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The responses to the original article by Rönnberg (1990a) provoked interesting and thoughtful points of view that are covered by Gärling (1990), Hjelmquist (1990), Montgomery (1991), and Runeson (1990). These articles do not merely present a different outlook but also provide concepts that are certainly worthy of consideration and add more substance to the general topic under discussion. The purpose of this commentary is to seek an understanding of the ideas presented by the above authors within a synthesis of our views of current conceptualizations in cognition and perception. Each of the original criteria (Rönnberg, 1990a) will be treated in turn.  相似文献   
This paper will describe the spiritual states of “oneness” experienced by Andean shamans in relation to oceanic states in early infancy and working with trauma in Jungian analysis. The author’s work exploring implicit energetic experience with Andean shamans will be referenced with comparisons made to depth psychology, in both theory and in practice. Definitions of Q’echua terms describing different psychic meditative states that Andean shamans enter into will be provided as Andean medicine people have a much more developed language for conceptualizing these experiences. A clinical vignette will be presented that demonstrates how the spaces of implicit connection that occur between an analyst and analysand in the analytic setting can be a catalyst for healing.  相似文献   
This presentation attempts to show the healing potential underlying the inclusion of the patient's body in the analytic process, while honouring and revisiting the understanding of the psyche-body connection described by Jung in his early work. In addition, the author offers reflections on the impact of collective trauma whose aftermath, among others, has been the disappearance of thousands of people, consequently breaking the family genealogy, leaving hundreds of children stripped of their roots and true identity. Referencing clinical material, the author describes how the process of translation and integration—from the sensory-perceptual to the conceptual-symbolic—can be halted on account of collective trauma occurring at an early stage in development. Moreover, it is shown how the potential of the archetype or image schema, linked to the somatic-affective early experiences encoded as implicit memories, can be recovered, when Embodied Active Imagination is included in the analytic work. The patient's bodily gestures and somatic experience may bridge the gap between the preverbal-implicit knowledge and the emergence of emotions and images that allow for the creation of a new symbolic narrative.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of implicit and explicit associations between harm and COVID-19 vaccines using a large sample (N = 4668) of online volunteers. The participants completed a brief implicit association test and explicit measures to evaluate the extent to which they associated COVID-19 vaccines with concepts of harmfulness or helpfulness. We examined the relationship between these harmfulness/helpfulness COVID-19 vaccine associations and vaccination status, intentions, beliefs, and behavior. We found that stronger implicit and explicit associations that COVID-19 vaccines are helpful relate to vaccination status and beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine. That is, stronger pro-helpful COVID-19 vaccine associations, both implicitly and explicitly, related to greater intentions to be vaccinated, more positive beliefs about the vaccine, and greater vaccine uptake.  相似文献   
实验用实字、虚字、与被试自身相关字三类汉字作刺激材料,将直接测量(再认任务)和间接测量(喜好判断任务)进行匹配,考察了被试对不同类别汉字在两种测量方式中的反应。结果发现:实字和虚字间在各种不同的实验处理中均未表现出明显的差异;中性汉字和自我关联汉字都在直接测量的两种注意水平间产生了显著差异,而在间接测量时未产生显著差异;“拥有效应”的作用不是单向的,当自我关联汉字处于注意焦点以外的位置时,直接测量出现了反转的结果。  相似文献   
泛读与精读之比较研究——内隐记忆的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹成刚 《心理科学》1997,20(6):541-545
内隐记忆是目前记忆研究的一个热点。本文通过62名被试对泛读与精读两种不同阅读方式进行了比较研究,结果表明:泛读更接近内隐记忆,精读更接近外显记忆,为两类记忆系统的划分提供了阅读方面的实验依据。同时也表明,泛该对学生阅读能力的培养起着更为重要的作用.整个测评研究结果,为指导阅读教学提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   
汉字内隐记忆的实验研究(Ⅱ):任务分离和反应倾向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在实验I的基础上,操纵学习时的呈现时间(250ms,500ms,750ms)和注意变量(目标和非目标字),运用任务分离方法及间接证明逻辑,比较了再认测验和整字偏好测验在不同条件下的辨别力(A′)和反应倾向(B″)。结果:(1)双向功能分离的出现表明再认测验和偏好测验存在本质差异。根据“过程纯净”假设,可以推证内隐记忆存在于偏好测验中。此时,匹配比较法的标准未满足。(2)偏好测验中,500ms呈现目标字时,有显著正向启动效应:750ms呈现非目标字时,有显著负向启动效应。(3)内隐记忆和外显记忆发生时,都具有稳定的心理状态。但是前者的报告标准较松宽,而后者的较严格。  相似文献   
以实验鉴定了常规的启动效应计量方法的有效性程度,并为客观地计量启动效应,创用了“超意识广度法”、“二次比较法”等.结果发现:(1)如被试数量较少,以不同补笔率为“基线值”所求得的启动效应之间发生显著差异的可能性存在;(2)超意识广度法能克服“阈下呈现刺激法”“分散注意法”的不足,为内隐记忆提供有利的识记情境;(3)“二次比较法”能为正常人内隐记忆的存在提供更为直接、可靠的证据,并能客观、精确地计量启动效应。  相似文献   
Repetition priming is a mnemonic phenomenon that has attracted considerable attention from neuropsychologists and cognitive scientists. In an attempt at elucidating the putative mechanisms of priming, the present review draws on evidence from both domains. The review is restricted to verbal priming of visually presented stimuli—an area that accounts for the majority of empirical studies of priming. A number of theoretical accounts are presented. The interim conclusion is that neither multiple systems nor unitary system-multiple process theories can adequately explain the data on priming, although both contain many valid components. An integrative model is proposed to improve the explanation of the empirical evidence. The central assertion of the proposed model is that repetition priming depends on perceptual processes that can be mapped on specific neural systems. It is postulated that individual differences in perceptual processing ability predict variability in memory performance. It is proposed that data-driven priming of verbal stimuli critically depends on the activity of primary and secondary visual cortices in the right hemisphere, whereas conceptually-driven priming is hypothesized to rely on the activities of higher order tertiary association cortices in language areas and more anterior neocortical areas.  相似文献   
中小学师生的校园暴力内隐观研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究用自编问卷对2386名中小学生和504名中小学教师进行了调查,结果表明,中小学师生普遍认可比较严重的身体攻击和性骚扰为校园暴力,不太认可言语攻击为校园暴力。学生的内隐观存在性别、城乡和年级差异,教师的内隐观基本不受性别、城乡、年级和学历影响。教师比学生更认可身体攻击为校园暴力,而学生比教师更认可言语攻击、财产破坏和一般性的体罚为校园暴力。  相似文献   
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