers and clients alike. It is recommended to include such courses to the professional training of all health care practitioners.  相似文献   
The Common Beliefs Survey-III (CBS-III), a factored measure of general irrational beliefs, has satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. The Situational Self-Statement and Affective State Inventory (SSSASI), also with acceptable basic psychometric properties, assesses specific thoughts and feelings in response to vignettes describing frustrating events. Both inventories are potentially useful in assessing dimensions important to REBT, but information on test-retest reliability is needed. The CBS-III and the SSSASI were administered to 101 undergraduate students on two occasions, two or three weeks apart. Satisfactory test-retest reliability coefficients were obtained on all subscales of both inventories, but in the case of the SSSASI reliabilities were generally stronger when the same form of the test was used on both occasions (Form 1 presented the thoughts before the feelings, whereas Form 2 presented the feelings before the thoughts). Further exploration showed that responding to the thoughts before the feelings significantly attenuated scores on the feelings, but responding to the feelings before the thoughts had no effect on scores on the thoughts. This unexpected finding also held true in a previously unexamined data set obtained with a different sample of students several years earlier. Taking careful stock of one's emotional reactions before embarking on cognitive modification interventions seems essential to REBT, and it follows that asking questionnaire respondents to rate their affective states before they rate their self-statements could be desirable conceptually. These results provide empirical support for that strategy.  相似文献   
This paper reviews and discusses the results of five cross-cultural studies in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Spain, and USA, using 2 (college students vs. their parents) × 2 (males vs. females) MANOVA match group designs with the Attitudes and Beliefs Inventory subscales as dependent variables, two multicultural studies investigating the relationship between some demographic variables (Pan American Health Organization's Index of Violence, and Acculturation) and people's Irrationality, and two multidisciplinary studies on the relationship between some medical conditions (skin diseases, and severity of symptoms during menopause) and Irrational Beliefs.  相似文献   
李卫东 《学海》2011,(3):143-147
非理性行为是文物艺术品拍卖中普遍存在的现象。本文从羊群效应和认知偏差两个视角,分析了文物艺术品拍卖中非理性行为的表现及产生的原因,对文物艺术品拍卖中非理性行为的激发机制进行了研究。  相似文献   
Individual differences in cognitive factors such as response expectancies and irrational beliefs (IBs) have been shown to contribute to variability in distress associated with stressful situations. However, their independent influence on distress when examined within the same study has not been established, nor has the potential of mediational relationships. The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of response expectancies and IBs (both general and exam-specific) to exam-related distress in a prospective study. Results revealed that both response expectancies and general IBs separately predicted exam-related distress (p’s<.05; N=105). Observed effects of general IBs were perfectly mediated by, and observed effects of exam-specific IBs were partially mediated by, response expectancies using the Baron and Kenny approach. These data support the view that cognitive factors contribute to psychological distress and are consistent with response expectancy and rational emotive behavior theories. The results suggest that interventions focused on response expectancies and IBs might be an effective means to reduce psychological distress associated with real life stressors such as exams. Future research is needed to determine whether this effect generalizes to other stressful situations. Dr. Montgomery is Director of the Integrative Behavioral Medicine Program at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. David is an associate professor at Babes-Bolyai University, in Romania. Dr. DiLorenzo is an assistant professor in the Psychology Department of Stern College. Dr. Schnur is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Oncological Sciences at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. This work was supported by the National Cancer Institute (CA81137) and the American Cancer Society (PF-05-098-01-CPPB).  相似文献   
Bayley Mental scores were significantly related to several concurrent ratings of infant and maternal testroom behavior when firstborn black male infants were 14 months (N = 49), 18 months (N = 34), and 22 months of age (N = 32). With increasing age, social responsiveness played a relatively less important role in successful performance, while object responsiveness became increasingly important. Bayley Motor scores were related to many fewer ratings than the Mental scores. Gross Muscle Coordination was related to performance at all three ages, and Energy ratings at two of the three ages. For both the Mental and Motor scores, fewer relationships were observed at the 18-month testings as compared to the 14- and 22-month testings. By 22 months, infants scoring higher on the Bayley Mental scale had mothers who were more highly involved with their child's achievement as judged by testroom behaviors.  相似文献   
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