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ObjectivesConscious engagement in movement control can influence motor performance. In most cases, the left hemisphere of the brain plays an important role in verbal-analytical processing and reasoning, so changes in the balance of hemispheric activation may influence conscious engagement in movement. Evidence suggests that unilateral hand contractions influence hemispheric activation, but no study has investigated whether there is an associated effect of hand contractions on verbal-analytical processing during motor performance. This study utilized psychophysiological (and behavioural) measures to examine whether pre-performance unilateral hand contraction protocols change verbal-analytical engagement during motor performance.DesignA repeated measures crossover design was employed.MethodsTwenty-eight participants completed three hand contraction protocols in a randomised order: left-, right- and no-hand contractions. Electroencephalography (EEG) measures of hemispheric asymmetry were computed during hand contractions. A golf putting task was conducted after each protocol. EEG connectivity between sites overlying the left verbal-analytical temporal region (T7) and the motor planning region (Fz) was computed for the 3 sec prior to movement initiation. Additionally, electrocardiography (ECG) and electromyography (EMG) signals were analysed 6 sec prior to movement initiation until 6 sec after. Golf putting performance (distance from the target) and putter swing kinematics were measured.ResultsContralateral hemisphere activity was revealed for the left-hand and right-hand contraction conditions. During motor planning, the left-hand contraction protocol led to significantly lower T7-Fz connectivity, and the right-hand contraction protocol led to significantly higher T7-Fz connectivity than the other conditions. EMG, ECG and kinematic measures did not differ as a function of condition. Importantly, T7-Fz connectivity mediated the relationship between hand squeezing and motor performance (distance from the target).ConclusionThe EEG results suggest that pre-performance unilateral hand contractions influence the extent of verbal-analytical engagement during motor planning, which in turn influences motor performance. However, the hand contractions did not influence cardiac activity, muscle activity or kinematics.  相似文献   
Analysis of naturalistic chewing patterns may provide insight into mapping the neural substrates of jaw movement control systems, including their adaptive modification during the classically conditioned jaw movement (CJM) paradigm. Here, New Zealand White rabbits were administered food and water stimuli orally to evaluate the influence of stimulus consistency on masticatory pattern. Chewing patterns were recorded via video camera and movements were analyzed by computerized image analysis. The mandibular kinematics, specifically the extent of dorsal/ventral, medial/lateral, and rostral/caudal movement, were significantly larger in food-evoked than water-evoked chewing. Water-evoked chewing frequency, however, was significantly higher than that of food-evoked movements. In light of known cortical mastication modulatory centers, our findings implicate different neural substrates for the responses to food and water stimuli in the rabbit. A detailed delineation of jaw movement patterns and circuitry is essential to characterize the neural substrates of CJM.  相似文献   
The primary goal of this study was to examine the relations between limb control and handedness in adults. Participants were categorized as left or right handed for analyses using the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. Three-dimensional recordings were made of each arm on two reach-to-place tasks: adults reached to a ball and placed it into the opening of a toy (fitting task), or reached to a Cheerio inside a cup, which they placed on a designated mark after each trial (cup task). We hypothesized that limb control and handedness were related, and we predicted that we would observe side differences favoring the dominant limb based on the dynamic dominance hypothesis of motor lateralization. Specifically, we predicted that the dominant limb would be straighter and smoother on both tasks compared with the nondominant limb (i.e., right arm in right-handers and left arm in left-handers). Our results only partially supported these predictions for right-handers, but not for left-handers. When differences between hands were observed, the right hand was favored regardless of handedness group. Our findings suggest that left-handers are not reversed right-handers when compared on interlimb kinematics for reach-to-place tasks, and reaffirm that task selection is critical when evaluating manual asymmetries.  相似文献   
In the present work the effect of two task variables on transfer were studied: shape of the track-circular or triangular; and target speed-constant or variable. One or both of these variables was changed on transfer. Experimental conditions were (a) 10 preshift and 10 post-shift trials, and (b) 20 single-trial alternations of two tasks. 22 groups of 12 Ss each were tested. Condition (a) showed positive transfer with single variable change and zero or negative transfer with simultaneous change in two variables, and condition (b) annulled all transfer effects. Results are discussed in terms of commonality between tasks and receptor and perceptual anticipation.  相似文献   
That part of the input hypothesis of motor timing behavior which postulates that movement-produced feedback can serve as a mechanism for the temporal anticipation of motor responses was tested. 32 male college Ss temporally anticipated (no preview) the coincidence of a moving pointer with a stationary one and executed the timing response with his right hand while either a high (HFB) or low (LFB) level of movement-produced feedback was indirectly manipulated in the left arm. The HFB group temporally anticipated with greater accuracy than the LFB group which supported that part of the input hypothesis being tested. Apparently, Ss were relying on proprioceptive feedback about the position of their left arm movement to cue the timing response of their right hand.  相似文献   
Rotations are fundamental to motor control, not only for orienting to stimuli but also in the joint articulations that underlie translational movements. Studying three-dimensional (3-D) rotations of the simplest joint system, the eye, has provided general insights into the neural control of movement. First, in selecting one 3-D eye orientation for each two-dimensional (2-D) gaze direction, the oculomotor system generates a behavior called Listing's law that constrains eye position to a 2-D plane, Listing's plane. This selection is made internally by an inverse kinematic transformation called the Listing's law operator. Second, the oculomotor system incorporates the inherent multiplicative relationship between rotational velocity and position to generate the 3-D movement and position commands required by Listing's law. Finally, the coordinate systems for these commands appear to align with Listing's plane rather than with anatomic structures. Recent investigations have revealed similar behavioral constraints in the orientations of the head and arm, suggesting that the neural mechanisms for Listing's law may have analogues in many motor systems.  相似文献   
As a pre-requisite to curriculum development, the characteristics of the gross motor performance of special education classes of minimally brain injured boys and girls were described. In general, age changes in mean performance were linear, the scores of the boys being the superior. The level of performance very closely resembled that of comparison groups of educable mentally retarded children from the same school districts.  相似文献   
Exposure to a microgravity environment leads to adverse effects in motion and musculoskeletal properties. However, few studies have investigated the recovery of altered locomotion and muscle atrophy simultaneously. The authors investigated altered locomotion in rats submitted to simulated microgravity by hindlimb unloading for 2 weeks. Motion deficits were characterized by hyperextension of the knees and ankle joints and forward-shifted limb motion. Furthermore, these locomotor deficits did not revert to their original form after a 2-week recovery period, although muscle atrophy in the hindlimbs had recovered, implying discordance in recovery between altered locomotion and muscle atrophy, and that other factors such as neural drives might control behavioral adaptations to microgravity.  相似文献   
Origins of submovements during pointing movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Submovements that are frequently observed in the final portion of pointing movements have traditionally been viewed as pointing accuracy adjustments. Here we re-examine this long-lasting interpretation by developing evidence that many of submovements may be non-corrective fluctuations arising from various sources of motor output variability. In particular, non-corrective submovements may emerge during motion termination and during motion of low speed. The contribution of these factors and the factor of accuracy regulation in submovement production is investigated here by manipulating movement mode (discrete, reciprocal, and passing) and target size (small and large). The three modes provided different temporal combinations of accuracy regulation and motion termination, thus allowing us to disentangle submovements associated with each factor. The target size manipulations further emphasized the role of accuracy regulation and provided variations in movement speed. Gross and fine submovements were distinguished based on the degree of perturbation of smooth motion. It was found that gross submovements were predominantly related to motion termination and not to pointing accuracy regulation. Although fine submovements were more frequent during movements to small than to large targets, other results show that they may also be not corrective submovements but rather motion fluctuations attributed to decreases in movement speed accompanying decreases in target size. Together, the findings challenge the traditional interpretation, suggesting that the majority of submovements are fluctuations emerging from mechanical and neural sources of motion variability. The implications of the findings for the mechanisms responsible for accurate target achievement are discussed.  相似文献   
The role of information in the processes underlying kinematic trajectory-formation was examined by manipulating the relation between effector space (movement of a hand-held stylus on a graphics tablet) and task space (movement of a cursor on a screen where targets were presented) in a precision aiming task with five different levels of task difficulty. Movement patterns were found to evolve as a function of the flow of information in task space, with participants (N = 13) producing more rapid and more fluent movements when the mapping between spaces included the softening-spring characteristics typical of behavioural patterns at higher levels of task difficulty. We conclude that the kinematic changes (movement time and pattern) observed when task difficulty increases result from informational influences. Information affects behavioural dynamics at the level of the parameters without affecting the underlying dynamical structure.  相似文献   
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